Naked Kate Denson skin
Prayer beads remove, no collision in phase, a volt window animation
What rank are you ? Good survivor don’t even care of your ruin, when I go on a gen and I see ruin I hit the skill check I don’t go away looking for the totem. Ruin was good in 2017 time as changed ;)
Use another perk ?
Survivor dc cuz of tunnel facecamp not cuz of a certain killer you play , at least most of them
generaly i don’t need to give up on hook cuz the killer rarely hook you cuz they all slug for 4k
Kate Denson 😘
Lol are you a troll, or a killer main meme maybe ? Not cuz you believe something that it’s real.
play survivor
And what ? You want to ban suicide on hook too ? Lets be serious when someone suicide on hook the only one who get avantage of this is the killer cuz the rest of the team is fck. Stop flaming for some bp when the rest of the survivor are going to lose more than you
Are you rank 20 survivor ? XD not that strong lul I don’t think you have faced a good nurse
For me a survivor who dc punish more the survivor who remain than the killer tbh cuz you know it’s easier for the killer when there is 3 man or less than all 4. And atm killer receive points for dc but what’s up for survivor side ?
Cuz mains killer are gonna complain more about swf :3
I find someone with like 50 pages in his profil full of -rep facecamp so I suppose he was doing that a lot lol
+400 escape +250 distraction ;)
cuz why not ? Killer letting you for 4 min on the ground just to slug for the 4k, it’s the same you make lose survivor time for nothing when they just want to get hook and go to next game
You don’t need to slug for the 4k to get 1 or even 2 pipe as killer. Git gud
cuz i love getting facecamp (no seriously I don’t even know why I still play this game...)
Goodbye Kate :(
A lot of ghost face daily and I always cancel it #hateghostface
If tunneling camp is a legit strategy for killers keys are it for survivor. Keys are find stop wanted nerf item from survivor
Pipe and find good things in the boxes to grow up my inventory :3
Leak the Halloween event start 31 October and end 1november enjoy !
Bikini bill
Bunny feng why not but bikini jane HELL NO XD
i don’t understand why all flame about keys, if every time someone have a key he get tunnel like never, and lets be honest 4man escape from hatch is very very very extremely rare, never happened to me, however I don’t feel nothing when 1or more ppl escape with a key, like I don’t care when I use a mori if survivor are…
Im main Kate too but I never get bored to play her, I admit that I only like the p3 and biker cosmetics, I feel like they are always the same survivors to get new outfits over and over.... damn pizza Dwight
Trapper cuz i always fall in his trap billy ! M1 me <3
100% true ! The survivor could be the true power If only they could kill the killer that would be funny as well xD (it’s a joke calm down killers ! )
Never takes responsibility I couldn’t stop laughing xD btw if you didn’t remember: we are in a game not in the real life. Then if I understand what you said, cuz someone was toxic in the past with you, you gonna be toxic with everyone ? Hmm it’s very mature then :D you just should get out and look at the blue sky sometime,…
Well I’ve a question for killer cuz all here seems to say survivor are toxic, someone of your family is going to die if you don’t get 4k ? Nothing personal, I never tbag fair killer don’t even use insta heal ! I hope to see you in game cuz I generally face killer who camp tunnel and slug for hours just to get a 4k (don’t…
I don’t think it’s broken, the problem with the plague is that no one cleanse so you don’t use your power so you don’t get a lot of point in deviousness
do you think Illuminati exist ? Cmon be serious all dc to max someone, I really don’t get your no sense reason ..
back to rank 20 ? Lol no thanks I don’t want to deal with good killer with real rank 20 mates, instead if they could stop to derank, it’s so boring to play almost every game with bad team mates, dc’s, urban evasion Claudette and the one and only noed, the derank have no sense for me it’s just boring
dead hard cant be more nerfed, you press it and you die instantly xD this perk is broken
The only thing op with freddy is his lunch, his arm is literally 5meters long gosh
The only thing op with freddy is his lunch, his arm is literally 5meters long gosh
Read my comment again
use thrill of the hunt or switch up ruin for pop goes the Wiesel or dying light 👌
you miss an exhaust perk take of q&q
Is this youtuber playing Claudette and hiding the all game in a bush ? :D
Chasing someone for 180 sec is ez with any killers you should just play normally....
quentin scare me every time