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  • I have legit had a Dave and a Steve. Steve today and Dave yesterday. Just didn't even try to hide it. Dave started the game normally. When he failed the blind, I went a different route and ZOOM! There he went crouching like Sonic. The Steve just didn't even hide it. Got knocked down and boom was back up and unhook the…
  • I use them now and then on how I feel about the group before it starts. Had a 4k Mori with Doc
  • Sounds evil but fun :D Well, I gave it a try and the survivors pretty much surrender after two died
  • Now I need to ask. Forever Freddy?
  • Things do not get fixed over night and I am sure it's not as simple as it may seem. Just deal with it until fixed or just alt f4 and get a ban each time doing it. Either way...act like a grownup?
  • I mean, depends on the build it can be useful if used right. However you need to be 32 meters away. You can mess with them by using the perk Distressing to really make them worry and give them the false confident when unhooking someone. Since his Terror radius without any perks or anything is 32 meters. It would more…
  • Doubt it will make you feel better on this matter, even with stridor I still am a potato with her. :)
  • Well, I will say thank you very much. I will type GG WP and close it shortly after if it becomes toxic. This way I can just be nice and go and try to spread a little good. I mean, if anything they made the first step to fixing things by the censorship on certain words. Ironically killer is a bad word some how but that is…
  • That brings my confidents in the reporting system down even lower than it already was.
  • I don't even know what Padded Jaws are, however looked them up. That sounds extremely funny to use. However my trapper is level 1 but prestige twice. Working towards the third one later on. Thank you :) good luck and have fun in future games. :D Happy Hunting or Happy living depending which team you play for. Yeah, I have…
  • I think because they are upset and are showing it the only way they know how. Somehow the fun for them got ruin by the killer and they are not happy because they believe they should escape and not die maybe? What does that little arrow do? Is it not the enter button? I get called a furry because of my display picture and…
  • Maybe some little puppies to play with. Killers only because survivors are mean on that map!
  • Yep, depending which killer I am. I walk to the exit gate and face it. Once all gens are done I will force the door open and go to the basement and sulk while watching videos XD
  • Yeah.... I have no desire to P3 a killer just to make them look like they are covered in blood. It just doesn't strike me worth my own time. More so if I took the time to unlock all the perks on the killer before even doing a prestige. I understand why people do it, but I rather have all killers maxed out and buy cosmetics…
  • That sounds like a nightmare. Glad I don't have to deal with less perks being offered. This is very true. However, when you are playing a sneaky sneaky chest guarding bubba to provide a different enjoyment instead of the typical run of the game. :D you know where to B-line to.
  • As for the blueprints for basement and everything. It's a nice one to have depending which killer you are. For example if I am trapper or hag. I like using them to make a save all the more difficult. I mean it's not a needed offering but helps a tiny amount. Nothing great. The foggy stuff I find completely useless unless…
  • I am sorry that you are having a difficult time. I played the trickster because I wanted to own it. I haven't even touch leveling up this man. Most of my killers are level 40 just so I could on the killers I enjoyed at the time was to get them ready. Now I been enjoying the game and want to expand outside my normal…
  • What was that even like? Like how could it be worse than the current state? I know I started back when the huntress came out and had her as my main for the longest time but I don't really remember how it was like back in the day.
  • That would be more acceptable than having to learn it three times. I get back when the game first started three perk levels was something useful, but now there are total 170 perks both survivor and killer. The killers I believe is 78 total but I might be wrong but there are sixty six total just to learn and I think twelve…
  • Honestly I been playing both sides today. I been getting more toxic survivors with friends and randoms than jerk killers. Do not get me wrong, I have had the jerk killers as well. However the survivors have been more so today. However, I treat the people with kind. If someone wants to tunnel me out, sorry team but I am…
  • So that way, only when you are fully healed you are unable to DS? So instead of healing you can go sit on a gen for sixty seconds and just magically keep DS? Nope I love this new method. Either you be greedy and wait the sixty seconds. Or you lose DS by helping teammates keep the game moving. It's honestly a nice fix with…
  • You do know that there are many ways around the censor. When people first that they won't really notice until after a couple of tries. All they will need to do is something like this to bypass your censorship. Ba co n Po ta to p u m p k i n Unless you all accounted for that method of bypassing the censorship, people will…
  • To much butt dancing kills the survivor. :3 same with if the killer hits survivor to many times on hook
  • I'm not nice when they butt dance every time they throw a pallet down. :3 they can butt dance but I can pull out my camping chair and camping music and relax with them. If the other three get out. That is fine, I had company for a while
  • I know when I see them I turn my stream on to get video proof of the jerks. I have only ran into two of them so far.
