Some basic stats...
For anyone interested in statistics, here are some basic stats for ya'll: 1,000 matches total between ranks 9 --> 1 Started 1st December 2020 (date of twins release) 23 red or green moris, 2.3 % of games. If anyone wants specifics lmk, as i know the graph can be a bit hard to read at times. But this doesn't really mean…
2 players needed for tournament
I'm hosting a small DBD tournament and 2 players have dropped out in one of the teams, looking for players to fill in the spots. There's no reward for this tournament. If anyone is interested, join my private discord and DM me, ill send over the rules etc.: https://discord.gg/UEzDGpQW if the link doesn't work just msg on…
New Tournament! Looking for 1 team of 4 players (Start-Mid June)
Hi guys, first time promoting a tournament on here. I'm looking for 1 team of 4 players. Essentially, teams will be playing 6 matches in a bracket of the tournament - 3 survivor and 3 killer Teams will play on 1 map as survivor, switch roles on the same map, and then change map as they switch back to the original role (so…
Developer Update
The fact that 5 killers were changed (as i believe trickster changes are also in this PTB), several perk changes, map updates and other changes to toolboxes and hatch as well as HUD.. This seems like a really thorough patch and its great to see BHVR show they care about the game. Keep up with the changes BHVR :D these…
Why not show MMR or hide ranks?
I know this has been asked loads before, but seriously. If the devs dont want to display mmr (for whatever reason) why dont they hide ranks? Even if the mmr system is working as intended, and we're getting matched with other people around our mmr, people will still see the rank disparities and think the matchmaking is…
So, why isn't mmr shown to the player?
Event crown cosmetics
Is it really worth grinding to get these cosmetics? i mean, are the devs just going to make them public for everyone in a few weeks anyway, so why waste time?
lobby times
I don't know if its just me, but for some reason lobby times are taking ridiculously long amounts of time. even before the chapter was released, i'd often wait 8 or 10 minutes for a 5 minute match as killer. Anyone else getting this?
Rank update error
Just had a match that ended in rank update error, so this is still a thing. PC Rank 1 Survivor
Massive Lag
Why is it that when i enter a game, i have green ping (around 40 - 50). But the second i actually enter the match the red desynch icon appears at the top left of my screen and i lag like crazy?
completion charms
Once the tomb closes, are you still able to earn completion charms at the end of each level by completing the challenges/epilogues in the compendium? or are these unobtainable after the tomb ends?
Franklins Demise
Will franklins break items now with the -10% thing tied to it, or will it just act as if the item was used up and deactivate it?
I think it'd be cool if they actually combined ranks and mmr. the way that it is going to happen atm is rank means nothing (and invisible to other players i think) and mmr is invisible to everyone. Think it'd be better to have an actual mmr system TIED to rank. i.e. between 2k - 2.5k mmr is rank 13 and between 2.5k - 3k…
sloppy butcher and coulrophobia?
Would Coulrophobia and the new sloppy butcher work together? or would it not make a difference to the healing speed if i only chose Coulrophobia?
PTB Rift
If you level up your rift/archive on the PTB, will this follow through to live? or will your progress reset on live servers?
DOC shock
Alright so, after the many many many bad decisions made on Doc. The one im actually curious about is the shock cooldown? Not that shock has a cooldown, because for some reason BHVR think cooldowns are fun or something when theyre the complete opposite, but when you shock, you now get a 3 second intertaction block as the…
So yeah, ruins dead. That happened. Seen as the devs know that hex:ruin is used in 80% of all red ranked matches and 40% of all matches as a whole (their own data), surely this indicates that its a somewhat needed perk by killers because gen times are abysmal! But yeah, nerf ruin with no compensation to gen times at ALL…
Status effects
As new status effects like "undetectable" etc. are being added into the game, will there be room to update some of the older effects? i.e. luck, as other than escaping from the hook and escaping bear traps it doesnt do anything. I dont think it even affects your probability when looting chests.
The Rift
So are exclusive items returning i take it? i.e. when the rift closes. you can never get any of those cosmetics/charms again?
Can a mod answer?
If your game crashes mid game, and you get presented with the crash report with the "send" or "do not send" crash report at the bottom. Does this count towards your DC rate?
Stranger things
This was super cool to find out that stranger things will be the next chapter. And im excited for its release. However, not that im ungrateful with the survivors we got (cause nancy and steve are awesome) but would it ever, ever, ever be possible in future, to maybe get a standalone DLC for hopper as a survivor?
