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  • Agreed. For the first time in perhaps two years I’m genuinely having fun and have played for a few hours each time I’ve started the game up (usually, I play 2-4 matches and get fed up). It’s so refreshing for both sides to not have to verse the usual meta, and has introduced a great variety into the game. No sweat, no…
  • Well there are two scenarios: the one you said where survivors get better to prove a point against tunnelling killers, or alternatively, they’re relatively new to the game and think “wow this game sucks and is unfair”. The burden shouldn’t lie on new survivors to “get good”; the burden should lie in the game rules and…
  • I would say I escape around 25% of my solo queue matches. The current gen-kick/slow down meta is so detrimental to an uncoordinated team. I think BHVR really underestimate the power of these perks against solo queue players with no sense of coordination or communication. Having said that, let’s not be entirely biased…
  • same issue here as a Switch player!! I lost access to all my ST DLC content, including all the skins I brought. How annoying.
  • Adrenaline is still a strong perk and I will still equip it. The question is: did it really need a nerf? Like anything in this game, it’s quite a complex issue. Like most strong survivor perks, it was easily counter-able by A tier killers (Blight, Nurse, etc) or one-shot/NOED using killers. But then it’s really harsh on…
  • Yeah that’s such a generic and halfhearted response. Overpriced cosmetics, perks locked behind licensed chapters, etc, but a small cosmetic reward for prestiging is considered ‘FOMO’… that makes no sense, I’m sorry.
  • but what about blinding with pallet stuns? If you’re being tunnelled, I find this a useful way to briefly confuse the killer at pallets to buy myself more time… plus, combined with other perks (Lucky Break, for example) it gives you ample opportunity to lose a killer mid-chase. Which is of course very helpful if you’re…
  • The issue is there’s a paradox when it comes to tunelling; BHVR implement anti-tunnel perks (OTR, for example) whilst still allowing tunelling to be a viable strategy that rewards the killer 99% of the time. Lately, it feels like in at least half of my solo-queue games, a survivor gets tunnelled out early on to create a…
  • I see where you’re coming from, but as killer you have the power to push survivors out. Sure you’re gonna get a few extra teabags/flashlight blinds/flashbangs, but survivors soon leave if they’re faced with the prospect of being downed in the EGC. I’m not saying it’s right and I do agree that if also wastes the killers…
  • I think the creative team are spot on with their original chapters (except Tools of Torment lol). They nail the aesthetics and consistently write genuinely original and creepy lore. I’d also say the fun moments in the game when you realise some players are just here to have a good time too! When other survivors nod at you,…
  • I agree, it’s all come full circle as the original metas which they tried to get rid of back in the big perk overhaul update have just come back around with slightly different varieties. You still consistently see the same 2/3 offending perks in lobbies. I think the issue lies with the overall validity of the wider perk…
  • I say this as a survivor main: survivors had it good for a long, long time. Killers deserve a much needed buff because for the longest time, survivors had the upper hand. I agree to an extent that the current roadmap feels more killer favoured, but to be fair, last year they put a lot of energy into survivors (the activity…
  • I personally dislike going against Legion as you spend so much time mending which just feels very non interactive and repetitive. However, I would never DC just because I don’t like a specific killer. You play whoever you want, whenever you want - it’s just the nature of online gaming that, unfortunately, you get salty…
  • Yeah but my point was that even when the killer could see my perks and I explained what Wake Up! does, they still accused me of hacking. It’s not my fault they’re a sore loser 😂
  • I once got accused of hacking when trying to get the Adept Quentin achievement. I was the last survivor and the killer closed hatch before I could get to it, I stealthily got to an exit gate and Wake Up! Meant I opened gates much quicker. Killer said it wasn’t possible to open that quickly even with that perk. Absolute…
  • But why though? The hatch is balanced as it’s completely RNG dependant, which essentially means the killer has just as much chance of finding it first as the survivor does. Even if the EDG existed without the hatch, “auto sacrifice” (as you put it), shouldn’t exist. I say this because from time to time I’ve been the last…
  • I think “tunelling” has become somewhat of a distorted term in recent times. The thing is, say you’re a survivor who was last unhooked, sometimes the killer just comes across you first even if they’ve not camped or gone straight back to the hook. Sure, it’s nice when a killer leaves you as they acknowledge you were the…
  • Funny, I actually forgot about Pinhead! Haha! I hate versing him, too, but he’s such a rarity these days that he’s a non-issue for me.
