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  • I agree it's pretty dumb. Earlier for example I was against a mediocre gunslinger who was around rank 10 and he didn't kill 1 of us until all 5 gens were done and then all he had to do was land a shot (Ya know the one with ridiculous range) and just one shot us. within 1 minute he killed 3 of us and 1 got away.
  • I can't really say anything about that tbh I play on PC but I would hope the upcoming updates will optimize the game more for console.
  • I still want to hear what you think should happen with the game. What's your biggest annoyance of the game? What do you think should change?
  • I literally gave multiple solutions and siege was one of them. I did not create my entire discussion over a siege suggested ban system that was just one of them I gave out to see if anyone else would give out ideas or to build off of them. What I'm getting back are toxic and sensitive comments from people who exaggerating…
  • I can't say I completely agree or disagree but one thing I do agree with is the fact that you need to buy DLC to obtain perks that give you a better chance to win the game. I personally don't have a problem with buying DLC for cheap ($1-$5) if it means I can try out different perks but it is true that it's unfair for some…
  • In a solo game I believe this is perfectly fine but with SWF depending on if the survivors are actually skilled or know how to play it may be a problem, but in the video they barely got 2 gens done as he was able to kill them within a short amount of time (video is about 11 minutes). Most of them were around rank 4 or…
  • @Peanits Do you mind deleting this discussion for me please? I'm new to this but I looked up how and was informed I had to notify a mod. My reason being people are not discussing or giving ideas but instead just straight up saying stuff like "yea no this is a dumb idea" etc. etc. I was hoping for more ideas/feedback or to…
  • Personally I agree with the idea that she can "reload" her traps but if that's the case I would make it so the min/max boxes a survivor would have to go through should be only 2 if that's the case and the 1st could be a 50/50 while the 2nd could just be a guarantee if the first was a no. There are times I've had to go…
  • and can you see how that's completely what I wasn't talking about or suggested at all? Did you read the full thing or just saw "ban list killers" "This would need some polishing"
  • I play on PC and see crossplatform players console and pc alike DS is a top tier perk and DH is good but literally not everyone uses it.
  • Not even reading or thinking about the discussion at hand and just presenting what you think with "git gud" congratz you just showed us what type of dumb player you are.
  • Theoretically if the majority of all survivors choose to avoid 1 single specific killer it would most certainly increase match finding but this is a minimal suggestion not affecting gameplay completely like I've said it would lower chances for the killer to be matched not completely take them out and survivors can still be…
  • I agree but I would say give an indicator if there is an SWF to dodge rather than avoid them like a ban list would be a good idea. Although for queue times I would not know how to fix those yet because survivor at any rank I get instant matches but killer so many people play that it takes almost 30 minutes every time to…
  • I almost never see dead hard at all and Im rank 5 as survivor and out of my 16 games today I've only seen DS once and for dead hard I was the only person to use it in 3 to 4 games compared to my teammates. More than half of my games were teammates below rank 8 as well so it's been a variety of players not a specific group.
  • Not counting the dlc killers yes but even then 2 is enough and like I said it's a lower chance not completely avoiding them entirely. Also "Just learn to play better and provide feedback".
  • That's way too hardcore than what I suggested. Banning something completely throws the game out of loop I brought up how it should just allow them to have a lower chance to avoid a specific killer but if a ban system comes to play I would assume it would be something less than a whole 4 perks and less than 4 killers.
  • Most rank 3, 2 and 1 players have big heads and the only comments I see from them are relating to "you're just bad get good" lmao, but like I said before I do agree because right now at this moment I'm being put with rank 4 or below killers and I literally cannot play against them. I play alot but not as much as someone…
  • Yea, earlier I was put with rank 16+ survivor teammates although Im rank 6 and this happened for a couple games then all of a sudden I got put with a rank 1 killer and rank 3, 2 and 1 survivors for a couple games and It just kinda tilted me since the games went from easy/fun to mess around with to hard as hell and annoying.
  • Alrighty, thank you for the detailed answer that I was hoping for, I was told there would be changes to the game soon and I'm grateful that this is one of them. I recently got back into Dead by Daylight because my uncle and his friends bought it from the steam summer sale and it's definitely been improvement from a while…
  • First off I'm gonna say that I agree with you and secondly I'm going to bring up how almost all players who think they're big ######### say "you just suck" and bring up skill with any complaint about killers. Skill matters to a certain extent but once you're in the higher survivor ranks skill should not be a justification…
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