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  • Finally someone who give me a opinion about what I wrote and not about how much he thinks next killer will be Pinhead. Also I more would want his dash to be very fast in one direction exacly like Shred yet with very loud sound added to it. And for example he could then have a red add-on that makes his dash one hit down…
  • I just said they will say "Fnaf is for kids" or "Springtrap is not an icon of horror". Yet you star a discussion about that in 100% it will be Pinhead
  • For ######### sake I came here to say how to make Springtrap a great killer in Dead By Daylight when he will come to the game to to argue about if it's him for Chapter 21 or not. First read the whole post I made then say anything
  • Nope cause I don't care what killer it will be as long as he have good perks and is nice to play
  • It can be troll? I'll be honest I don't care what killer we get just think about it. Wouldn't it be strange if devs didn't think someone would download that teaser to check it oryginal name before it get changed on youtube?
  • Probably many because "Fnaf is for kids" and "Springtrap is not an icon of horror like Mayers or Freddy". Yet he DO is an icon of horror yet not for Slashers but horrors based on Jumpscares. A different type of horrors that are more used in video games than movies
  • "HELL" picture turned upside down not read in the mirror says 1987 which is also a important year in FNAF. The TV we get in teaser can also be a reference to Monitors used by Security guards to look on cams in Fnaf games. Also if we would want to spell "Hellraiser" with letters we get then we still need one R yet for "I am…
  • Tbh That play with Letters is familiar to the one Scott did to show us the name of Springtrap before Fnaf 3
  • Lmao I knew someone will write that especially if I'll say I don't want anyone to do so
  • If I see someone bringing Key to my games I tunnel the ######### out of him because only one simply reason. If he that much want to be able to end the game faster that the gens are done then I'll help him so he gets out as the first one. Also I've seen people playing with keys to be more toxic and greedy so it brings me…
  • But you know you are sprinting as survivors also just by holding Shift right? Sprint Boost works for a few secnonds because it's a "Boost". Anyways, I'm not saying I want Nemesis to be 1:1 do the one we get in RE3 Remake but mostly I wanted to notice we could get a Killer that is basicly faster than those 4.6 m/s. Just as…
    in Nemesis Comment by WickPJ July 2021
  • Tbh in my opinion perfect changes for NE-a would be deleting sprint boost for survs with first hit of Tentacle and making it hitbox slightly bigger. Eventually making Tier 3 on his power better than additional 1 meter that actually nobody really cares about
    in Nemesis Comment by WickPJ July 2021
  • Where did I say Nemesis is bad? I gives an idea that actually comes from at least a few RE fans that I've talked about Nemesis in Dead By Daylight. But here I said only about base movement speed buff while they actually wanted 5.2 m/s Nemesis that is bigger with special animation for going throught doors. Also saying…
    in Nemesis Comment by WickPJ July 2021
  • I understand yet I want to mention that people where crying about that they can't play on new map cause Behaviour dissabled it. That's why they bring it back. Also thanks to those matches that as you said have problems Devs gets more date thanks to which they can faster find the issues. About hiring more coders and…
    in RPD Map Comment by WickPJ July 2021
  • Better question: How to buff Solo/Q for survivors without buffing SWF? Answear: There's no way. Anyways if you want to buff Solo/Q there should be added a system of pings similliar to for example the one from R6. But first we would need to eventually nerf SWF so any changes for Solo/Q players won't make groups of friends…
  • Well I've notice stuff like that mostly happends with 2 last gens or when all gens are done an there's 2 survivors left. Of course not allways, I think we can even say that is pretty rare yet it happends and it is actually called taking in-game hostages Cause if gens are done and there's 2 survivors without a key that are…
  • Quick question, do you know the version of the game we get on PTB is more like the Alpha verions of changes while Devs are allready in that time working with Beta version of those changes, right? In most of the games we had like League of Legends or Overwatch, yes we do have test servers to break the game so developers can…
    in RPD Map Comment by WickPJ July 2021
  • Yep and that's why I love to camp and tunnel the ######### out of people that brings keys to my games
  • I've seen actually every comment here are about waiting out CI while for me it was obviously this was just an example from your game to start discussion about an actual problem. Someone even mentioned you should use tracking perks, well it seem like that person forget actually all of tracking perks for killers are useless…
  • Trust me survivors have a lot of ways to run away from killers. For now normal chase let's say with doctor that don't use his power and survivor will be around 15s for one hit so for two hits it will be around 30s. Of course only if survivor is running in straight line and don't use any window or pallet cause those can…
    in Nemesis Comment by WickPJ July 2021
  • One of the people I was talking about changing Nemesis to be more like from RE3 was talking exacly about making him taller and adding that pretty slow animations to every doors but making him also as fast as in Remake. For me that sounds good but you know, if I just give here an idea of probably something that could be…
    in Nemesis Comment by WickPJ July 2021
  • Well I thinked about that but he was talking about Speed Boost on attack for NE-a aka like he have an speed boost for himself on attacks.
