Could not snap out of tier 3 madness
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I'm not entirely certain what caused it but i remember having a skill check pop up for the snap out of it action right when i let go of the mouse. I wanted to 99 my madness but i was no longer able to attempt to snap out of madness. I…
Houndmaster Permanent Speed Bug
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM: steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: After exiting a snowman I was moving really fast for the rest of the trial. I entered a snowman during the search command and it seems you keep the speed the entire trial.
Crouching Can Make Certain Special Attacks Incapable of Connecting.
This occurs when there is even a slight difference in elevation between the killer and survivor (the survivor needs to be lower). This affects the Blight, Hillbilly, and the Demogorgon specifically. The difference in height can be as slight as the doorway of the killer shack (if the survivor is outside the doorway and the…
Add The Option to Mark Survivors/Killers as Favorites.
This is a feature that becomes more desirable as the roster continues to expand. Having the option to mark a character as a favorite would be a nice quality of life feature. I don't like having to scroll to choose my survivor, and there are times where I get a bit lost on the character select screen. Marking a character as…
Machine Learning should be looked at
1 minute of 10% haste with undetectable is too much. If the duration is that long it needs to reduce the haste to 5%.
Pyramid Head's Cage of Atonement Should Grant The Basekit Unhook Endurance/Haste
Pyramid Head is the best character in the game at tunneling out a survivor. With his cage of atonement he can ignore perks such as Off The Record/Decisive Strike/Borrowed Time. This on it's own is enough to make Pyramid Head's cage mechanic useful. Where the Cages start to become frustrating is when a survivor can be hit…
Survivors need a perk equivalent to Franklin's Demise
If I stun the killer it should make the killer drop their add-ons. They'd have to go and pick up the add-ons within a certain period of time or the add-ons disappear forever. Pallet stuns/head on/blast mine should all work with it. I don't think this would be a healthy addition to the game, but folks who…
Anti-Facecamp(AFC) Meter should be visible to all survivors on the HUD
The number of times i have had my 90%+ AFC meter stopped because a survivor decided to lurk by the hook really irks me. This is information that can be communicated in a SWF, so there really isn't a good reason why this can't be visible on the HUD. My solo teammates can now know that I will be able to self unhook if they…
Please Fix This Major Issue
Am I being hyperbolic? Probably, but this bothers me more than it should.
Event mode has some neat quirks
This Claudette I met in trial liked me so much that she decided to stay with me beyond the timer of the EGC. Bestest friends now. A brief video showcasing some of our precious moments. (this happens when you stun the killer as they remote hook. The previously hooked survivor will also be hooked instead of the carried…
Object of Obsession Buff
Simply remove the part of the perk where your aura is revealed every 30 seconds. The perk lights up whenever your aura is being read and you see the killer's aura whenever they see yours. Optionally you could have the 30 second aura reveal replaced with something the player has more control over. in situations where you…
Remote hook should not work with basement hooks
They aren't even event hooks and it removes the downside of hooking someone down there which is the time spent going in and out of it. It should only work for event hooks.
How to Nerf Huntresses' Ability to Camp Hooked Survivors
Huntress is really good at defending hooked survivors, and the haft add-ons enable this even more. The reduced cool down on hatchet throws can make unhooking against a huntress near impossible if they run both hafts. They'll hit you with the hatchet and then follow up with an m1 which will likely deny any attempt to hook…
How to Fix Michael Myers
Michael Myers is viewed by the community as one of the weaker killers in the game. A few minor buffs could definitely improve the game play experience both when playing as and against The Shape. Here is what should be changed: Tier 1 Base movement speed should be increased to 4.4m/s. Tier 1 without add-ons is just not…
Offering not showing up on offering screen despite being shown in endgame screen
Platform - Steam The pre-match offering screen did not show my offering and my duo could not see that offering on endgame screen. The offering was shown on my screen, but did not apply the bloodpoints. I was playing as thalita on a rancid abattoir. My offering was a 7th year cake and i was using the 3rd loadout slot. This…
Babysitter Buff (Epic style change to make it better than old dead hard B))
Babysitter is a bit too whelming compared to a lot of the other anti-tunnel perks. The effect isn't bad, but it could be cooler. Extending the duration of the effect from 8 seconds to at least 10 seconds would be nice however I'd like to see the effects tied directly to the base unhook timer instead, so the perk would be…
If a player (not you) DCs loading into the trial you lose your offering.
