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  • The problem is the very small pool of killers they released in this mode. Like, I'm facing Huntress every match i play in this mode that i find strange when i don't hear her lullaby in the map.
  • As a someone who plays killer 70% and survivor 30%, i would say they should never punish people to play with their friends. The thing should be buffing SoloQ info and coordination possibilities - basekit Bond, Kindred, etc - and making weaker killers stronger, while they balance maps strength. The only thing about the SWF…
  • In some sense it would be true. But at least it would end a match. I, personally, rather just die than wait minutes until the bleedout, specially if the killer loses me on the ground or refuses to pick up.
  • Yeah! Even if they nerf other parts of her kit - like limiting traps near hooks - i think making her 4.6 would be the best change to make her more in line with other killers more recently released.
  • Knight could be in a much better spot… i think they could at least give full Map of the Realm to Carnifex and Assassin (12m patrol) and Call to Arms speed partially basekt. Aside from that, i think Knight will be better to play than the current live version. Lets see how the new Knight plays and what they will be doing for…
  • Its funny how people tend to forget that DBD is an assymetrical game an a single survivor should not be strong enough to 1v1 the killer because there is more 3 of them. Killer using 2 perks slots in a build is compromising 50% of loadout. It would be the same as if the survivors would use 8 perk slots to get some value on…
  • People really want killers to run 4 slowdown perks Like, really, even in SoloQ it is counterable, as long everyone bring their items to map corners.
  • yeah, but most of the people who bodyblock with OTR while being injured have Decisive. I don't think Anti-tunnel perk should disable if you are healthy, specially now that Billy is in the top of the strongest killers. It would be more healthy overall for the game if someone couldn't force you to tunnel when you don't want…
  • They need to remove collision from a survivor while it has endurance / OTR. That's the a change i think its needed so people don't weaponize anti-tunnel perks.
  • Well, that's one absurd scenario since it would requires 4 persons willingly to spend their times to try to "annoy" a killer by giving an instant win. If finisher mori were a thing and that happened to me twice i would just only laugh and then queue for the next match. Sorry, but this doesn't make sense even in theory.
  • Franklin's and Weave attunement are made for each other. They are the perfect pair and i don't think they need to change. People are forgetting that Weave attunement already received a nerf since now medkits don't deplete completly when doing a self heal.
  • From the first 4, i think Wraith is the only one that uses this combo well, you should try it on him. I've tried Sloppy, Franklin's, Weave Atunnement and Corrupt, playing the hit and run style. Freddy can have some value, but his mobility is quite limited. Of those 4 below, maybe the Knight can have some value, because you…
  • I maybe considering to test a perk because of this, but i've NEVER changed my playstyle as a killer or as a survivor because someone disliked it. Think that its more a BHVR problem that some problematic perks exist more than players problems. The thing is that we as community need to give honest and proper feedback about…
  • The 3x less patrol time is a problem must not got into live. Aside from that, i think this patch will be a great buff/quality of life for the Knight. I would add that Assassin can get consistent hits if the survivor is exhausted or in corner of the map. For example, in Dead Dawg Saloon, if you snipe a survivor doing the…
  • Well, i think they need at least to revert the turning rate buff. Billy is already one of the strongest killers in the game, there was no reason to buff it further. Also, his cooldowns when he bumps into something is quite forgiving for the killer. I had situations where i couldn't leave a tile against a Billy even when he…
  • Just give a finisher mori when all survivor are downed and there is no way to a pickup happen.
  • Well, the part that the guards hunt duration draw faster if you are closer to them was the worst part for me. Lets hope BHVR change this before going into the live servers.
  • Sorry, but i deeply disagree about the Knight. He will be much harder to play but much more rewarding now. You will need to think every second which guard is the best for that moment of the game (specially now since Jailer has some chase potential) and how to use them properly. I would argue he will become one of the…
  • People will use it with Dead Hard (for chased) or Background Player (for flash saves). In either of the cases you will start making sounds after using an exhaust. It can be even paired with Lithe. Only Sprint Burst users won't benefit from this change
  • I really think they will go back in this. This is terrible, won't deny. But aside from this, i'm happy to see the devs at least trying to change the Knight in a good way.
  • That's the biggest problem to me, as you will need to be close to your guard to get a hit on a survivor. But i think this won't go to the live servers, as will render the Knight power ineffective in many situations. I hope they fix many of the Knight bugs in this ptb, as they did with the Twins and Nurse.
  • Well, looks like there are more changes to come and i hope some bugfixes for the Knight guards ai
  • Of course! I'm playing a lot of survivor these days, with friends or even SoloQ. Knight will be a much healthier to go against. I hope the devs give more "buffs" and quality of life changes to the "long range patrol" style. But i've called the Knight mains because we have been waiting for these changes for a long time and…
  • They've said in another post this will be possible and will be possible even closer than before
  • Well, considering its just the PTB, i want to try it out to test as it will become. We only got half of MotR and "Pillaged Mead were fan favorites???" What? Pillaged Mead is trash and no one uses that addon at all. We need Call to Arms base kit as well. Now that is STILL a required addon…killing me here. Yes, i wish they…
  • Yeah, they really read the forums. Lets see how this will work on the PTB
  • Its a very good perk overall. I think its pretty fair with the Franklin's combo. A nice addition to the game.
  • How a system like this would work with MMR? And if you can't get a killer you like at your level then you would accept face a much more experienced killer? In the end this would only boost the pick rate of the top and strongest killers of the game. I think if you are playing survivor you need to understand that you might…
  • Couldn't disagree more. My attachment to this game was made by the communities of those streamers and since then i'm always in touch with DBD, even when i'm not playing the game regularly. They are not that "small" streamers either: they have up to 150 to 200, getting even to 300+ viewers sometimes. TBH, the only Fog…
  • If a survivor is running Object and you are running weave atunnement you can say goodbye to any form of stealthness. Your position will be revealed to the survivor the whole match, since they can drop an item next to gen or a loop and they will see you forever. Although its a good combo, at least for now, i don't think…
  • Yeah, that a problem of the game: right now you need at least one anti-tunnel perk or you will be on your own in case of the comes back to tunnel. But except for that, i believe a lot of perks are underrated and survivors can use more diverse perks than killers do right now. I love built to Last, Champion of Light and…
  • He is the bottom tier killer, specially after killer buffs. Its sad that he needs another rework to be viable again. I wish at least they make him more consistent to what he looks like in the movies.
  • Its a good perk still, but reliant on combining with other gen kick perks like PoP, Call of Brine, Overcharge, etc.