its the nature of the game, on a 4 v 1 the 1 never wins. if you lose playing survivor you are trash. It doesnt work on friday the 13th or evolve or predator hg. I dont understand the existence of this game
De verdad tenia ganas de volver a jugar despues de tanto tiempo, pero veo que nada cambio. Mientras las swf sigan existiendo, mejor quedarse lejos
"im just a poor surv player" i loop the hell out of him with my coordinated team but we didnt deserve the insults" cut the bs
Este nuevo sistema fue implementado hace mucho? es realista pensar que pueden volver al sistema anterior en algún momento?
sounds like a typical survivor player for me
exactly the same here is this because the mmr thing ?
it doesnt matter, it could be the entity himself the killers pose no threat to survivors anymore
el nuevo mmr me esta matando, no entiendo como funciona. Igualmente estoy hablando desde la perspectiva del killer, tengo un metodo ( aunque no muy efectivo ) : mientras mas colorido sea la skin del survi, mas toxico es, asi que los evito cada vez que puedo. Nadie invierte dinero real en una skin de survivor para jugar…
mi opinion es la siguiente, si en un juego de 5 personas 4 se divierten, no importa si el 1 que queda la pasa horrible, siempre van a tener un 80% de jugadores que vuelvan. Si sos killer ni te gastes, no jueges mas
otra cosa, como siendo del rango mas bajo que hay me ponen en partidas con rangos rojos ?? todos toxicos por cierto
with the amount of toxicity, trolling and smurfing this game have, im not agree whit the DC penalty to begin with. If you are having a bad time on a match because one of the previous reasons, then you should be able to simple leave the game.
its much worse here in South America were the game is pretty much dead and the brazilian filth is all that remains. Its a shame because i really like this game.
i am, because im not really good with survivors, but i went against a rank 20 hill billy with no perks who have insane map pressure. It was running around with the chainsaw all the time, there is no way a rank 20 killer have that class of skills. I have a lot of other examples like this one, perfect blink nurse, never miss…
i just lost 3 matches in a row against rank 20 killers with no perks at all. if that isnt smurf i dont know what is....