Platform-Steam If another player DCs before loading into the match your offering is consumed. I had 1 BPS left and offered it, but didn't have it available after going back to the lobby. The match was canceled yet I lost my item.
Let us buy all the equipped cosmetic pieces at once
You can now view different cosmetic pieces together without having to own any of them. There should be a button to buy all of the un-owned cosmetic pieces you have equipped.
A Reasonable Buff to Made For This.
Made for this used to be one of, if not, the best survivor perk we have ever had in the game. The perk was rightfully nerfed. However the perk doesn't see much use these days. The perk has potential and some small tweaks could help it compete with other meta perks while not being overpowered. Made for this could have it's…
Saving 22 seconds on every generator
Platform - Steam, though i imagine it will work on all Issue - Using a toolbox with potential energy will prevent it from depleting. If done with a specific toolbox you can save roughly 22 seconds per generator without consuming a single charge. To reproduce you have to activate potential energy on a generator and then let…
Bugged Location on Midwich
Platform - PC Issue - The game attempts to correct your location by the upstairs breakable wall in the bathrooms. Similar to the reported issue on Hawkins where you sort of teleport to a nearby spot. It occurs when you walk through the breakable wall (it would be broken at this point). I had it happen in a live game and…
Hawkins is Incredibly Buggy
Platform - Steam Issue - Running into certain rooms will teleport your character to different, nearby position. There also seems to be some desync issue where your position will appear different on your screen then on other players (you can be hit/healed by a player you can't see since you are next to them on your screen).…
Saving BP Tome 19 Level 1
This is, to my knowledge, the most optimal path for saving BP in the current tome. If you find anything better let me know.
Standing Over The Hatch Should Automatically Close It
Standing over the hatch as killer, to prevent the survivor from entering, is stinky. It prolongs the late game in an uninteresting way. The survivor has to do gens solo until the killer chooses to close the hatch. If none of the gens have progress then it'll take 90 seconds to finish it. Even more time would be spent if…
A Change That Can Reduce The Toxicity and The Grind.
Toxicity is an issue in online gaming in general, so to claim this is entirely a DBD problem would be a bit silly. The survivor vs killer dynamic where the roles are asymmetrical can create tension between players who favor one role is likely the factor for why the issue of toxicity feels worse in this game compared to…
Do We Know How Long Ultimate Weapon Reveals The Aura?
I didn't see anything on the dev update that mentioned how long the survivor aura will be revealed for. It's not the entire 15 seconds, right? ...right???
Plague Animations Are Bugged and Now Her Audio Is Bugged Too.
The Plague's animations have been bugged since the mid-chapter, but now it seems her audio as well as the smoke vfx from her censor are not correctly playing either. sometimes there is no smoke and no ambient plague noises.
Head On Is Not Working On Nemesis Zombies
Usually you can get rid of the zombies with head on, but it seems to not be working at the moment. The zombies can be right against the locker and still fails to hit them.
Since DBD Has Already Collaborated with Capcom...
We should get a Dino Crisis chapter. For those who don't know what it is just imagine Resident Evil with dinosaurs. We could have dinosaur killer which would be pretty cool B^)
Treatment Theater and White Glyphs
Treatment Theater is currently bugged and has two basements. This has been a thing since around the introduction of the lights out modifier. If you are doing the Glyph Caretaker (white glyph) archive then you might be thinking easy peasy I can go to either basement. WRONG!!!!! You must pick the right basement, but how do…
Please Address Crouch 'Teching'
Demogorgon, Hillbilly, and Blight's special attacks can be evaded by simply crouching if the survivor is even just a smidge below the killer. If the survivor is outside of shack and the killer is inside that difference in elevation is enough to crouch and dodge the attack outright. Blight is the only killer that can deal…
Remove Thompson's Mix and Bring Back Mother's Helpers
Thompson's mix allows for hillbilly to miss chainsaw sprints with little down side. This can be used to zone out survivors and follow up with an M1. Survivors do not have much they can do when dodging a chainsaw sprint when Thompson's mix and grease throttle are in play. Mother's helpers was one of my favorite billy…
My Fear With The New Lights Out Mode.
