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  • Removing freedom for builds is not the way to do it. We already have a form of perk slot limitation that works effectively: Exhaustion perks. Add a system similar to that for slowdown perks, where, for instance, using Pain Res gives a status effect for 60 seconds that prevents the use of PGTW.
  • DBD if BHVR wasn't ######### around:
  • Yeah Billy is definitely top 3 in my book. My order would be: Nurse Billy Blight And then followed up by Artist and Spirit.
  • 200% and add back the deactivation when a survivor is sacrificed or killed. Test it in a PTB and see how it goes, and lower it to 150% if it's too powerful.
  • Agreed honestly, I think the gold represents her way better since she's said to be very wealthy and dare I say she looks more threatening with that attire. The aluminum looks too makeshift.
  • Actually, having a form of Exhausted for the killer side is a damn good idea and I think it's the best way to balance slowdown perks rather than lowering numbers.
    in Is it me or Comment by glitchboi May 10
  • I'm sorry to hear that, genuinely I hope all goes well for you.
    in sad Comment by glitchboi May 10
  • Yeah I agree with this. The red is unique and made me like the map's aesthetic, but it doesn't really work because of how much red there is such as auras and scratch marks in DBD by default.
  • Just bring back his 180 flicks honestly. Being able to vault during a dash and then do a sick 180 to hit the survivor was pretty unique.
  • Goodness gracious, this is one hell of a thing to wake up to. Looking forward to this and his new add-ons!
    in Bubba Buff! Comment by glitchboi May 9
  • 15-20 seconds sounds good. Anything for more perk variety on either side honestly.
  • I sorta interpreted the wiggling differently, whereas I assumed the slight wiggle was an indicator that they saw the hatch somewhere. Sometimes I just dribble the survivor and have them find the hatch themselves as I just AFK until the game ends (which works for me, I've never had an instance where me going AFK has taken…
  • Gets really awkward when the killer is trying to find hatch for you and… doesn't find it for a while. I've never been on the receiving end of that, I've only embarrassingly struggled to find hatch for my fellow survivor.
  • It's crazy that we never know when someone could be fighting for their life in private. Rest easy Zoey, you voiced one of the most unique DBD characters of all time.
  • Dream snares are removed from Dream Demon, with dream pallets in the base-kit instead. Start with 10 dream tokens, breaking a pallet grants 1 dream token, and dream tokens are consumed when setting dream pallets. Survivors' actions are interrupted and are given the Incapacitated status effect when they are being pulled…
  • That applies to a lot of killers' powers as much as it applies to M1s.
  • Old Tinkerer was a unique perk that could have worked if the numbers were tuned down again and worked differently for each killer. I had a different take on this in the past, but Blight's J-flick was healthy for the game and was great form of skill expression. This one is extremely personal: balancing DBD to the brim took…
  • Drift King Billy was my favorite build for Billy and it's a shame that Overdrive basically killed that playstyle for him. Another idea is to make an add-on that replaces Overdrive's supersonic speed with a 75% turn rate. Maybe have it as compensation reduce the base chainsaw speed by 10% since that's the amount of base…
  • I noticed that whenever I play Clown many survivors leave the tile once I begin to setup bottles on it, forcing me to reload if I use too many in that singular tile, so you could try that. That said, my playstyle for Clown is really, really weird, so it may not apply to other Clowns. In low wall tiles just predrop right…
  • Dear lord
  • Hot take: I always hated Lithe, even before dash DH was removed. It's not broken or anything and it's fine as it is but I always found it irritating how a survivor easily escaped a chase from me simply because they pressed spacebar at a window and held W afterwards. That said at least Lithe is more outplayable and…
  • Bubba, Pinhead, Singularity, Freddy, Twins.
  • Honestly wouldn't be opposed with making that base-kit. One of Trapper's main issues is that he's incredibly map-reliant because his dark traps stand out in brighter maps such as Coldwind and Eyrie. Have Tar Bottle make the traps blend in the map slightly more.
  • Unknown is mostly fine but his cooldown is a bit too long since there can be many cases where there isn't enough LoS breaking. I'd reduce it just by 2 seconds (from 7 to 5 seconds).
  • Not very excited for this update sadly. I had heavy excitement for the last mid-chapter but this one just isn't it.
  • She's not really mechanically satisfying to play as and many chases as and against Xeno are just W simulators since that's the basic counterplay against her.
  • I love Artist but I wish her sniper playstyle was more encouraged rather than set crow at window or pallet = profit. Too bad the time it takes to repel crows is too low.
  • Pretty much all of them, even Billy, need changes to some degree. Billy still needs those dissipation add-ons to get reworked (I would like Mother's Helpers back), Nemesis needs an add-on pass, Freddy needs a dework, Demo could use Rat Tail base-kit, Knight I don't need to explain, bring back Wraith's +.25 second speed…
  • Agreed, I'm looking forward to playing the new Blight big time. Bump logic has always been fun to take advantage of to get hits, and with the new collision he'll be way more consistent. I'll gladly trade the hugtech for better bump logic. I will miss the scoot slide though.
