They really don't. Wraith, Hag, Doctor, Trapper are all easy mode. Only one with steep learning curve is Huntress and thats just for being able to aim when throwing
If you got stunned on the other side of a wall and youre not just Bullshitting then stop playing cause obviously you got trash internet
Yeah that's why there are so many mfl players with broken ankles
What kind of trash post is this? So you're telling me it's easier with controllers than m+k. Is that why when Microsoft did cross play with xbox and pc, pc players destroyed them to the point Microsoft had to pull it and rework the whole system?
He had the name up which is immature and another poster is doing the same. By doing these kind of threads is just adding to the toxic things that people here complain about.
What are the purpose of these threads? To just expose players? to validate yourself? Why clog up the board with these threads
if survivors cant see what killer they're going up against, killers don't need to know when they're facing swfs
If you, as a killer, cant win 8 out 10 matches then you're garbage plain and simple. It's so easy
Jesus it's crazy how salty you guys get even when you're making it out sound like you won
Nah your first paragraph was you bigging yourself up and making yourself sound different than other streamers and your 3rd paragraph is you begging for them to give you a chance. I don't know why you think you'd be different than other streamers in terms of not having a toxic community but it's really pathetic
You got the knockdown so why are you complaining?
Thats exactly what hes talking about but thr other poster is too stupid to understand
So basically this is just a thread of you promoting yourself to be sponsored by them. Great thread.
Jesus, people really getting hyped over cosmetics? How can a game AND community be so trash
Looks like a normal white girl booty
Lol aw you're in your feelings. Nothing useful to provide when given a trash opinion
Lol so your idea stems from being angry at SWF groups. Pathetic
Yeah that definitely wouldn't make the game more trash and longer to find a match. Great idea
The_Fallen_Utopia said: Lol what? Those arent the same things
Did you purchase the game? If so, then yeah. D/C away
I think the reason is that the devs know the game is a trash product so they understand why players dc. I've d/c'd 8 games today and nothing has happened. Even if I did get banned, it wouldnt matter.
Nah it's all validreasons to D/C. You really do have to ask yourself why so many people D/C in the first place then fix those problems and you'll no longer have to worry about disconnecting
All the ideas in this thread are trash
How can you expext people not to DC with all the trash in this game. Frame rate dropping during skill checks. Big ass bubble that takes up the whole screen when someone is hooked. The spam from the doctor and hag. Vaulting over an obstacle, both get hitting the ground and still getting hit. Makes sense why people d/c a lot
Wraith and Doc cause it'd the garbage spam