There are no perks that will help killers find survivors and there also won't be perks for recently unhooked survivors to defend themselves with. Killers might be enticed to camp/focus on one survivor since finding a new survivor would be more time consuming than going after the first found survivor. I hope they consider…
This is Why Lightborn is Flawed Perk Design.
If I were to suggest a perk that, by merely equipping it, completely prevented med-kits from being used or prevented the use of toolboxes/maps then I'd imagine that perk would be poorly received. This is what Lightborn currently does for flashlights. Lightborn is not a bad perk in terms of utility. The peace of mind to…
Can We Change Med-kits So They Aren't All The Same?
I'm not suggesting that we buff or nerf the item, but the differences between the rarities is only +5% altruistic healing speed per tier. A brown rarity med-kit heals another teammate in 11.85 seconds and the purple rarity heals a teammate in 10.66 seconds. That is less than a second and a half difference. You might not…
New 'Chemical Trap' Type Perk
I would love to see a new survivor perk that is essentially flash bang combined with chemical trap. I should be able to craft a grenade that instead of blinding allows me to slow down the killer for a bit. I don't care if the values on this are turned down since it'd be much harder for the killer to avoid compared to the…
Hex: Ruin Should Work Like Overcharge
Ruin in its current state seems a bit underwhelming for a hex perk. Compared to other regression perks it doesn't really compete. If the regression started at 100% and grew to 200%, the old value, over the course of let's just say 30 seconds the perk would still be useful and would introduce some new ways to play around…
Accessibility: Add an Option to Have Flashlights "Blind to Black".
An option can be added so that blinds obscure your screen with a 'black-out' rather than the usually bright yellow-orange. This would help those with photo sensitivity issues and those who just don't like to feel their retinas burn. The only way to avoid that bright blind overlay is to equip the perk Lightborn. Call of…
Hex: Plaything/Hex: No One Escapes Death Totem Aura
The hex totems associated with these perks aren't properly revealing themselves. The aura of the totem doesn't show up for either of these perks.
Should Distortion Have A Different Method For Regaining Tokens?
I don't think the perk is necessarily broken or over-tuned as it is. However whenever I play with randoms and they choose to hide all game I can always count on their perks being Calm Spirit+Distortion. Since being in the terror radius is the only requirement, they can have tokens all game without progressing the…
The Pig Chase Music Not Starting Properly
The prompt for starting chase with the Pig and the accompanying music do not properly play after exiting crouch. To clarify this happens after you exit crouch at any point and not just immediately after. I was within 15 meters of a survivor and we were both running with clear line of sight. This happened every chase. The…
Recent Matchmaking Changes and Variety.
With the recent changes to matchmaking I've found my games becoming more stale. I'm seeing only 3-5 different killers running roughly the same pool of perks almost every game (E.G. The Blight equipped with pop goes the weasel/pain resonance). When I play killer I see map offerings more often than not with survivors running…
Option to Disable Lobby Animations
I'd love to see an option to disable killer lobby animations (Oni Screaming, onryo jumpscare, etc). I can inspect charms while queuing but it doesn't help when going through blood webs. It's a bit annoying to spend blood points on certain characters when they constantly jump at the screen or make a bunch of noises. It…
Is spam vaulting windows/pallets against The Wraith an exploit?
While cloaked The Wraith cannot attack, but he can break pallets and vault windows. When running shadow dance add-ons most Wraiths really want to break pallets cloaked. I'd deal with this by spam vaulting the pallet until they uncloak as to prevent them from getting the break pallet prompt. A Wraith player alleged that…
PC - Hex: Huntress Lullaby affecting skill checks on pig boxes
To my knowledge the perk is only supposed to affect skill checks for repairs and healing, but currently it also removes the audio for pig box searches. Pig had interlocking razor and razor wire add-ons.
Can't pickup Survivor in a corner of the Gideon Meat Plant
There is a corner in the TV room where the killer cannot pickup survivors in the dying state. It's next to the locker near the window vault. The survivor seemed to know about this because they kept coming to this corner during chase.
Stuck after vaulting a window in Coldwind Farm
Playing on PC I vaulted a window on the top of the main building and did not fall through the gap and was instead suspended in the air. I could pan and tilt but could not move otherwise. I was playing as Legion with the perks Bamboozle, Surge, Thanatophobia, BBQ&Chili. I did a normal vault (not using feral frenzy). I had…