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  • Well that would most likely be the best way of handling anythings. Since it would allow everyone to have their own way of handling things and let it be true, in their personal cannon. Since to point to disney star wars, alot of shippers were not very happy with the way Rei and Klyo were handle. They sort of got what they…
  • Well when it comes to genrators. That depends on a number of things. Map size for one. Does the killer have mobility or not? Are the survivors stacking together on a single gen or spreading out and doing gens solo? All of these factors can effect how much control one side or the other has over their ability to defend or…
  • Well there is also counters to slugging lets not forget. Unbreakable, soul guard if a hex totem is up. So it really depends on the perks the survivors have. While soul guard is a dlc. Unbreakable, is free to pcs players at least. Since Bill is free. That and players who play killers are still going to get label evil for…
  • Which a survivor loops the killer for 60 seconds or the killer downs them and waits 60 seconds, currently. Ds wears off, the killer has been targeting them since they were unhooked. The survivor still got tunnel and ds did jack. So this issue you brought up, is the same with current ds. Only it happens to waste more of the…
  • I don't get how it's only pc folks who are sweaty. Which by sweating I guess you mean trying to win the game? Which is something both sides try to do, no matter the platform. For your second post here leads me to still be confused. Pc Huntress being able to aim better? Oni plays slugging and going after the next survivor…
  • If it's not an anti tunnel perk, what is it meant for then? I think that a question we should ask ourselves, what is the point of ds? Since as it currently stands, if a survivor gets unhooked and is picked up for any reason with in 60 seconds, they stun the killer and get a chance to lengthen a chase. Since it seems…
  • Thank you good sir for taking the high road and explaining your reasoning in a civil and logical way. For it is nice and refreshing to see someone trying to explain their reasoning, rather than insulting others, using sarcasm or promoting a in group out group mind set by labeling all of x player base to be y.
  • Fair enough.
  • I would like to say thank you to everyone in this thread who is interested in a open and honest debate, rather than playing into the us vs them mind set. So it's refreshing to see some people trying to take the topic serious and debate if it a issue or not, rather than just labeling anyone who has ever touched or played…
  • I'm sorry but saying git gud to someone that is not game journalist does not help at all. If peopel are legit having issues as killer. How does saying git gud help at all? If the issue is they need to learn to play better. How is merely saying git gud and offering no helpful advice at all, useful at all? Since the only…
  • By killers, do you mean killers in general or only the people that are taking issue with gen speeds?
  • You keep trying to treat all killers as a single group. Promoting a in group out group mind set. Which is not what you should be doing, if we want to have reasonable talks about this. Which is just a annoying thing on these forums. It's getting tiring to see people like you go all killers are bad, all survivors are toxic.…
  • https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/144989/i-do-it-solo/p1 Oh no a survivor likes a challenge, they must be a killer main. Remember that? Than you were proven wrong. You whine time and time again about how killers in general are often but promote it being ok for survivors to treat killer players like dirt over…
  • Lightsabers are part of a world that takes place in a galaxy far far away, a long long time ago. It not our own reality but a clearly different one. Fictional settings have things that work different from our own world all the time. Bleach and how the main character can lose more blood than humanity possible. Gurren Laggan…
  • Well i would like to point out the example of using a fictional setting for video game mechanics, might be rather poor. Since star wars has the force, Vader who medical suit looks like it heavy based on sengoku armor[ might be due to star wars being influenced by hidden fortress in more ways than]. What is most important…
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