    in Nemesis Comment by WickPJ July 2021
  • There's at least two ways to balance Killer faster than 4.6 m/s, no blood lust or longer cooldown on attacks but for sure there would be more ways to balance it. I hit rank 3 playing only Nemesis from rank 6 and I love to play as Nemesis cause he fits perfectly in my type of a Killer aka Big F*cking Unstoppable Monster.…
    in Nemesis Comment by WickPJ July 2021
  • I agree he need his Tier 3 on Tentacle should be more rewarding than jus +1 meter range cause that's actually a joke. And my idea of buffing his movement speed was actually becuase there's not killer basicly faster than 4.6 m/s aaand to make people think and say thier opinion about Nemesis :P
    in Nemesis Comment by WickPJ July 2021
  • I have a question, you twice said Nemesis have a speed boost for his aatacks. I've played a lot as Nemesis for those 3 weeks and the only change in movements speed I've notice is slow down while Holding M2 and while the animation of Tentacle. I did not notice any speed boost. of course I can understand you call that the…
    in Nemesis Comment by WickPJ July 2021
  • Lmao, there's 4 surviors and for sure all of them at least once will see a totem in a game even by accident. So it is 4 totems now out of 5, if you don't like to cleanse totems then accept the risk of the NOED
  • LMAO I come to this discussion only to check if someone get called a cheat for using Mad Grit. Please tell me, is there anything more that I need to do to became an evil itself in the eyes of survs mains? 🤑
  • I agree that will be fair enough if the effect applys only for the surv that is using the perk with Boon Totem just let's remember that actually this game is more balance for survs to have "fun" and being toxic. Of course as long as you are not Otz or know the game and how to play almost everything aka plays probably from…
  • I see what you mean. Well I am a killer main but I took a lot of fun from hard matches yet I wouldn't like to see something that would seem to be op for one side. Especially because it seems like devs would nerf that if it's on killers side after around 2 weeks but if on survs side it would take them longer to nerf it.…
  • I'm from Poland so if there's not other Europe server then I spend all time of those almost 4 months on that server
  • You know, noed is picked only for fun or when you just want to get 4k after some hard games or games against toxic shits. It activates only after all gens are done so there's a risk that it will be just a waste of perk slot also it's a hex so if survs will destroy totems that they see before finishing all gens there's a…
  • Well that looks literially like you would be a dev spoilering new perks XD Anyways that looks and sounds nice but in my opinion there should be a bit of a risk. I mean I know killer could destroy those totems then surv lost a perk but the fact that he can then just cleans another one to get it back is not that good. When…
  • I see, well good thing I already have there almost 500k BP for NE-a but 1 000 000 will be more usefull
  • Not enough people on PTB? I thought many people are still sitting there learning how to play as NE-a or against him
  • I agree, Killers should be able to have the same chance to win against 4 random survs and 4 SWF survs cause now a guys that know how to Play and plays with thier friends which are also good leave actually no chance for killers. Aaaaand are very toxic by teabaging and later in post game chat calls killers campers, noobs…
  • Well I'm Oni main cause I love the way I need and can play as him. Also tbh I normally don't tunnel or something but in that game I literially don't see anyone else when I get near the hook where that surv was so it was the only right decision in my opinion to just go after him. Especially cause I ended with 4k so I didn't…
  • I mean I know it's sarcasm or just an surv main but you know sometimes jokes are better when two people Play dumb right?
  • Ahaaaa Well I guess geting 4k by hooking survs then chasing other is a normal way of playing as a killer. Especially on small closed maps like The Game or School(one from Silent Hill)
  • Okay so because I did 4k I am a camper and tunneler?