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  • Most people that complain about the health of the game seem to still be playing the game. Statistics speak louder than words. I would imagine, in the developer's minds, there's no need to fix what's not broken. Why dedicate a chapter to health when new killers/survivors generate more profits, keep most old players, and…
  • Ashamed of themselves? For playing a killer that's in the game? I feel like every time we get something powerful on the killer's side, survivors exaggerate the situation and so BHVR is getting more and more careful when designing killers, afraid to create anything too good. Don't worry though, BHVR will nerf spirit so that…
  • I added question marks to the end of the title, is everyone happy now?
  • I saw some people complaining about wraith on the forums so I decided to share my thoughts
  • Well I'm trying to get people to click on the discussion lol so a controversial title is the best way to do it.
  • If you allow a killer to position themselves in a way where they're blocking the vault or pallet, thats your fault. This usually only happens when a survivor messes up a loop and thinks they can keep going around but the killer has some distance on them and can block the pallet or vault if the survivor attempts to double…
  • So you want them to nerf nurse? Again?
  • Playing Killer at Rank 1 makes you develop certain skills and techniques to be able to compete against survivors. All that development can be applied to all killers that you can play. Because of this, you are already better than the average Rank 20 killer no matter who you play so why should your ranking reset when you…
  • Is it really that bad on console? I play on PC and fortunately have experienced practically no performance issues. Did the last update really shatter the performance on console?
  • already went to technical issues but ill have to make another post there
  • Restart the game maybe
  • Yes, it's normal to feel pity for others in a bad situation. It's not your fault though, you were just doing what you're suppose to do which is evading the killer. However, games are too short so when killers make small mistakes like that, it could cost them the entire game. A lot of killers just feel discouraged and…
  • I'm really excited about Monstrum 2. I'm getting my first gaming PC in about 3 months from now for my birthday and it'll probably be one of the first games I get. By the way, are you the real Space Coconut????
  • I feel that, Friday the 13th was pretty fun. I liked Jason being powerful and threatening. I liked that every match was different. I hardly even care about new content, as long as the game is fun, that's all that matters.
  • I saw people asking for camos on their medkits and flashlights. Loot boxes could actually be a thing where players can get skins and camos. That would suck but since the community in general keeps buying into battle passes and legendary skins (that costs 15 dollars), anything is possible.
  • I sometimes visit to see what people are complaining about or see if there are any changes and updates that could get me back into the game. Then I decided to make this post because I was curious about what other people thought concerning DBD's future.
  • You can already tell if the killer is coming just by being attentive and looking around with your camera.
  • Yeah, I too have a very old PS4. Ever since I got it, no game has ever made my system shut down other than Dead by Daylight. This is just my assumption but I think the older versions of the PS4 are just not optimized for this game. The PS4 Pro or the PS4 Slim might be better suited to run it. I remember being in that…
  • I've had exactly the same problem. When I used to play DBD on PS4, it kept saying the system was overheating but I had just turned it on. I'm still not sure what the problem is, I've tried everything to fix it. In the end, I just gave up and played it on my Nintendo Switch. Is your PS4 old? Does it have proper ventilation?
  • I think I get what you guys are saying. I'll save up and build my own PC, instead of getting a laptop, to save money and get better performance. Thanks for the huge help @GoodBoyKaru, I'll definitely look into all of that.
  • Whats the name of the laptop?
  • 1) Deja Vu helps you avoid 3-genning yourself which the killer can take advantage of. 2) Furtive chase allows you to switch obsessions to make use of perks like Play with your food and dark devotion. The other ones are not that good.
  • I think legion shines when it comes to spreading pressure among survivors within close proximity to each other. He can injure mulitple survivors (maybe even all of them) within a short amount of time. Not only that, but they have to mend which also wastes time. After that, they have to heal which is when you can catch them…
    in deleted Comment by shanny_boi July 2020
  • A lot of people will say something along the lines of "We had it harder before the bloodweb rework. The grind is much easier now." Yes, much easier, but still takes forever. Keep it to yourself.
  • Thats one of the problems within DBD. A lot of the grind takes forever and sometimes, it gets to the point where it feels like I'm forcing myself to play just to get something I want.
