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  • Ha yeah it has and the stats released in the past make that clear, you butthurt killer mains just can't deal with semi decent survivors.
  • No it's not haha, because that's ######### everyone over for doing what they are meant to do. Leaving a teammate on a hook for second state is not what your meant to do and at that point your being a cock, especially if at least one other teammate isn't either (assuming the 3rd is in a chase). If the team doesn't work…
  • Y'all act like the game is unbalanced towards you killers when survivors are SWF but no, the game is balanced around SWF, solo queue is just incredibly unbalanced for survivors and needs Comms or something because it's already an awful experience.
  • And he's totally right. He's not acting like he's entitled to it, he's saying he will leave the game if his teammates are bad. He specifically said in a scenario where he wasn't being camped and was using kindred so teammates could see eachother. If your not saved before 2nd state your teammates are just bad and selfish…
  • So many killer mains in denial acting like statistics mean nothing. They shouldn't be the only thing considered when balancing but they are literally average values of what happens, of course they should be taken into consideration
  • Classic killer main response haha. That's all this forum is, killer mains in denial about how easy the game is for them
  • A necessary step if you just want balance though, you could say just remove perks and that will be the most balanced. Hey let's also drop the graphics down to basic polygons so it's easier to see people and the games more balanced... You can strip away a games systems e.g. perks and make them far weaker in the name of…
  • Your acting like it takes killers 10 minutes to get a kill, being the first down after the killer focuses you and downs you after 1-2 minutes and I'm not gonna think your a bad survivor, I only would if I saw the injure status on the survivor switch to the dying within a few seconds of them first being hit
    in {Closed} Comment by Scrublo October 2020
  • Your talking about a Mori man, ofc there is exceptions but your really purposefully trying to twist his words As ######### annoying as Moris are they are also fairly uncommon, in a casual game without a Mori you don't leave someone for 2nd phase, especially if they run kindred unless the killers camping
    in {Closed} Comment by Scrublo October 2020
  • Why not? This is a game that only has 2 merits for survivors, fun with teammates and being chased by a killer. A game of tag when you were younger wasn't fun whilst you weren't chasing or being chased was it? If you play survivor you will learn that in games without chases it is dreadfully boring as it literally just…
  • Also I don't see why people get so worked up about this stuff. You have been told to get covid twice? Ok... Chances are it wouldn't kill you anyway, that's pretty low level trash talk and it's not even trying to personally insult you. Half the problem with DBD is the toxic ass people and the other half are the people that…
  • You people act like SWF is really that beneficial when most of the time you go against SWF it's people playing very casually and much more likely to be altruistic killing themselves. I highly doubt you have ever went against a proper SWF tryhard killsquad that work their asses off to finish the game fast and sweat their…
  • It might be scarier but either way that would wear off after not too long due to that happening with a repetitive game like DBD. It's hard to say if it would be better but I doubt it, for them to keep the game as good as it currently is now they would need to completely rework everything like looping, perks etc, literally…
  • It's funny how killer sided this forum is. All the posts are killers crying, it's because 99% of survivors have friends to play with and take it as a casual experience but you get tryhard killers with no friends to play with or against that play like an ######### camping the basement and don't expect the most common perks…
  • Imagine truely believing Borrowed Time needed a nerf
  • Aww I'm sorry the match wasn't fast enough when you basement camped everyone and got hit with a perk to counter toxic gameplay like that ;( Better luck next time you wanna play like an ass, if your lucky survivors might not bring those perks and you could give them an incredibly ######### basement experience :)
  • Haha your ######### funny, acting like among us isn't a completely different kind of game. When you play among us with just friends you also play with voice chat off between rounds unlike in KYF matches. Your really comparing apples to oranges here to excuse how bad you are at dbd, upset that the casual game let's you play…
  • Even then it's better than nothing
  • Dude, achievements. They can check the date of the achievements and verify using that. If the achievement was after they were removed they were hacked in
  • Funny it took them this long
  • People have hacked in legacy, the Devs act like they couldn't give it back to the people that lost it but they easily could, they devs are just lazy
  • Popular opinion, you are making excuses for being a bad killer