  • That is a lot of time my friend. I barely hit the 700 hr. Been with the game since Huntress but always did the little play and big breaks. Yeah, see this is why I am glad to be a streamer. When I was going against this david, I felt like something was wrong. It was just iffy as heck. Either he was the biggest cowardly…
  • Guess he really wanted out lol. Yeah this is the second hacker I have personally caught. First time as killer and first time as survivor. He was laying on the ground after getting down. The killer picked up another person first and hook them, by the time the killer went back he was on the floor on the other side of the map…
  • Get them often, not as well as you put it or wrote it out. Great job. My response back to them is very simple. Next time I see you, you get tunneled and face camp for just being a pain in my butt. <3 the other three can leave untouched. If they try they will just get slugged. I dislike entitled survivors and I dislike…
  • Easy yes, but if you aim like a potato you are not catching anyone xD I know I potato a lot with him
  • Spirit was the first character I hit rank 1 with because I never care for the ranking system. When she came out I was like... to hell with it xD. Best part, don't even have that many perks with her either lol
  • To heck with your spirit! Stupid killer with stupid powers and stupid mind games and and and and and... What else do people complain about?! XD Love the spirit the way she is.
  • Honestly, when I start I play just to play. Most of my thinking is, how can I make the game hard for the survivors while not making it to easy. Yes I love playing the Doc impossible skill check build but mostly for BP. And well hopefully to that group of jerk survivors who are looking to be a bunch of toxic members of the…
  • Mean, the goal is to catch the survivor before they get to the others but hey. If we happened to run into them. Oh well. Guess a game of smacking people is in order.
  • Fun one to do is the Bubba Add on that knocks items from there hands when they get hit by the chainsaw. SO now you don't even need to bring franklin demise in now with Bubba. xD just learned that today. Was like O_o what the hell are his perks since I always play him with no add-ons
  • The perk isn't broken but it evens the playing field a great deal for the killer for those who depend on items. For example Med-kits. If you remove the med-kit from a player hand, and they have to risk going back to collect it. One: wasting survivor time. Two: removed option of self healing if they do not have the…
  • As a killer, I love when people do that because I will knock the one I was chasing or just switch off after the new one. As for reporting, hopefully what DFP said is true.
  • Like as one person mention before. It's not all that common anymore. Just today, it seem like 2 out of the 4 were running it. Like I mention to him/her. Most games never make it to End Game. Either I go into big brain mode. Or they go 100% potato. Kinda miss old freddy.
  • But... If its reverse NOed... I can get the sprint boost once off hook because of it... but if they are healthy NOed don't care xD
  • Honestly been seeing it a lot more lately. Dead Hard has never been my problem because I just bait them to use it. Only now and then do I get someone that does really good with it. It just doesn't make sense like most of the comments already made. NOed I consider a baby perk its useful but half the time never make it to…
  • Killer main. Simple answer. Blood Points is the biggest reason. I am sure you already heard from many others that few can really use this to benefit from it. However, if BBQ does get removed or nerf. The next perk for survivors or two I can think of is these two. Kindred Spirit (shouldn't show killer location for any…
  • Yeah! How am I supposed to Insidious camp Meg if she has that Kindred perk! Bubba is lazy and don't wanna go hunt for his steak fingers! He let them come to him :D
  • People say its an op perk. Honestly when I hook someone. 90% of the time, I go and kick a gen if it is close by compare to looking around. xD I use it for more blood points. xD Like, knowing where people are is pretty easy, most times its easy to find them without it. However there are the few times I go to the wrong spot…
  • I'm so super happy for the MMR system. Like SUPER happy. Because I wanna learn the nurse but playing against people who are super skilled. Well, don't really want to try just yet. Same with the Hag and Spirit.
  • Yeah... That shouldnt be the thing. Should be on all maps >.<
  • I am not sure I completely agree. I have had games, in the red ranks which again Red Ranks mean jack flip, other than determined people playing. I have had it where I slaughtered a group of people with no add-ons. Mean, of course perks but with Legion, the perks I used for him didn't slow the game down. Like with Ruin or…
  • Nothing I have ever heard of.
  • Personally, the one thing I would like to see and I know this will never come to be. Mic Option - When people are talking on a mic, the characters make noises. This way it gives away people location. Not like you can tell your friends. Oh yeah the Floof is over here looking for me. You talk, it should make mumbling sounds.…
  • I beg to differ, either your playing skill is not very high or its some of the perks you run. Honestly, I have done very well and very poor with legion. However I have done very well with all killers and very poor with all killers. Yes in the red ranks if that makes any difference. There is a set of add ons I prefer for…
  • I honestly love the doctor now, compare to what he was like back before the rework. I finally made a sneaky doctor build... Ok didn't make it. Stole it from Monto on youtube xD