Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • They should just remove the cooldown, it's not like you can chain every 5 seconds hits on your obsession... Only killer that can do that (to some extant) is Legion but then he goes into cooldown for a while and can't really switch targets.
  • My bet is that, since they lost a LOT of players due to recent lobby bugs + the new pip system, they're waiting to fix that first, before announcing new cosmetics. In other words, commercial move so that they hit the most of the playerbase.
  • I feel it should instead transform your terror radius to a fixed value regardless of your base terror radius. I would die for a 40m terror radius Hag, could be really interesting. I don't like that "terror radius builds" are mostly tied to the basic M1 killers.
  • What was the decision making behind the change of Fire Up? From a late game perk, it ended up switching to an end game perk (nerfed for the mid-late game, buffed for when gens are powered) while still being heavily outclassed by NOED and Blood Warden. Are you planning more improvements to this perk, after monitoring how…
  • Yup, at first like most people I was like "what the hell", but the feeling of pain was well voiced. Now she sounds like a mermaid who sings... Pleasant for the ears but doesn't fit what is going on.
  • Spirit has a constant 24m vacuum sound unless she uses a specific purple addon, and the issue here is the addon. 16m doesn't change much, if she's close to you, you should be able to spot them when you position yourself to SC. OoO works on Spirit, it lights up to her direction, like Freddy.
  • The rule of thumb of NC is "do not heal in the terror radius / nearby the killer". Spirit has a 24m terror radius and a 24m vacuum sound when she uses her power. Either way you'll know when she is nearby.
  • Hag's default radius is 40m which is pretty huge, you don't need addons for great games with her. Remember than before her buff we had to play her with a Dead Fly Mud in order to get this radius, and that Dragonfly Wings and Dried Cicada weren't available at this time because they were making her trapping speed miserable.…
  • Well to be honest he was also only pressuring one survivor at a time the whole game so that was about to be expected. 2k with no perk and no addon at high rank is still a victory.
  • It's either a full win or full lose, depends on if your obsession is immersed or cocky. If your obsession is cocky, they will die first and you'll end up with 0 token most of the time (which is what I experience). Other Hag players tell me they always stay at 8 tokens so... I guess the best is that you make your mind…
  • It's a solid build, keep going! :)
  • It was an excellent - literal - bait thread, haha
  • Yup, I can confirm that. Last game was against 3 toolboxes, I should have lost (one gen remaining, no one dead yet), yet I slayed them all because of late game camp. Like, they could easily do the last gen and 3 of them escape, but they chose instead to try to rescue no matter what. Survivors, this is not a coop game, you…
  • Heh, that might be way too strong, it's a huge snowball and if you can manage to hook survivors often, no progress will be made. I like the current version, the timer is just too short for most killers.
  • A good Hag has no counter other than genrushing. It's as simple as that. She is even stronger than Nurse in chase, because Nurse can be juked, while a good trap will prevent any play from the survivor side, because of the camera flick which is an utterly strong mechanic while mastered. An example of a (really) short chase:…
  • For one year, people asked for Hag to have movement speed, thanks god devs did not listen to them, and eventually everyone agreed their cube was far better than a straightforward 115% movement speed. It's not what Spirit needs. She doesn't need faster movement speed (she belongs to the category of killers who need to use…
  • I do as well. Outside of chase, with every sound in the environment (fire barrel, gens, background sounds and music), it's hard to rely on Stridor breathing most of the time. During a chase, the music is too loud for Stridor injured sound to be efficient (I wanted to use it to mindgame with Pig). Outside of chase, Stridor…
  • Facecamping Hillbilly who throws insults at me because I decided to do gens rather than save. I had time to do 4 gens without hearing any heartbeat.
  • I mean, it's the whole point of sabotage mechanic. Not to be hooked. You also have combos available with Unbreakable, Tenacity, No Mither. When I tested the sabotage mechanic alone, it was already very fast to my surprise, and barely consumed the toolbox. I don't think it's what is really needed for Sabotage. Also, I…
  • Alert is still inferior to Bond. Who cares about the killer chasing or pressuring on the other side of the map? What matters is when the killer is closer - hence Bond tells you if the killer is chasing near you or want to pressure the gens. You're overreacting. Alert is not even powerful.
  • There are people like you who are naturally good at Nurse ; then there are people like me who can't manage to blink through a rock XD
  • My buffed version helps with that issue since it guarantees a survivor will trigger a crow if they are close enough, even if they crouch. The fact it's situational is also what keeps this perk balanced - after all, it pinpoints exactly the location of a survivor, which can be extremely powerful.
