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  • The point of the Shrine is to give people the illusion that they can get all perks without buying DLS, but in fact it takes forever, many perks may simply never appear. So do not ask for concessions in deception.
  • Just got three killer rage quit in a row while trying to get this achievement.👺
  • With 8k cap, there is no extra BP. But I understand your logic. The thing that I do not understand why I can't manage my inventory, why can't I remove the garbage?
  • For me it's just three random solo players witch probable gone suicide on hook, one by one per minute. And I mean, waiting for the entity to take me because I don't want to feed the killer with additional points is not very fun. And lastly, most of the killers can easily control both exits and even have perks that will not…
  • Four random solo players without communications is not a team!
  • If it's not SWF than there is no such thing like team. And the game is all about second chances, without it it's just not fun. If the last survivor is not a brainless suicide like those that are given to him by matchmaking, then he should have one last chance, just to make the game a little more spice.
  • Broken killer. There is absolutely no counterplay against red-rank Nurse, exсept "Leave match" button. She is the reason why you should to play SWF to have a chance, or why you shouldn't take valuable items while playing solo. And one more thing. Playing against the Nurse is just not fun and pretty bad rewarded in BP. So…
  • He just a M1 killer without useful Power. Absolute zero potential for skill. If you want a killer with it, play Nurse or Huntress.
  • Yea, that's happens a lot. BHVR: Dedicated servers will fix that, we hope. Btw we hope you like how we buffed Legion. And Nurse is fine, even with three blinks. What did you say, every second game on red rank is with Nurse?! Hey look new skins incoming!
  • Killers very happy to have his free and easy last kill just for patrolling gates 2 minutes. So enjoy down votes for even a idea to give last survivor just a little more chances When killer close the the hatch, survivors get visual and noise notification. Basement chest always have a key. Now lets see how many Vote Down i…
  • While you will run through the map twice, you will be met by killer with activated Noed. How about trying before writing? I was in this situation, on Léry's Memorial Institute against Mayers, and found the hatch at the vary last moment, between gates... And I saw many survivors who had a key but Noed found them first. So…
  • One's again. This is a game. The game which is people playing. And not everyone understands but they playing it for Fun! This is not some cybersport game with millions money prizes. So it should not be balanced as you think it would be fair, just because you want an easy last kill. And btw, even having a key, you have to…
  • I see that you just like to have your easy fourth kill. But this game is made for fun. And where the fun when one of the sides has almost no chance? But I see that you like to play with a huge advantage, right nurse mainer?
  • >the survivor should be at a major disadvantage. Why? Because you want it so? What if I play solo and the game gave me three potato teammates, why shouldn't I have a real last chance? Right now, the only thing that can save the last survivor is the key. And I have a suggestion, one 🗝️ in one of the chests in every match.
  • Wow, why they do that?! Whan we have SO MANY counetplays agains Nurse! Why do they avoid having fun to beat her with pallets and run through the windows when she is so slow?🤡
  • Nurse "buff" to m1 killer when? Just how you did to Legion. Or how to counterplay her chasing?
  • I dream about the same rework(buff) for the Nurse. Make here m1 killer with long charge special power that cannot drop a survivor to the dying stage.
  • I'm not a fun of Ruin. Guarding the totem is distracting, and losing the totem is frustrating. So I decided that if they repaired the generators quickly, well, okey good. Legion is not ez4k killer anyway and I do not like long matches. And I am afraid that soon survivors will understand that there is no point to dropping…
  • Let's imagine that the hatch spawn near to the gate. Killer is a Trapper or Wraith or any other killer which not able to quickly drop survivor to the dying state. Survivor not injured. And what's the point of closing the hatch? Make survivor escape the gate? I don’t see any difference with just giving a hatch escape.
  • Nerf is so hard, so I would like to receive a refund of bloodpoints spent on Legion, so I can use them on some still playable killer.
  • I asked for delete options for all this useless trash and been ignored. I am sure that your request will receive the same answer. Not to mention the thousands of ideas gone into oblivion before us. So enjoy the garbage in the inventory, it's there forever.
  • Still better than No Mither - Saboteur
  • Looks like we need to enjoy Legion before this rip-nerf. It's a pity. I have invested a lot in him. P3, all perks. It remains only to spend all add-ons and offerings and bury. I loved him for not able to be pallet looped. But it looks like we will have another "Spirit Fury+Enduring" meta killer.
  • Totally worth to main. +Easy to farm BP +Easy to pip +Delicious survivors tears -After some time playing Legion you can feel like a dick, but after some games on weak killer like Plague, get palletlooped and bulled, it's feels like they ask for Legion. I hope the nerf will not be too hard.
  • Ultra rara Survivor offering Rusty hook "This old rusty piece of metal reminds you of the good old days." -Hooks do not respawn.
  • I played a lot on the plague and I think she pretty balanced. Of course, whan buying a new DLS, wanted to be a bit OP for some time before nerf, but apparently not this time. But there is one thing that causes me strong frustration. It's is when I did the hard work accumulating corrapted fountains and at one moment they…