From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
I think the Knight will be closer to perfection right now. Thanks devs for the continued effort to make the Knight better to play as and to play against. Maybe in the future we as a community understand the Knight will need some changes, but he will be PERFECT for me now. Sincerely, thank you for listening and for the hard…
Bloodpoint offerings should be available in new game mode/modifiers/events (AND JUST BP OFFERINGS))
Just a quick suggestion: Bloodpoint offerings should be enable to be used in game mode/modifiers/events and THEM ONLY. No map offerings, no Moris, no hook offerings, hatch, etc etc. Just Cakes and Bloody Party Streamers. It would incentivize playing the new modifiers, specially with friends. It was very annoying when…
A feedback on the Knight's rework
So, i've been testing the Knight for two days - i was traveling when the rework was released on live - and i have some feedback to give: The Positives of the rework: The longer hunt duration and the longer time to spawn the Banner - with long patrols paths - make guards much more effective. Its hard to describe how much…
Knight mains!! REJOICE!!
What are your first thoughts on these changes? i'm eager to test them on the PTB!! The only change i'm not sure about is the "NEW] When The Knight is within 8 meters of his guard, the guard’s hunt timer depletes 3x faster". Maybe this was to make it impossible do double hit a survivor? Congratz to the devs for this dev…
Vecna gameplay show a possibility for Knight (rework)
Hi! Hope everyone is doing fine. I am playing Vecna these days and could not notice how "similar" the spells and the Knight's guards are: its like different powers in one killers (although the Knight Guards are far more similar among them than Vecna's spells). What if the Knight had a system just like Vecna, where he could…
Twitch drops only on official and Fog Whisper channels is quite disappointing
Hi! Hope everyone is fine. I don't know if this is the right session to address this situation but i need to talk on behalf on a part of community that makes a very valuable service for the Dead By Daylight as a whole: the streamers who have small channels, their main game is DBD and they've left out of the current twitch…
The Forgotten Ruins has GREAT BALANCING ISSUES
Sorry to say this, but this map is trash. The portals make infinities - you can't catch a survivor with an M1 killer if they "loop" going from one portal to another. Portals should have at least 3 seconds of "stun" when traversing through them because you can catch a smart survivor running from loop to loop. If you don't…
"S tech" shouldn't exist against Hag
Hi! Hope you guys are doing fine!! So, since the Hag buffs last patch i've been playing her a little more (she was my first main but i've changed to other killers after sometime). After some matches, i've come to conclusion that one of the worst problems of Hag still remains: the Called "S tech". What is "S Tech"? Whenever…
Bloodshot Eye should give extra 100% BP for completing event actions
Quick to the point: the Bloodshot Eye just give a wallhack for the Blood Basins. It would be better at least get 100% more BPs for event actions, since it makes no sense to use them once the other bloodpoint offerings are not bugged.
Knight could use some of the tweaks the older killers received today
Hi! Hope everyone is fine. So, as i've said in a propose of changes for the Knight (https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/390781/a-suggested-rework-buff-for-the-knight), he is quite dependant on some addons, mostly three: Map of the Realm (MANDATORY), Dried Horsemeat (very dependant) and Call to Arms (very…
Can we have some official data on the Knight statistics?
Since his released in November 2022, we never had any form of official statistics about the Knight. The unofficial ones show the Knight killrate mostly at 50~51%, with a 2 to 2,5% pick rate, but we know the official data can differ from this. The last data Behaviour made public was in a period the Knight was killswitched…
Knight addon dependancy needs to be adressed soon (as it is being done in current PTB for others)
Straigth to the point: this current PTB buffs/tweaks aims towards making killers less addon dependant. I understand that most of the killers buffed in the PTB are the "old killers" - the most recent of them all is Demogorgon, from 2019. But since BHVR want to make killers less dependant on addons, i think Knight can be one…
So... how does the Knight stays with this Gen Damage (January/2024) changes? Forgotten again?
Hi! Hope everyone is doing fine. Knight's guards were buffed one year ago to do 5% damage instead of a normal kick, to compensate their lack of possibility to apply gen kick perks (Nowhere to Hide, Opression, Eruption, etc). Now, every killer (including the Knight) has the 5% basekit kick with a limited count on 8…
Any chance to get Frosty Eyes for the Knight?
So, i know the Knight is killswitched for a while but i really wish we could get the Frosty Eyes for the Knight. I missed it from last year and i've thought we could have another chance to get it. Any way we can get this right now?
So Knight will be unavailable until next year? .... Right? :(
Knight has been disabled due to a bug. Ok, this can happen. But being Killswitched right before the holidays its so sad. This is the only time of the year when i can play DBD for a long time (its my vacations), and its so sad. Hope you guys can fix it before the end of the year or the holiday break.
Suggestions for Knight's addons rework
Hi! Hope everyone here is doing fine. Continuing my journey on the forums to talk about the Knight, I've come with some suggestions on how to change his addons. I will leave the addons which i don't think need a rework to the end; if i talk abou a addon, its because I think it needs some changes or tweaks. I'll go from the…
So, instead of buffing a niche perk to become more useful, you guys decided to gut it completly?
