Too many questions were a bit vague. Most of the times I was just "In what context do you mean?" Especially on the questions about slugging
I might be wrong, but usually when a new map is released, the game does boost the chances of that certain realm to be selected. Since Ormond now has two maps, it lowers the chance of the new map to appear
Not to mention those who play via EGS and Microsoft GamePass. If you count the approximate playerbase along all platforms, the player count might be somewhere 100k concurrent players
Wouldn't be the first time they killswitched an event offering
Funny. I usually find it the other way around. Usually (to me) it looks like the basement dwelling event lurkers are most active during the first half of the event. And when they've gotten all of their event tomes done, they go back into hiding to wait for the next event. Which usually means games turn into more on the…
Same issue on XBox. First I had the BP's back couple of times, but now they're just gone
Happened again with my Twins. Prestiged her yesterday to P2 lvl 46, today she is back at P1 lvl28… And now I lost my bloodpoints, too
Not to mention that it is happening all platforms, apparently
Same with XBox...
Still is. Can't hear flasbangs
Happened again. This time with my Twins. I leveled up to P1 lvl 10, played couple of games as a killer and the level was back to 1. But I had almost 400K BP's so, it probably redeemed them..?
No! It tanked the killer queues in normal 1v4 game. And besides, the second iteration on 2v8 was abysmal
Ahh, yes. Let's add more mechanics that incentivize players to ragequit without any penaltiess
Yeah, I also tried couple of games with those hex builds… Safe to say, they still got cleansed pretty quickly. Didn't even have a chance to get any Pentimento value
As I have began to play more and more killer, I have seen survivors do things that had me go "Seriously?!? What are you doing?! Don't do that!". Like after I've hooked a survivor, I haven't gone away more than probably 5 meters, when someone unhooks them. You can wait for longer before unhooking. Wait at least till you…
I suggest you contact their customer support directly. Talking about bans and giving names or gamertags in this forum is prohibited.
Same could be said about survivors who keep running top metaperks all the time
Yup! EU servers right now. Killer games are almost instant, but with survivor you have to wait about 5 min, even though that role still has 25% BP incentive
Are these login offerings bugged or something on XBox? Because I haven't got any of these. Anyone else got theirs?
Not anymore. I've found "The Zen" spot when I'm playing killer. For some reason, nowadays I feel relaxed even if I don't get any kills. And I've learned to recognize the games where I'm gonna lose from the get go. So I just try to have some fun
Calm Spirit?
Sadly, these are the kind of people that have been completely burned out of the game and feel miserable for any kind of changes the devs do to this game. And their only way to cope with this, is that they're trying to make everyone else feel as bad as them to justify their actions to themselves and trying to prove…
I agree with that hook state counting as (mostly) non-tunneling killer player
I'm guessing the 2v8 got it really wonky. Maybe because new players got into the game alongside with the mode, and now they are playing the regular mode with their more experienced friends (maybe?)
Had the same problem yesterday
I can say only thing
Happened before the update was live
This would be a huge shadow nerf for Distortion, completely killing the perk into oblivion. No
I've been having 25-75% incentives all day for survivors. European servers
You're never too old to play games. Too young, on the other hand, is a different thing. This person is the latter
The video doesn't work
4-man SWF, all of them have Deja Vu and BNP. No wonder those gens flew so fast
This would cause lobby dodging on Killers side. My solution for this, is that you can't switch anything in the pre-game lobby. You have to do that in the off-game lobby before you find a match. This will end last second switches.
You'd be surprised how many people get angry for not going for unhook in these situations.
Tunnelers will keep on tunneling with or without this info. It helps those who (like myself) wants to avoid tunneling. Even unintentional
WHAT?! Noooo! Rest in Peace, Tony. Godspeed 😥
So that's a "No". Gotcha
Got any source on that? Other than your own subjective opinion
Only if they nerf Pain Resonance
Has happened to me multiple times
Doesn't help… They still keep tunneling
Thank you @Peanits Please, do drop by sometimes to say hello. and congrats for the new position
Mainly, it doesn't. But the more players are playing the event queue, less players play the main mode. Less players in the main mode, the more MMR has to fill the lobbies with players varying MMR's
But remember, Distortion was the problem
For me, the games usually start to go down the drain around 6-7pm. I usually stop playing after 2-3 games around that time because I get queued with people that are waaaayy over my level. Especially on weekdays.
"If some one is hitting 2 and 3 consistently, there is something very wrong with their gameplay" In some cases, that is somewhat true. BUT, the problem is, 99% of the players will not have enough time to learn all the small nuances of the chase mechanics and hundreds of perks, because of multiple reasons (usually work,…
I agree that Map Offerings should go. But the problem lies within DbD's map pool rotation, also, because the system doesn't count the variations of certain realms. That is why you would get Azarov's or Badham multiple times in a row. You just get different variations of them.
It's usually those who play as survivors mostly. Or new players. I've been playing this game for four years now, and what I've observed on my own playing, is that when I play as a survivor, I tend to get the feeling most of the times that this game is Killer sided. But when I play Killer, I tend to get the feeling this…
The thumbs Up feature should be that when someone gives you thumbs up, you get notification. Like "Someone gave you Thumbs Up! Keep up the good work" And every time you get one, you receive something like 50-100 BP's. Change it to somekind of endorsement system. Maybe it would incentivize people to play nicer a little bit