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  • That's a solid shitpost lad, one that truly displays your ignorance of comp level of play
  • Because they're bad and haven't realized that survivors control just about everything in a match by just holding M1 when not in a chase
  • There's absolutely no way to do this. If people wanna comp sweat, then let them comp sweat and deal with the consequences of pushing the game to it's limits. There's no reason to punish the rest of the player base because the comp players wanna treat pub games like it's a tourney when the game clearly isn't balanced for it
  • More like opened the door for BHVR to leech off licenses instead of coming up with original content that would've actually proved their talent. I promise if you took out all the licensed content in this game, it would die within a few months
  • Amnesia was a solid foundation for a game type sure, but neither it nor Outlast are a part of the original Holy Trinity that made Survival Horror so popular
  • Neither Outlast nor Amnesia were anywhere near good enough to be put on a pedestal next to Silent Hill and RE. Both were good games, but they didn't become the foundation for horror games. Fatal Frame is the last of the holy horror trinity, and there's no way in hell that DBD should get to piggyback off yet another IP…
  • It's your fault at that point for going down in a dead zone lmao. The perk was never designed to give you a free escape, but merely prolong your current time off the hook. Half the people in this thread clearly haven't played killer enough to realize just how abusable most of their suggestions are, or have, and just don't…
  • Because it isn't "winning in a landslide". The negative connotation comes from the fact that you punish yourself as a survivor when you do that. It's a rare case when it happens, but when it does nobody has fun. It's truly not difficult to run a killer around for 5 gens on most maps now unless you just get absolutely rekt…
  • Facecamping literally hasn't existed for a good 2 and a half years at this point. It's an archaic term from when you could only unhook from the front, which could be blocked by the killer literally blocking the trigger zone with their physical capsule. Beyond that, it's just people who are too bad at faking grabs to be…
  • There certainly is a definition to it. Most people just don't realize that it pertains to just doing gens and leaving so fast that nobody gets enough emblems to rank up
  • Gen rushing is ignoring totems, unhooks, and any other sub objective in order to pop 5 gens in 180 seconds or less ensuring everyone involved leaves with so few points and emblems that nobody pips. TO add on to that, the first 80 seconds of a match will generally tell you how it's gonna go. If you get at least 1 to 2 downs…
  • You could spam his power, but nearly every good Billy will tell you that you don't need to spam it to get an easy 4k as the issue wasn't his power, but rather survivors not respecting his pressure
  • Adding a second charge just obsoletes the change. There's already so many survivor second chance perks that starting talks about adding second charges to it seems rather redundant. If people don't respect DS, then they don't respect it. The only difference between pre nerf and current state is the ability to chain it with…
  • It was never intended to be a free escape despite people figuring out how to chain it with other perks to do so. If the killer picks you up and eats the stun, then you got your use out of the perk. Gone are the days of being BT rescued and rushing the next hooked person with 2 health states and DS ready to go
  • It's just BHVR feeding you a crock of ######### tbh. Anybody who says they can't change the UI because of "backend" has built something so incredibly inefficient that it shouldn't ever be taken live
  • Because it almost unanimously ignored feedback on the UI and reveals a complete lack of internal QA on the part of BHVR with there being places on maps where you can walk through walls
  • People are roasting BHVR because in the 5 years of the game's lifespan, they still haven't done any sort of proper internal QA before pushing things live. The PTB is a joke as features rarely if ever get changed before release, despite being an incredibly useful tool to preview reactions to something. The fact that in…
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