So, Batteries Included got nerfed... It was from the beggining a "bad decision perk": to get value from it, you need to chase survivors where you should not go: the area where generators are already completed. Chasing one survivor in an area where the generators are already completed is to leave unfinished generators free…
Skull Merchant needs to some changes to become healthy
So, i've been playing as and facing some Skull Merchants after the changes and she feels worse to face than before. She now has a strong capacity to harm survivors with her claw traps; she can defend an area with generators with drones easily. And the worst -> NO punishment for doing bad drone placement. Me and my friends…
New Chapter Idea: Abandon & forgiveness, featuring the Grudge A.K.A. the Reaper
Chapter presentation: "After collecting the grudge of those sacrificied when the gates of the trial were opened, the Entity gave shape to a new killer, a one born from the survivor abandon and ressentiment. Unforgiving, the Grudge will use all of his strength to make sure no one escapes, so every survivor can feel the pain…
A suggested rework/buff for the Knight
After playing for some time with the Knight (i've been playing him constantly since March) , i've come to understand that although this killer can be quite fun and have a very good visual, it has some problems. In order to adress some of these problem, i have some suggestions. Please, consider this topic as an open debate…
Anyone else feeling the new map "Nostromo Wreckage" is too big?
So i've been playing a couple of matches in the new map Nostromo Wreckage, and i've been feeling that this map is pretty big. One of my matches, while playing with the Knight using Call to Arms (a patrol range addon) i could not reach a gen even using my 42m range. Its like feels like its Mother's Dweling, but worse. What…
Knight mains, how you feel about this killer?
So, i've been playing Knight a lot since March, it became my main killer. I started to play Knight because of his Visuals + theme (Medieval) and i'm still playing. The thing is: sometimes i feel Knight is fine, sometimes i feel Knight is very underwhelming. Its so much fun counter a flash save/ sabotage with a guard…
New perk "Rapid Brutality" gives too little and takes so much (Suggestion for change)
Hi! Hope you guys are doing fine!! Every new chapter i'm very excited for new chase perks. The Chapter 29 (Alien) is bringing a very interesting perk at its concept: Rapid Brutality. The perk gives you 5% haste for 8/9/10 seconds after a hit, but removes bloodlust. It can a interesting perk for M1 killers, but i think it…
What do you think SoloQ surv needs to be a better experience?
I'm going for Rank 1 survivor before the rank reset, mostly playing with friends, but at the morning i'm playing SoloQ. SoloQ is miserable: People giving free slug for the killers, rage quitting and killing themselves on the hook. In your opinion, what could be made so SoloQ becomes a better experience? I think removing…
Made For This makes Holding W viable again
So, after playing a couple of matches, i've been seeing so many Made For This users that make me question: if holding W was something the devs did not want, why make a perk that reward survivors for holding W indefinitely? Why make a perk which reduces the speed diference between 115 and the survivors in 20% for just…
Singularity has an "inverse Pinhead" issue
Hi! Hope you guys are doing fine. So, i've been playing Singularity and i feel this new killer has a problem that is the inverse of Pinhead Lament Configuration: If Pinhead can gain pressure as the game goes - if you don't do the cube, the chain hunt will start and the survivors will have a severe handicap - Singularity…
What if we have shared BP Offerings?
Hello everyone! Hope you guys are doing well. As the title says: Why don't we have shared BP Offerings? Many times i want to play with a different/new killer and i don't have any BP Offerings to farm addons or perks, mostly because they are on my main killers/survivors. The devs ever thought of that??
Do you like the P100 Prestige Icon?
Hi Guys! How you've been doing? Whats your thoughts on the P100 icons? I know they are pink/red to remeber the Iridescente color, but visually it doest not seem that good. I think the gold/silver ones look so much better. Since it most advanced prestige we can get to our favorite characters, i think it could get some…
A Sadako Rework suggestion
Hi! How are you guys doing? Since the release of Sadako, this killer have been among some controversy on being too weak, specially because her lack of chase oriented powers. Yeah, i know some streamers have made some big winstreaks with her (400+), but lets be honest: its one in thousands. In High MMR, playing Sadako…
A Suggested change for Leverage
Hi! How are you guys doing? I really like the concept of Leverage, but i think the perk last for so little time its not worth to run it. Because its last only for 30s even with 5% penalty for healing for stack its very underwhelming. Would no be better if we could have a bigger time, like 60s or even 90s, even if with…
Knight needs some adjusments
Hi! Hope you guys are doing fine! I've been playing the Knight for quite some time, and i think some issues should be adressed. The first ones, of course, the AI bugs: sometimes when the surv drop pallet/jump a window, the guard does not pass through the pallet, but go the other way around the loop, giving the surv so much…
Why when people say "casual players" they only think about survivors?
Hi guys! Hope you are doing fine!! So, i've been wondering something about our DBD Community: why when people say some changes will affect "casual players" most of the time they are making reference to casual survivors? There is no casual killers? Whats your thoughts? Can killer be casual?? Or playing killer requires a…
A suggested change to Reassurance
What if Reassurance, instead of stoping the timer on the hook, halves the speed which the survivor is sacrificed? I've been seen some greedy plays with Reassurance (specially on SWFs), when people smash gens and delay the save until the last seconds. If you are near the hook to punish the last save rescue, they…
How would you feel if ALL killers were opressive in chase but no survivor could be tunneled?
Hi! How are guys doing? I've been thinking about DBD balance these days, and something came to my mind: what if EVERY killer in the game were opressive in chase - like Pyramid Head, Artist, Spirit, Blight - but every surv could be certain that i he/she would not be throw out of the match until some hooks have been…
Any future plans to make offerings for Killers shared for all characters?
Hi! Hope you guys are doing fine. I'm making this post because i want to ask the Devs if they have any future plans to make offerings shared for killers, like DBD Mobile. I have so many BP offerings in some killers and not on others, that i am forced to play with that killer; also, there is the case of getting some…