oh i didnt think of that! I will have to try that thank you for the tip :)
If you take away perks used to help slow the game down but then dont do nothing to the perks that speed the game up its only obvious more killers will just run more slowdown feeling they have to. Like you can call it a crutch all you want but if so many players feel they gotta use this crutch doesnt that show theres a big…
honestly why dont they just do chaos shuffle but take out the addons and items?
didnt we have MoM nerfed cause it was too strong? i feel like this could get too strong. i agree something should be done about it cause its weak but endurance perks are already pretty strong as a whole.
this perk rly only works if you also run a chase build and SWF otherwise it isnt that great. 5% boost on all repairs dont get you much when something like resilience would be better at 9%.
I am not even that good and i see this too. im something like 1.5k hours i think and i see this. I will always get one rly good hard to catch survivor i gotta ignore, one or two okay ones, then one or two rly bad ones. thats if I dont get a full on swf and they are all rly good. i rarely get a team of all rly bad survivor…
wow you said everything id have said way better!
i dont like this either bc ive been a victim of irl sexual harassment, but im still not offended by this bc its just not the same. it rly isnt the same. its sad but its not different than teabagging and has the same thought behind it. if you ban for this you have to ban for teabagging too because thats also sexual. you…
yeah i am also not a fan of that kind of pallet design. i dont think loop strength should come down to just whether or not its a god pallet or window, and i think RPD has too many god pallets a lil too close. That mains specially bad for example cause its strong loop into strong/god loop into some other strong loops into…
it dont look like it i see some older accounts that dont have anything rough to say got banned. i dont think the prometheus guy was saying anything too harsh at all they still got banned.
i just play whoever is fun but its mostly dredge for me.
is that normal for the forums to ban people who make semi decent points w/o breaking rules to get banned here or is there just a "report people i dont like until they get banned" issue? cause looking at old posts it looks like that happens a lot.
yeah the ping is real bad i am getting hits i shouldnt as killer and getting hit by things i shouldnt as survivor. its even happening in customs. what happened?
honestly most my games arent lost because killer is better but because my teammates are crap. if they fixed matchmaking that might help this issue.
ive played both but i main dredge and trust me dredge is stronger. he has more antiloop potential and once locks are broken you cant prevent his teleport. onryos only stronger if she can get condemns up quickly in my experience. i think both are pretty fun to play though.
thats pretty much my experience both sides too tbh.
and survivors with the other half of matches. whats wrong with killers winning half the matches doesnt that mean survivors win the other half even if it doesnt feel like it? i say the games balanced, just a bit killer sided because its meant to be survival horror. i dont have trouble winning as survivor.
maybe a bleed out option. like have it show up after a minute or so on the ground. nobody needs to be on the ground any longer than a minute hardly ever.
no i rly think as a survivor main toolboxes could be tweaked and you shouldnt be able to stack them with perks that way. its too much gen speed. if killer perks for gens got fixed it should be same for survivor stuff thats only fair. instead they should rly give toolboxes more charges.
yeah the cold wind maps are rly bad for both sides tbh.
oh i misread what "dp" meant then lol mb
but arent we sposed to loop killers? i agree maybe gens need to be dealt with again but it should be by making it so you can't have them go too fast or too slow. they fixed it with killers stacing gen perks now they should fix it for survivor. its too easy to push gen speed rly high right now and thats usuly due to a…
listen are people rly actuly seeing 4 man slugs that much? I don't see them hardly ever and its usuly always a Billy doing it lmao. i dont get that mad over a slug then going for the last person its only rly annoying if they dont know where the last person is, otherwise its fine. so maybe actuly we just need a faster…
i don't think we need depips back except for if you dc or su*c*de on hook or stuff like that. i would rather just make it super super easy for everyone to pip. like did you participate in the round if so you pip and any points on top of that you earn a second pip. then make getting the second pip harder as rank goes up. it…
i dont see how looping most killers is too hard? i can do it just fine never had any trouble. not every killer is gonna be loop-able theres other ways to deal with them.
i think they ought to just make it easier to pip in general. it's hard as survivor but also pretty rough for even some killers to pip cause some don't get all their points. stealth killers don't get chase as often, sometimes killers like legion dont get devious etc. fix that once and for all. maybe rework emblems.
balance or buff more killers. some maps reworked. something that prevents actual toxic slugging but doesn't ruin the whole idea of downs for pressure.
honestly maybe the whole emblem and pipping system needs a massive overhaul its clear it just makes people want to sweat more.
could we just not keep buffing one side but nerfing the other like can we all just have gen stuff that isn't op when you stack it?
i mean i don't usuly have issues with it but i guess it depends on what killer you run. is the counter not just to drop down? generally i think maybe we need fewer god anythings in the game they should be rare and limited to one or two a map.
i think lots of killers could get another addon pass some of them haven't been touched in a while. pyramid head and pin head rly need it and i think ghostface could get a checkup since he was just buffed and is still being checked on. same with myers some of his need it outside of just the tombstone addons.
i can't even get that far in the rift i just do it for the items and outfits like dang dude you gotta be on like all the time lmao.
i mean shes rly not that fast and her original version was rly bad. she needed the haste since otherwise all she has is a kind of bad ai dog.
i think he could be made 115 no issue. maybe 115 should be base for everyone now actully.
i think it rly only works if you run stealth builds or are a stealth killer like chucky otherwise not rly. i don't usually have problems on it tho.
couldn't we have both anti slug and also a system that prevents hiding forever? i don't like it when survivors do that either and both it and full four slugs are kinda rare. its usually a 2k and slug then the killer comes for the other survivor.
i found this perk works good with hyper focus or perks like it you got to put it with something else not on its own.
I think maybe make a option to just give up? could they do that??? idk
I think it is balanced but i think its hard to find gens sometimes. maybe a little big.