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  • Its only active for at most 2 minutes of a game.you can slugg the person if you think they have ds.you can choose not to chase them.all things you choose.even if you do go after them and down them and choose not to slug them the survivor still has to hit the skill check.this perk went from always usable no real counter to…
  • You are playing the strongest killer in the game and you are complaining about ds.thats funny af.with dedicated servers ds became less and less meta.most people will run vault speed which rarely has ds in it.
  • If survivor is so easy then explain how 3v1 is killer sided but 4v1 its survivor sided.the game is actually pretty balanced all i could say is maybe up gen times but max 20 seconds.survivor isnt as east as you want to make it seem because if it was 3v1 would still be survivor sided.to clarify 3v1 meaning 3v1 from start ie…
  • Why grab? You in the game know how resent you hooked that survivor so knowing how long its been why grab and not just force the trade.Thats the problem with this vid.we know nothing of the background/what happened before.where as the killer did.they made the mistake of grabbing instead of just smacking twice for a trade.
  • I didnt say just apply pressure now did i.killers mains lol.see that doesnt do anything been rank 1 on both for over 4 months now.i said if you cant apply pressure ergo not downing fast enough not pushing off gens ect.i proved my point dont just say something stupid back that not only is non helpful but also not…
  • Slow down perks are the killers second chance.if you dont apply enough pressure these perks give you a second chance at slowing the survivors objective.perks like rancor and noed are the second chance kill perks.to survive chase there are second chance perks for survivors killers have it on slow down perks.your adons and…
  • Do you only play a m1 killler witg2 no adons and no good adons.cause the idea of saying these are second chances are like a nurses blink or the phase from spirt.you mess up then use your ablity or you have things like irri head huntress or pinkyfinger clown.plus perks like old ruin and bbq are some of the problems with…
  • Yeah i get that but every perk is crutch so complaining about crutches doenst make sense.and by the idea every exhaustion perk is a crutch doesnt that make every addon on for killer a crutch as well as their good perks.like i said tho every perk is a crutch perk when you consider you dont need to use it and you gain…
  • You do realize the idea of perks is the crutch.any perk is a crutch.can find a gen here you go want better gear here you go.every perk is a crutch when you consider the fact that you dont have to have perks on so stop calling perks that are kinda good a crutch and accept all perks are crutch
  • The devs actually dont know tgeir game well at all and cant even play at red ranks.camping is toxic and honestly chosing to be toxic isnt helping the game.as well if you cant beat purple and red ranks maybe stop the camping and try and figure out where you as a player are not performing as well as you need to.to get better…
  • The idea that ds is only to stop tunneling is the problem here.the perk was nerfed and the idea is now you may never get to use it where as before you pretty much were guaranteed a use.ds is strong but that doesnt mean ######### about it.as killer you have strong perks and on some really strong ablitys.as hag you can…
  • Take a minute and listen to people who have played this game for a while.after watching enough people who have played for a long time such as tru3 or monto you notice when it goes from a 4v1 to a 3v1 because of a dc or kill themself on hook they mention that they pretty much have won because of that and this could be 1 min…
  • Where did you get this info
  • Think about it this way if one survivor disconnect early in the match and it becomes a 1v3 the killer 9 times out of 10 will win.so the idea that they keep nerfing killers as per your statement is kinda a joke since they just nerfed instaheals.map changes would be a good idea but like all maps its better for others as well…
  • You do realize you can only get 8k from altruism so yeah it gives you a decent amount but if thats all you did you wouldnt get as much.you gained quite a bit from totems,chest,bold category,and chase since you did die you had to have some chase.
  • I dont tunnel hook and dont camp and most the time no one complains.if i am going for the person just off hook wether on purpose or not i will down but not hook to make it more fair.the idea that nothing will stop them from complaining is rather absurd.
  • Those perks arent meta and most of those kinda suck
  • For a while if you dced and just reset the game you got your pips back but still did lose your item and any blood points earned in the match.
  • The problem is the penalty wasnt there.i dont agree with the people that down once and dc but when i get tunneld or camped i would dc when i am gonna get 3rd hooks because i knew i wasnt gonna pip even black cause as long as you reload the game you got your pips back from dcing.
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