  • I was playing mostly nothing but Bubba a week ago and noticed survivors screaming with blood particles when chainsawing them through pallets without them getting downed. That said some of the jinxed chainsaw hits on my end didn't feel too deserved so I wasn't that devastated, but I've never had such happen with any killer…
  • I refuse to play Wraith without Swift Hunt. I miss the extra .25 seconds for the uncloak speed boost.
  • In my opinion, Wesker's hugtech and Billy's LoPro 180s should stay in the game because they have very high skill floors to get value out of. The way I see it, they're mostly for the style points, and going against killers that try to go for those rather than focusing on winning are a blast to go against and you gotta…
  • Us vs. Them has reduced a bit on the forums, but it's still there. It's my biggest pet peeve on this forum. To be fair, this game is asymmetrical so us vs. them is bound to happen, but some people can just be so needlessly entitled. Thankfully, it's not as bad as the Steam forums, and I like most of the people here…
  • These are placeholder add-ons at best. I hope to see them reworked. It's an anti facecamp measure, similar to Billy's old Overheat but actually punishes you for revving the chainsaw in front of a hooked survivor rather than punishing you for using the chainsaw to begin with. I think it's a good mechanic. It's what mainly…
  • I want Dwight's little propeller hat for Bubba, but with little chainsaws in place of the blades.
  • Plague is a weird case where survivors can't decide how to go against her. It's either don't cleanse or cleanse. I personally prefer cleansing, and when my friends and I play against Plague we like consuming all of her fountains to force out her corrupt purge. Plague can be fun to go against if your team knows what they…
  • I like Wesker and I think his techs are great forms of skill expression. Wesker hugtech is incredibly hard to pull off with the skill floor of it being far higher than Blight's hugtech. The only thing I'd like to see nerfed about Wesker is his ability to tunnel survivors off hooks efficiently with Uroboros due to Hindered.
  • Feng fit goes hard. Congrats and good luck on your next P100!
    in Finally Comment by glitchboi April 16
  • I honestly wouldn't be too opposed to higher percentages like 20% for 1 dead survivor, 25% for 2 dead survivors, and 75% as the last survivor, as long as it doesn't stack with other SS users like Prove Thyself for instance. It could work as a potential anti-tunnel perk since it won't be as efficient if the killer spreads…
  • I don't mind indoor maps and I think they're great for DBD as long as they aren't designed like the original RPD, which simply had no place for DBD because of its gigantic size while also being two stories at the same time. Midwich is fine because it's much smaller in size (and it's in fact one of my favorite maps). There…
  • I usually get the most satisfaction from mechanical-type skill. Brave Pyramid Head shots, Hillbilly curves, Blight flicks, etc. Strategic-type landing such as Trapper are also pretty satisfying.
  • I prefer the ranking system by a long shot. There's no longer any incentive to climb 'grades' and I personally enjoyed climbing to rank 1 back in the day. Plus, matches actually felt fairer which is surprising because of how flawed the ranking system already was, but I'm sure they could have made it work instead of…
  • That would be pretty cool. They could also make it so that powers with alternative power icons, such as Cannibal's Tantrum icon, are rewarded in addition (similar to how Legion gets two bloody cosmetics at once when prestiging).
  • Genuinely thought I was alone with this. Agree 100%, the bloodweb sounds are unnecessarily ear-piercing.
  • Respawning hooks after a sacrifice isn't too useful but it was unique. That aspect should be brought back in some form, with the sabotaged hooks respawning faster as a bonus.
  • God it would be a blessing to not have to face an Xenomorph for that long, boring as hell to go against. When I first picked up Xenomorph I always wondered why its hitbox was so weird but it was mainly because I was using its tail like a Nemesis whip. I did learn how to get hits with the tail more out in the open but it's…
    in Xenos Tail Comment by glitchboi April 12
  • The cooldown increase per charge consumed needs to go, it should be 5 seconds at most. The fact that you have to deal with a whole 8 second cooldown while also having to wait out another 12 whole seconds just to fully get all your charges back is pretty ridiculous and far, far too unforgiving. It's no surprise to why he's…
  • I saw a fire fanmade Unknown cosmetic concept based on a Sonic CD easter egg known to many as Majin Sonic. Aside from that my most wanted cosmetic would be a legendary skin: Wheatley for Singularity. Just him spitting hilarious nonsense and trying his best to act tough towards the survivors only for it to be an obvious…
  • I feel like what should be reverted is the .4 buffer for flashlight saves, then see how that plays out. The buffer is fine for flashbangs because of how difficult they still are to utilize.