  • That's not strictly true, I feel like you haven't played much survivor and are just speaking from being a killer main. You get good at looping and no matter how good you are if a killer is focusing you they will eventually get you down unless they are pure #########, if you wasted enough of their time they sometimes get…
  • Wouldn't change too much, it would just make survivors 99% and ruin we'll make it
  • Personally I think a shorter timer would be good if it was paused when being chased and stopped ticking if you got downed so killers wouldn't down you and then slug you for 60 seconds, because how is that fun for either sides. Also if you are being chased straight off hook but make it to a pallet fast you get punished for…
  • If your against a clown you aren't ever pulling off your dead hard and you have lost a perk slot of one of the only fun active perks in the game. As stated, at the time his perk was made that 30 seconds would tick down in the chase but 30 seconds for hitting gas is outrageous. Not to mention dead hard isn't really a second…
  • No they just shouldn't be able to sink under the floor in general. It's not that hard to make workarounds to this sort of thing, especially since it was at an area with a minimal bump that's lower than the actual traps are. The trap wasn't hard to see or half concealed, it was literally invisible
  • Very interesting. Pretty stupid, I assume its been there for ages so it seems weird that its unpatched but I guess there are bigger issues (like getting stuck on that damn hill that still happens)
  • The basement was in the middle of the map, springwood, which is already small. You start off with no knowledge of where the basement is anyway and it isn't viable to stay away from 2/3 of the map the whole game, especially since there are multiple generators in the vicinity
  • I'm not quite sure why this would make the Devs buff killers, especially if they are currently the dominant playerbase.
  • One kill, you read my messages right? How is it fair that someone can be trash but there is a guaranteed dead survivor every game if they are an #########. One guy shouldn't be confirmed dead in a game, especially if all the survivors play well. Thats just a dumb game mechanic
  • Mate, you can't help it half the time, you can't just avoid a quarter of the map, sometimes more with agitation, that isn't how this game works, especially if you get zoned. On springwood it's dead in the middle of it by one of the houses and cuts off half the map. Not to mention you don't know where it initially spawns as…
  • You people really haven't seen yourself. It's always killers crying for changes, 90% of it on this forum. Is it cuz killer is underpowered? Nope, stats clearly show that isn't the case. It's just survivors play chill cuz they tend to like going against friends etc whereas killers sweat this game hard and half the time it…
  • Doesn't help against basement campers... If they are waiting at the top of the stairs that's a free hit just to get down there, sure you might be able to save them but it kills you in the process. I definitely used bad wording in the title but I meant to say basement camping
  • A smart killer can basement camp and completely cancel BT, if the killer is smart they can make it a trade so there was no point doing it in general. This isn't just a normal facecamp I'm on about
  • Did you read my post? Killers don't do it to win games, they do it to be toxic and ruin them which was the exact case in this one. One dude brought a yellow flashlight with no addons so the killer basement camped the whole game. The thing is, it's dumb saying just let someone die, that isn't fun at all, there really should…
  • Yes, it takes away and chance of queuing into a game as very few killers will opt into that and it will probably take upwards of 30 minutes each game. On top of that every killer you go against will likely sweat their ass off to get you
  • Don't respond if your not going to bother reading mate, I addressed that completely and even so camaraderie buys you more time, it doesn't stop the killer from killing you if they are camping, and proccing BT is hard enough if the killer is smart at the top of the basement, at the very least you will save him but it will…
  • I know but my point is that shouldn't be an option. The game shouldn't guarantee the killer one kill and it isn't fun to play like that. Dead by daylights fun for a few reasons but man, if you don't have the looming threat of a killer coming round the corner at any moment then gens aren't fun at all and it's just boring…
  • If you need to bring perks to counter something it isn't counterplay. At that point the game is unbalanced, perks should offer what you prefer, you shouldn't be locked into them because it's the only way you can stop a ######### playstyle
  • Sorry, you aren't that smart, you haven't solved the problem. People like you don't realise how many people play the game that are SWF, it would absolutely ######### queue times for everyone and screw over games. Not only that but 90% of SWF players want to play casually against their friends, A) In this ######### league…
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