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  • I actively told myself “I’m gonna play nice tonight so everyone can get some decent points”. Then I sat waiting for a lobby for 45 straight minutes... I hate playing survivor and all my dailies are killer based anyway. Maybe later tonight there will be more survivors on.
  • Why not just ignore the camping Hillbilly and go do gens? Sucks for the guy being camped but getting downed by a camping Billy because you tried to unhook the guy he was camping sounds like a personal problem. You could get a few gens done in the time it takes for him to stand there and watch one guy die
  • I wouldn't call it scared but I definitely get worried when I'm the one getting chased because I don't usually play survivor and I absolutely suck at making a chase last longer than a few seconds.
  • I'd love for an option to somehow deny an unhook. Got frustrated in a match earlier today when I was getting facecamped by a Myers. Stayed on the hook as long as possible so my teammates could just go finish the last gen. Instead an injured Meg runs up and unhooks me right next to him and both of us go down and get hooked.…
  • I don’t know if I would call it “fun”. It’s just useful to put some stress on the survivors. You know... the handful of times it doesn’t get broken 30 seconds into a match. personally I’m kind of giving up on Hex perks because of that. Better to have 4 perks working for you than to be down a perk or two because RNGesus…
  • I’ve had it happen. It sucks. Either suicide and move on to a match with an actual good killer or hold on as long as possible to let the rest of the team finish a couple gens and the Killer loses all pressure as a final screw you. It would maybe be nice though if you’re a hooked survivor to get some bonus BP for the killer…
  • I would just like Trapper to have an easier time setting up. Feels like Hag and Freddy do his job differently but ultimately better For starters he should start with 2 traps and be able to carry 2 without add-ons. It might also help if some or all of his traps spawn open. That way even with his long set up time, he’ll at…
  • Just going to post this in every totem thread I see. They’re already balanced in that survivors can straight up turn them off and now the Killer has one less perk. Hex perks are only as good as survivors let them be. I haven’t even been playing that long and when I play survivor I make it a point to cleanse every totem I…
  • Please replace NOED with Ruin for the exact same joke.
  • When I get absolutely curbstomped and then see in the results screen that my teammates and the killer are all ten ranks ahead of me with maxed perks and I’m but a wee babe. I’m sure they don’t find it as funny as I do. Well maybe the killer does.
  • Granted I'm still pretty new to the game, but isn't that what Mad Grit does? Was he using Mad Grit?
  • Honestly I'd prefer more original killers, but if I had to take another licensed guy I want Candyman. I want to cover survivors in BEEEEEEEEEEEES! Also, Jason.
  • Isn't "The Demogorgon" already a made up title? They just named the monster after something they were fighting in their D&D game. So for me it works as a generic kind of title that they call the monster. Gonna agree that I think "The Ghost" rolls off the tongue better than "The Ghost Face" though.