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  • My issue with MoM is that you don't know who has it, and it feels like you being toyed with when it finally goes off. When you hit someone with MoM you have two options, to finish what you started and keep tunneling them, or to try to make a mental note that they had it and just go after someone else and possibly take…
  • Perhaps speeding up the bleedout timer would make the wound a bit more urgent to heal. At this point i just feel there is more time being wasted by the Legion either by going after other survivors after the first frenzy hit or losing that distance from a miss.
  • There are times where i honestly feel like I'm wasting my time more then the survivors with mending lol. As a survivor if i notice the Legion stab me and run off ill just stop, no need to truly hide and mend. Yes if i wanna fully heal that takes time but *shrug* not a problem for alot of survivors apparently.
  • He would have been better in MK11
  • Ahh... damn it... why must you bring out our inner desires to the surface!
  • Curse me for saying this.. What if the entity spawns a special chest in the killers lair when the end game collapses in a one surivor left hatch closes scenario. The chest is simple... it contains a key :D but if the key is taken the killer is immediately notified via a sound notification. This would give the survivors a…
  • If there was a small indicator for killers to know who was about to be protected by Mettle of Man, would that be so bad? I honestly just want an opinion ^w^ It could be small like the fairy dust from one of the past events. I think a small indicator letting Killers know that some of there time is going to be wasted without…
  • Its easy to be a horrible nurse but before the patch it pretty simple to be a decent legion
  • You see... if feels like an incredibly hard perk to re balance. Making it require too many hits would make it too weak so number of hits really doesn't feel like a number that can be tweaked. And the fact that it completely reveals auras to those who fully heal is already a powerful utility for the killer to keep tabs on…
  • I'd be in favor of something like this :3 it communicates a lot more information then just how rare it is to find in the blood web.
  • I would swap This is Not Happening with Streetwise, at least if your taking a tookbox >w> skill checks can remain skill based. Prolong the precious toobox!
  • I honestly find it kinda like comparing the Hillbilly and the Cannibal, we love and hate them for different reasons and still play as and against both of them all the same.
  • Watching the Spirit dramatically close the hatch with that blade put such a big smile on my face. Thank you for sharing ^w^
  • If it is harmful for both parties then it shouldn't be a common occurrence. I mean to spawn near one person can be comforting, and maybe 2 at least that can be split progress that would allow mutliple gens to be worked on or discovered by the killer. But spawning everyone together just makes it too tempting to gen rush...…
  • This topic shouldn't fade into the background as the Legions current rework is almost upon us. It should continue to remain on our conscious as desriable future that is incredibly hard to obtain. The devs won't tackle such an endeavor because of the simple fact that yes it could be very tedious to code and debug, but also…
  • @Shad03 I had no idea we already had a rebel leading a similar charge. I bow to your epicness >w<
  • Masochists xD purrfect way to describe our killer existence lmao
  • YUUUSSSSS >w< someone who understands my fustrations! <3
  • My friends and I understand that most gameplay rebalances are more Survivor Biased so i definitely feel where you are coming from. I am crossing my fingers that the upcoming Freddy update does a better job to cater to both sides, because I do agree that this nerf is because too many survivors were unhappy, so they need to…
  • @Caretaker The Legion... is honestly just another lost soul, like all the other survivors. We must embrace them. The upcoming rebalance will be difficult to adjust too. I could only bare witness to videos. I do not have The Legion on my PC Edition, so I must wait for the patch to go live on PSN to truly judge. I will…
  • @Saint_Ukraine I agree I am sure it will be fine. They will definitely be better at catching more of the group, and it is good the tunneling is being discouraged. I just can't help but feel though that it would be nice to have a more exotic play-style beyond just getting a brief sprint, and applying a deepwound status…
  • I enjoy The Legion too <3 Though i have admit to have only prestiged them once, and am only halfway to my second. I only wanted to voice my fantasy of a playstyle in the wake of a nerf that I still have my doubts for. I'm sure i'll stick kick butt with Susie tho >u> And worry not I think my vision is too ambitious and way…