Exhaustion addons
So, i've recently heard that the devs are looking into reworking/removing the exhaustion addons from killers. I was just wondering why on earth this was a change that was ever needed or discussed?
Will the clown be fixed soon?
Clowns got a lotta bugs, some still present since his release, just wondering if this was a priority of even known by the devs.
How does this work?
Regarding the perks monitor and abuse and furtive chase, which is best to use when wanting a larger/shorter terror radius at the end of a chase? For example, if i paired these perks up with infectious fright, which one would i want? as im not sure weather IF would trigger at the end of the chase with monitor (with the…
Refund bloodpoints?
I was just wondering, after playing LOTS of freddy and after understanding actually how to play him. I've p3'd freddy and got all the perks in the game on him. After seeing the stream today its clear that freddy will be completely gutted. If it is not possible to switch between the current and old power, is there any way…
Double blood point event
When i hover over the bloodpoints icon on the upper right of my screen, its gone from saying the bloodpoint event has 'x' hours remaining, to 2 days. Is this a bug, or has the event been extended due to it being fathers day weekend?
BHVR killed legion
A while back on one of the streams it was mentioned that a priority would be that killers addons rarity should be averaged for all killers (having a set amount of addons per rarity tier) and that killers without ultra rare addons will recieve them. After wraith, this hasnt been seen or even mentioned really at all. And all…
Few questions on the endgame collapse devs...
Firstly, i think its great, the whole dynamic of the end game collapse is amazing from the visuals of it to the gameplay. It gives survivors something to fear and killers that extra push as the trial comes to an end which fits really well done for the style of game. Grats Devs *clap clap* That being said, ive heard noed…
When are buffs coming to killers?
Out of interest, i was wondering when the dev team think would be a good time to start buffing killers? not a hate post, just genuinely curious.
What a suprise
DLC is release, and what a suprise, the achievements dont even work. pretty good job so far
Exclusive skins
Is there any way to gift someone an exclusive skin on steam? im not on about store cosmetics or things of the like, but items (such as the red and purple ace hats) that appear in the steam inventory and are no longer available. I have a friend who is quitting and says if i find a way for him to give me his skins, he'll do…
Game is now crashing every time i want to play killer and i don't know why? half the time it crashes my whole pc
Legion changes?
Do you think if perks (such as nurses calling and coulrophobia) worked on the deep wound status effect (treating it as a healing action), making the survivors heal all the way with the deep wound status effect (like snapping out of it) and allowing perks such as noed/make your choice work with his ability it would make him…
Event cosmetics
So im confused. Will the event cosmetics be able to be purchasable at any time or are they only purchasable during the Halloween event?
Can a dev or mod answer?
I've looked around and can't find a definite answer. Is farming bannable? meaning killer farms with the survivors to get points. some people say its totally fine while others say its not. can a mod or dev answer to clarify weather or not farming is bannable please?
Adept Achievements
Should i get the adept achievemtn if the last survivor gets out through the hatch, only seems fair? I mean, i had a game earlier with huntress where one of the survive with friends disconnected so their other friend could get the hatch. and all my work was for nothing. i've had this happen twice and its stole my adept…
New perk ideas
Post perk ideas (as well as the perk name if possible) that you have that you think could be good or fun if added to the game.
Doctor bug?
I'm not 100% sure if this is a bug or not, but sometimes when i change from treatment mode into punishment and attack(try to charge up my power by pressing M1) straight away my doctor will attack with his weapon instead of charging his shock and its screwed me over more time than one. This is a bug right? and i take it its…
What are the new achievements linked to the new chapter? If anyone knows an you mention them down below pls :)
Please fix leatherface
His chilli uncommon addon and award winning chilli very rare addons are still faulty and offer little to no effect when used. How long before we can expect a fix for these?
I think perks should work even if people disconnect, what i mean is i've had two games in a row with my clown where the obsession has disconnected almost immidiately after being downed. This means that the "save the best for last" perk that i am running becomes totally worthless, aswell as me not being able to get the 4th…
Decisive strike bugged?
Most of the time the perk works fine, but i've had it in some games where i clearly hit the skillcheck, however nothing happens. Is this bugged?
Loss of progress
Has anyone else had a loss of progress recently? i was on for a few hours last night and when i came on this morning all my progress had been lost, are the devs going to fix this soon?