  • Dull Merchant: does this one even need explanation? Boring, un-fun, and just an outright abomination. Horrible killer. Clown: 99% of them I go against are super sweaty and the pink bottles give me a migraine/motion sickness. Wesker: I can appreciate his design and say that he’s (on paper) a good killer, but I go against so…
  • As already said, BT is more altruistic; where OTR very much encourages players to run far from the hook and self-heal, BT is run for more team-spirited players (has great synergy with We’ll Make It). I also love how BT catches killers out who wait out base-kit endurance. The extra length-endurance and speed boost can make…
  • I second Thrilling Tremors for killer; such a solid information perk. Is it meta? Certainly not, but it’s consistently reliable. For survivor, I’m going to go with Parental Guidance. It’s a very situational perk, but on indoor maps like Lery’s and Hawkins it’s so good to loose line of sight of the killer and waste their…
  • How is self-healing still strong? One med-kit has just enough charges for one heal - not withstanding how multiple killer perks can completely negate this anyway (Franklins, Sloppy Butcher, etc). I only talk about med kits as you can no longer self-heal with CoH and Self-Care is one of the worst survivor perks. Med-kits…
  • Clown is by far my least favorite killer in the game. I find the effects from the pink bottle give me a headache, and I just dislike everything about him: his sound effects (that awful cough), his grating chase-music, and just his overall aesthetic. Plus, I find 90% of clowns I verse are super sweaty and I have really…
  • Is this post satire? “Why no nerfs for survivors”? *MfT has entered the chat. Healing has been nerfed into the ground and it now takes forever. Why waste time healing when you could be completing gens? Especially in this current gen-kick/regression meta. I don’t understand killers sometimes. Back when healing was strong…
  • That’s a completely false comparison, though. you’re not considering the asymmetrical nature of the game: if survivors so call “tunnel” gens, the outcome is a game ending quicker due to survivor efficiency (notwithstanding the multitude of killer meta perks which directly counter this play style). If a killer tunnels a…
  • I think it’s because of the complete meta shift and how most of the original survivor “go-to” perks have been gutted. Look at it like this: back when the meta was DS, DH, BT, and either UB/Adrenaline, even weaker survivors had crutch perks to waste the killers time. What I mean by this is that survivors with little-to-no…
  • I see where you’re coming from, but is that not that the whole premise of “anti-tunnel”? Is it not better for the unhooker to be chased instead of the person who’s just been unhooked? Camping is a separate issue in itself, but at least in the example you said, doing that multiple survivors are targeted/hooked instead of…
  • The difference between basekit BT and the concept of basekit Corrupt is simply down to variables. Basekit BT works the same every time, and only really punishes killers who are hitting survivors straight off hook. Its easy to go a full match and not even need it. Basekit Corrupt would essentially be a bandaid fix to a much…
  • It’s hard because there’s no definitive right/wrong solution. What I’m saying is, it’s not and black & white issue in terms of the game rules/mechanics. For example, if a survivor is targeted at 5 gens and the killer makes it their sole ambition to get rid of them (ignoring all other players, camping and chasing them…
  • Agreed. The whole “we don’t want BP incentives to determine perk choices” was such a bad justification for gutting Prove Thyself/WGLF. I miss getting bonuses from these perks when, as per this discussion, survivor BP rewards are already thin on the ground.
