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  • thank you! I'm gonna try out playing pig ^^
  • I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say he definitely wasn't our main idea of an iconic killer & with all of the trailers/hints pointing at Candyman or Jason, however I can't lie the new chapter and killer both do look extremely fun and good. I had other ideas in mind for this chapter, but I can't say I'm…
  • I went back to his post after the killer/chapter was released an ! you got it lol
  • and yes of course it is possible to loop and escape a doctor, but not everyone who plays this game is a rank one with that kind of experience. and a lot of the community isn’t at that level of experience where they can counter a doctor easily. it’s just very easy to play him, and very hard to avoid him.
  • there is a difference between playable and basically a guaranteed win. it takes very little skill to press one button to make everyone scream, & another to stop them from vaulting or doing anything.
  • honestly, id say he’s just overpowered more than anything. he can prevent you from doing an action, and can have you give up your location at any given time. he’s over powered, with a rather simple playstyle. static blast, then shock therapy to prevent said survivor from throwing down a pallet or vaulting it. either way,…
  • ^ exactly
  • yes but at the same time this kind of leads to my point with how the doctor can literally prevent you from utilizing those resources such as pallets with his no cooldown stun. in many games im able to escape, but not when the killer can see my survivor screaming and can prevent me from doing actions, not to mention the…
  • exactly - he shouldn’t be able to literally find you out of the blue. it takes no skill at all to press the button and see the scream notif, whereas many if not all other killers actually have to look for them.
  • I static blast has a large cooldown, yes, but shock therapy - the one that stuns you and ups your madness tier - has little to no cooldown. the doctor can continuously spam it where the survivor doesn’t have enough time to make the pallet. edit ; didn’t mean to respond to the first reply
  • yess! a slenderman chapter would be amazing and (i don’t know if it’s confirmed or not), but on leaks by daylight they leaked a noise that sounds rather similar to slenderman’s. hopefully they add him in
  • okay at first when i saw the idea i wasn’t sure if it was legit or not, but after reading everything out i literally love this concept so much. some kind of animal like cujo would be such a good & different addition to the game, that i think it’s a great idea. i hope they add this into the game someday.
  • I think it would be a cool idea to see, but takes away the whole concept of a “masked killer” that defines Legion.
  • I agree, but what would they even call Pennywise? The clown’s already a name.. the it? I don’t know what’d fit for ‘em, as much as I’m rooting for it being Pennywise.
  • I don’t think NoED needs a nerf, as someone who plays both killer and survivor. Killers go against 4 survivors - most games will end up leading into end-game. At endgame, there is very little to do as killer, considering most gates are 99% and survivors are ready to escape at any given time. Killers need some type of…
  • I haven’t kept track of my trials, but I think this is a great idea that I’m going to try out June or whenever I get the opportunity
  • I think this is a good idea, as getting into an actual game results in the possibility of depipping, even if you just wanted use that as a practice round.