  • Nope. They want the grind in this game to be tedious to get people to play more. The more people playing the game, the better it looks for them. But yes, that would be a cool feature.
  • How does killer gameplay get easier?
  • I play on the switch and for the most part this game runs smoothly. However, there can be random frame rate drops on certain maps and during certain situations in the game. Sometimes, skill checks can be a bit choppy and the cursor will skip parts of the skill check. When it comes to dodging and juking in chases, it is not…
  • Thats only 1% of their power.
  • I have 1 of those perks lol. Thanks anyways for the suggestion. Also, ace in the hole gives you add ons when you get items from chests. Up the ante increases escape odds.
  • I hope they have either fixated or inner strength. On a different note, does anyone know how they decide what perks will be in the shrine? Is it random or hand-picked?
  • I think he means the corn vision.
  • Yeah chases are where I usually get them. Also, skill checks often skip parts of the success zone. I rarely get smooth skill checks.
  • I guess the best fix would be to just not go to the home menu during a match.
  • You shouldn't go to the home menu while the match is loading. I play on the switch as well and when I go to the home menu, the game basically pauses which could interfere with you joining the match.
  • Here's my opinion: They should be buffing bad killers (like Clown) instead of nerfing balanced and enjoyable ones (like hillbilly). It got me wondering whether there will be future nerfs to my favorite killers. It's part of the reason why I wait before getting a new killer, to see if they will get nerfed and devalue my…
  • I really like clown's design, it's a shame he's not that good at higher ranks. In my opinion, The Clown is the worst killer in the game and many would agree with me. Leatherface and hillbilly updates could've waited to be honest. Instead, they should've focused on the clown and given him something more than just a small…
  • A lot of people don't like to farm, they just want to have normal games where everybody is trying their best to reach the objective. You'll earn a lot of bloodpoints anyways because the gateaus are crazy good.
  • Yeah I edited my post. Why else would somebody be announcing their quitting the game at a time like this? Because they're frustrated. I just assumed. Sorry.
  • I'm going to take a huge break from this game because it's not as fun as it used to be. A lot of the changes completely devalue the time and effort I've invested into the game. I'm just going to finish grinding bloodpoints and leveling up everybody (since Ghastly Gateaus are used every game) just in case I return at some…
  • people will always be like that. They're just salty they lost. The toxicity, unfortunately, is here to stay.
  • But imagine going back to pre-rework nurse? That would be insane. They wouldn't do any of this because it would probably be too much to keep balancing and for the sake of consistency.
  • About the DLCs, they just serve to discourage people from playing this game. There's always a pricetag behind all your favorite characters. I feels like you can't get an enjoyable and complete experience without spending money to get every chapter. At least let us use iridescent shards to purchase them. And btw, this is…
  • OMG, I've been saying this forever. The cosmetics are overpriced. People saying that it's "optional" to buy these cosmetics and "I can spend my money how I want" are part of the problem. They fuel these greedy game developers to keep releasing monetized content; so one player buying these skins has an impact on other…
  • If you remember old ruin, i think you know endgame pig. She used to be able to attach traps on survivors at any point in the game, and they couldn't leave until they removed it. However, she got nerfed so that if a trap is attached on a survivor and all the gens are finished already, they can still escape. I know you're a…
  • I agree. Some killers definitely aren't on par with the others and need to be buffed or reworked. Legion is crippled if survivors split up and remain distant from each other. He really just becomes an M1 killer at that point. Clown too needs to be looked at. I mean look at hillbilly, the guy can zoom across the map in…
  • Lol it could actually take 12 months lol. The fact that people make these jokes about the devs shows how long issues in DBD drag on for. But maybe the new matchmaking system will be delivered quickly and work flawlessly. Only time will tell and I hope that I'm right.
  • Speaking of nerfs, bring endgame pig back !!! And maybe old ruin?
  • I do really well with Nurse's Calling, BBQ, Pop goes the Weasel, and Save the Best for Last. Nurse's Calling and Save the Best for Last makes him an absolute unit when it comes to catching people out of position and ending chases quickly. With pop goes the weasel, you'll be able to regress generators just as quick. And BBQ…