  • Tbf, most of those perks are fair-game. Deliverance requires you to complete an unhook and not be the first to be hooked in order to get any value. It’s a very conditional perk. Unbreakable is again a very fair perk as it’s fundamentally an anti-slug perk. If you don’t like UB, don’t slug. DS is fundamentally useless now,…
  • I think the best course of action would be to revert it back to the 5-second stun duration active for 80 seconds. However, the condition is that you must be the most recently hooked survivor, therefore if someone else is hooked and your timer is still active, it automatically deactivates. That way, only killers who are…
  • MfT was problematic and deserved a huge nerf; that is something I can 100% get behind. However, some killers complaining about exhaustion perks is just silly at this point. Do they just want easy, guaranteed win chases at this point? Honestly, all of the most problematic survivor perks have received huge nerfs (DH, MfT,…
  • Meg, for sure. She’s great for newbies who aren’t too confident with being chased, and Adrenaline/SB still being meta all these later is a testament to their power. I’d probably then say Dwight as a close second. Whilst he has no chase-related perks, his basekit encourages good teamwork/co-ordination. A couple years ago I…
  • I agree that prestige should be hidden as it encourages killers to pick & choose their lobbies, which results in longer queue times and skewed MMR. However, I’ve sometimes been pleasantly surprised by p100 survivors. Some of them aren’t even that good… and remember, the higher prestige and more ostentatious the skin…
  • The thing is, character Prestige is purely a superficial aspect of the game. Once you’ve reached Prestige III and have that characters unique tier III perks unlocked for everyone, the only real incentive to progress the blood web is to gain items, add-ons, and offerings. It’s not like prestiging that high unlocks any cool…
  • Somebody shouldn’t have to read every comment in a discussion in order to make sense of it, though? You made your points pretty clear in the original post. Hypocritical… how exactly? The start of my post regarding Eruption was supposed to be sarcastic and exemplify my main point which is that every side has grievences with…
  • so survivor’s using an OP perk and having fun before it gets nerfed is really terrible? What about killers spamming Eruption and making games drag forever before it got nerfed? Just as an example. the “us vs. them” rhetoric just doesn’t work as there are glaring issues for both sides and let’s not pretend both killers and…
  • I sometimes run a “gen protector” build: Repressed Alliance, Blast Mine, Deja Vu, and the forth perk can be any that speed gens up (I like mixing up between PT, Resilience, or Hyper Focus). Whilst you have no support with chases (no exhaustion perks) or revealing the killers aura, the trade off is that you’re really strong…
  • The worst survivor meta was pre 6.1.0 update days when every survivor ran DH, DS, Adrenaline, and either Resilience or Deliverance. Survivors were virtually untouchable and even people who weren’t good at the game got free escapes because this build virtually carried them. Even worse was pre-“conspicuous action” days when…
  • Chill, it’s really not that deep. It’s just a silly/goofy aspect of the game. People take this game way too seriously so it’s refreshing when people do silly things like this as it’s funny and makes the game more fun… which at its core is what it’s meant to be (I know it’s a horror game but people wouldn’t play unless it…
  • WoO and Adrenaline are absolutely fine, though. You only get value from Adrenaline if you’re injured when the last gen pops (which isn’t always the case). Some killers with insta-down powers directly negate Adrenaline, anyway, and there are whole end-game builds/specific perks (NOED, Terminus, etc) which, again, counter…
  • I saw compilations of funny DBD moments and thought you could stun killers when fast exiting a locker… I didn’t realise you needed a specific perk (Head On) for this, so there was me trying to stun killers without head on. Ha!
  • It should stay and here’s why: Several times I’ve loaded into a lobby as a killer and wanted to leave as I’ve been matched with P100 survivors. I know prestige doesn’t = skill, but generally speaking, if someone has that many hours in the game they generally have a good game sense. I’ve been proven wrong time and time…
  • Take no note of them, you did nothing wrong. Sure, there’s an “optimal” way to play shack pallet (loop it before dropping and usually towards the end of the match), but if it stopped you going down I don’t see the problem. Some survivors see being sacrificed as the biggest L in their lives - same as some killers not…
  • Very interesting. Although, it pains me to see Self-Care still has such high usage. Horrible perk that fundamentally screws your team over.
  • I’ll echo what’s already been said in this discussion; it’s not an “anti-camp” mechanic, more of an anti face-camp mechanic. Proxy camping/defending a hook when survivors are swarming it is a perfectly viable and respectful play style. The purpose of this mechanic is to dissuade a Bubba from mindlessly facecamping you to…
  • Cause he was using his m1 a lot, wasn’t very good with chainsaw and kept missing/going into tantrum so by the end of the match wasn’t even bothering. That wasn’t really the point of my post, though?
  • I would say it’s inconsistent at best. for example, I had a match before against a really sweaty Bubba who camped and used a full end game build. My solo queue team were very good and thanks to some totem hunting, distractions, body blocking and protection hits we all escaped. On the flip side, on my first match of the day…
  • Not only is the current hatch system perfectly fair, but it’s needed in order to prevent hostage situations and players refusing to end the game (happened a lot in old school DBD before the EGC was implemented). It creates a situation where either a) the survivor finds it and escapes so the game ends, or b) the killer…