  • Indeed, that would be radical XD I'm currently playing with Monitor & Abuse, Nurse's Calling, Hex: Devour Hope and Hex: Haunted Ground on Hag. I guess Agitation and Brutal Strengh wouldn't hurt?
  • One year ago, we failed the community event "Fall Masquerade". Rewards were supposed to be for Huntress, and, I believe, David. What happened to these cosmetics? Were they released later in Store or with the Howling Grounds event?
  • Monitor & Abuse for the jumpscare simulator! Hex: Devour Hope for the lore ("You have their blood on your hands") and the rewards it gives you :)
  • She's totally viable without any perk or addon ; but the difference without Monitor & Abuse is noticeable since survivors are able to stealth you. I honestly don't get why people are still using setting trap speed addons, they're outdated, the Eggs are far better.
  • I don't use Ruin anymore. It's a boring perk, not that effective, and I don't like an idea of a perk doing the job instead of me. If I use a hex, I rather play Devour Hope, pressure is much better and at least it's because of my skills if I manage to use it quickly. Pop Goes the Weasel is also a good stall alternative.
  • Last news, they will remove the free escape but keep the stun duration. It will turn DS as a tactical perk to ease pallet/flashlight saves (and I like it more!)
  • On a tous nos mauvaises journées
  • Tru3Ta1ent doesn't really bring positivity in the game IMO, hence is not a good candidate for that. I mean, everytime I tune on his stream / YT, he's either salty or complaining. He never looks "happy".
  • They nerfed it before release, too. It was announced to remove 25% of the charge (aka, 4 hits to destroy an item) and ended up removing 10% of the charge (10 hits to destroy an item). That's a pretty huge nerf.
  • My point about Hag is that she is not "overpowerful". She now rewards you like she should. If you didn't get it earlier, I'm a Hag main since one year. Yeah, yeah, I know someone who is godlike at Freddy. But thing is, he would destroy with every killer. His Nurse games don't end more than a couple of minutes. Yet, he can…
  • I think I know one thing or two about playing the Hag........... Regarding Freddy, my point remains the same: he doesn't reward you for the skills you put into him. Unless you believe Leatherface without his chainsaw is OP. Freddy has potential, but currently, his power hinders you more than anything.
  • He's not OP, but okay. People claimed the same thing about Hag: "She's already top tier, she will be even more OP on god Hag". Spoiler: she is not. She is more versatile, more rewarding. But in the end it's not like by miracle we all became 5 blinks Nurse. It raised the skill ceil and made survivors more tactical when it…
  • They... can't. PTB was out two weeks ago only, and they had to fix some bugs + tweak some values for the Spirit, meaning it's not the same build shipped and that when it will be ready for console (probably any day from now), they will release it for everyone at once. No need to delay furthermore the update just to make an…
  • It was an early stage of Grim Pantry, actually. Some assets were slightly different (neon and such), but that's it.
  • They're waiting for consoles to approve their update before, and it's not like they can 100% predict update will be ready for consoles on a given date.
  • They never ever said it will be released today. It was a wild guess by the community because it happens to be 2 weeks after the PTB.
  • That's actually not true at all. Looping is not bannable. If you're talking about Ochido, he was banned for: * exploit (several times) and showing how to use these exploits, * griefing (sandbag on purpose other survivors, ruining their game experience by coop with the killer), * witch hunting (asking his community to…
  • @Zarathos Hag is pretty versatile, and a lot of perks/builds are excellent on her - no need to run Ruin / NOED at all! In fact, the most effective builds are not especially the ones expected. Even Agitation is extremely powerful on her. After the update, I will run M&A / Knock Out / Hex: Haunted Ground / Hex: Devour Hope ;…
  • I completely approve. I need it for a friend.
  • Any news about the "Concede" option - once doors are open - you talked about a while ago? I don't understand why it isn't coded yet since a same result can already be achieved by pulling the plug.
  • They said it will probably be never released on console, mostly because it makes contracts with the partenered streamers hard to achieve.
  • Actually a meta isn't determined by a killer's strengh. If all Hags you face chose to stick to a specific meta you find boring, it's because they're not inventive. Not the fault of the character that has a pretty balanced skills/reward curve.
  • I like snowball perks. Take my upvote!
  • Survive with Friends with Object of Obsession don't need Sole Survivor at all. Thread is about Sole Survivor.
  • "unfair", lmao. That's far to be unfair. It rewards good Hags that have a proper placement.
  • They don't do that to cause any harm. French people have a lot of trouble with foreign language, and even when they talk english or spanish, they're pretty shy about their accent. We have a pretty academic way to teach foreign languages in school, hence it's not easy to "break the ice". Even when I talked english in UK,…