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  • Its maybe a bit unfun but it's not exactly a bad strategy at times. If the survivors were playing less optimally than the killer probably though they could achieve the 4k through this method.
  • I feel like we are in the beta testing phase of 2v8 since the idea of letting the killers sync up was not considered in their development so it should be looked into. There is also the power of 8 survivors to be considered as well since having literally twice the amount can lead to some really intense metas can be found…
  • When I do run deja it's usually to prevent a 3 gen situation not so much for the speed boost
  • I wouldnt call it toxic but it is a bit of a mishandle of the perk. However, there are methods on the killers end that feel the same as the offensive DS so I don't see how one is an issue while one is not. Now to help avoid this as much as possible it's probably best for the killer to either not pick up the obvious ds…
  • This idea is cool sounding but I think it would have had to be something implemented in base game at launch. They could have had random cards similar to the offerings but you choose one that gives you certain buffs of sorts, but this is kinda moot due to perks and add ons plus the possibility of said card messing up a…
  • Only happened to me one time and it was while I was med kit healing in the basement on res forest I play on PS5
  • I have a feeling that these lack some context actually. In your first game how long exactly did it take for ada to get downed and for Leon to be saved at the perfect time to be teleported to and checked? Did the singularity even chase the Leon or did he take his chances with the unhooker? Was the endurance hit used? When…
  • Ive personally never had an issue with indoor vs outdoor as most of the maps are alright to play in but alot of the indoor maps feel survivor sided
  • The issue with your condescending tone is it's not as spot on as you wanna believe. Yes players are gonna rush objectives regardless, but you're ignoring that there would be an increase in SIDE objectives without an intense rush meta. If a killer has a power that requires survivors to interact with it in order to stop it…
  • It's simplistic because it's not that complicated. If a survivor is being hard tunneled by the killer then alot of the times the best thing to do is finish the objectives. Now this can also apply to killers who tunnel as having less survivors in the game as soon as possible makes finishing gens more difficult and allows…
  • But if there was no tunneling then you wouldnt feel the need to gen rush that often
  • I also tend to consider the skill level of those killers on average. Nurse players are either subpar or unbeatable since her skill ceiling is so high that most people won't play her that efficiently. Blight has a ceiling but it's not nearly as high so players tend to do better with him on average.
  • Both are still incredibly strong, but I think that the nurse's nerfs have put her slightly below blight since he can be a bit easier to handle by base than the nurse
  • It seems like you expect nearly every game to be a 4k stomp fest for killers. Also there is no proof that this is how things play out. Killers can be winning a lot more than you give them credit for and they seem to be if they are killing at an above average rate. There has to be a way to survive the game otherwise it dies…
  • Killers stomp good survivors all the time. Apparently the game is sitting at a 60/40 win rate in the killers favor. What you are trying to throw out as average is facing a 4 man swf with 1000000 collective hours in the game that are not in every match you play. There is also the rng factor to put in which sets the game up…
  • One of the best things I can tell you to do (if you haven't already) is get screen caps of these transphobic slurs that you are receiving. If this is not harassment exclusive to dbd (you did mention they harassed you on your profile but idk if you meant your actual gaming profile or your dbd one) you can screen cap that…
  • For a perk that is only acquired during the endgame, and only once at that, it doesn't need too much of a nerf if any at all. Also it has plenty of more uses other than negating Freddy.
  • Basically killers won't pick on someone their own size
  • This can is a rather subjective and loaded question, but to provide an answer my ideal killer would be one that doesn't have a power like the knights. He can legit down you without a lot of effort on his part. Other killers at least take effort to be good with and reward the player for doing so such as nurse
  • They don't have to be balanced to each other. They have to be balanced to the survivors
  • What's often forgotten is that this is a video game and not a movie. At its core the game needs to be balanced because that's what makes a video game find success and if you want the "true" experience then there either needs to be a dbd movie or a until dawn type game to truly set that boundary lorewise. Other than that…
  • It's sad that they would rather make the killer impossible to escape from than to make the game balanced enough to where player skill actually came into it, but alas these forums wouldn't need to exist if they did that. I often wonder if the supposed 60/40 split is truly accurate or if it's just a statistic that's been…
  • The only issue is there is close to no way to make the killer and survivor win rate a 50/50, and it seems like the devs are favoring buffing the killer role in any way they can while essentially ignoring the survivor role for now.
  • That seems like a really unfair assumption on your end
  • I wouldnt say it's the worst but it does have it's fair amount of toxicity due to the nature of the game and it's general balance which is questionable due to the MMR.
  • Then dont get all the cosmetics? Events are based around playing the game fully which includes both sides. The killer challenges are also not difficult to get since it's just an event tome and the challenges are brain dead
  • As a primary survivor player myself, it's really not asking too much to play a few killer games if you really want to get all those cosmetics
  • This might be one of the worst times to be a new player on either side. Over the years both sides have complained nonstop about anything strong or meta and now what we are left with is the genrush/tunnel meta where everyone seems to be having a bad time, but don't acknowledge that they basically asked for this. Also…
  • Simple. Killers are hard tunneling survivors so survivors are hard tunneling gens with the 2 exhaustion perks that are left viable after several nerfs while self healing has also been nerfed extremely. I guess survivors should just sit somewhere and wait to be killed without chase then to make the killer mains happy
  • The main issue I see is that nerfing swf would ultimately penalize solo q which would hurt the game more than help it. It's also important to note that while swf can give you many advantages it doesn't mean that all those players are good at the game simply because they play together. Alot of times when killers say that…
  • I never said she needs to be reverted back to her original form but I do think she needs a slight nerf to the distance of her condemn on teleport. The exact number is difficult to say since maps have differing proportions and there most likely isn't a way to change her by the map but I would say each teleport should cover…
  • Giving her a slight nerf will not punish the really good players as they already have an idea of what tvs to teleport towards and don't need the added crutch of full map condemn. It's the fact that she can be super effective by bad players that's the issue.
  • I'm fully aware of how grabbing tapes works since that's the first thing I do against her, but if she's good at applying pressure then that m1 causes you to drop said tape and then she can quickly apply condemn stacks. If you are really good at onryo she is quite overbearing to deal with
  • Not really. They get plenty of leeway because "survivors are op"
  • Then she shouldnt constantly teleport to areas with a completed gen. There is no way that a slight nerf to that range would really make her like she was before. Also, why can't killers be responsible for being better with their chosen killer like survivors are expected to be better than tunneling? Seems like a double…
  • Considering the big nef to self healing with med kits there should be some type of buff to SC since it's been a dead perk for a while
  • This sounds like a common swf issue which gives them more confidence to blindly tunnel the objective. Also, self healing is basically out since the med kit nerf so there is really nothing else to do besides hard repair gens especially when you run slowdown perks like thantophobia that really make it more difficult to…
  • I don't think that's true since some past events show they can be overly punishing. As long as the posts aren't overly vulgar or insulting then I don't see an issue
  • I often play solo queue so alot of times im the highest p in the lobby but that doesn't mean my team can apply gen pressure while the killer tries to remove me. I can't say how much dodging I experience though since I hardly pay any attention to that and I feel like I'm placed as backfill alot
  • Agreed. Sick of killers tunneling me simply because my character is a high prestige and that for some reason means I'm asking to be targeted? Literally had a game where I was tunneled and the killers response was "p67 mikaela doesn't deserve to play the game"
  • I've played against a few that weren't actively playing like wads and they were much easier to deal with once you get the hang of dodging his charge and knowing when to leave a loop you can't see him over since they seem to double back a lot. I will say this might be the worst tunneling new killer I've experienced in a…
  • I actually really like him and think he's a great killer with a surprisingly fun design for this game! However, I will say that as a survivor I've experienced mostly hard tunneling while playing against him and maybe this is where alot of the negatives come from.
  • You're also assuming the killer is just letting all the gens at the top get done without much of a fight. Also killers can still manage their hooks to an extent just like survivors can think about gen placement and completion. The killer is not entirely a victim in this format
  • Can you say the same for 3 gen tho? Its commonly stated that it's on the survivors if they allow the gens to pop too close together and be stuck in a 3 gen which is basically punishment for doing the objectives but it can't be on the killer to manage where they hook the survivors? I agree that the OP's situation is unfair…
  • Yeah I can't say I have seen a lot of this scenario but the only solution I can come up with to avoid it is spacing out the hooks the same way you should space out gens
  • This is a really unfortunate circumstance, however I imagine you're supposed to spread out hooks like survivors are supposed to spread out gens to avoid 3 genning but instead of gens it's spacing out hooks so you aren't left in these scenarios.
  • I've seen plenty of sweaty killers that don't have to slug for the 4k so that's not entirely true, I've also rarely seen killers let survivors go due to faults of their teammates since that happens all the time in solo q so I would love to play with those killers. Not even every killer I face is necessarily sweating but…
  • It's not mistaken and I stand by everything I said. Your replies haven't exactly been short and sweet you know so idk why you're acting all high and mighty. I also never stated that survivors are never let go, just that it doesn't happen as often as you want to act like it does in the average joe life of dbd. Maybe you can…
  • You certainly like to sit and make assumptions as if you are some type of all knowing higher being. Again it's not an "us vs them" because it's not really that deep so chill TF out first of all. Secondly, I do NOT bm killers at all so get that thought out of your head because you do not have a clue what you are talking…