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  • I wish they left Ultimate Weapon as it was at first (making people scream), but with small time being active (15s) and a long cooldown (90s). It wouldn't be spammable as it is right now but would help when you need to find people fast. There are many situations where aura builds are not enough (mostly because of…
  • Look like you are missing the point here. The whole merit of the discussion is: you don't need to have a perk to counter something the other side can do. You don't need to have lightborn to counter BGP + Flashbang. As you shouldn't need any survivor perk to counter a killer perk. Having to bring a perk otherwise you have…
  • Eruption procs when a survivor goes down, not when its hooked '-' You are thinking about the wrong perk Anyway, having to equip a perk to counter something in the game is silly.
  • Background player needs to go. Its just such a dumb perk to go against. It offers no real counterplay and make the gap between facing SWF and SoloQ worse, since its much stronger perk in the hands of a coordinated team (which is already strong by itself). They should nerf it back to the previous version (150% sprint for…
  • Imagine if you could only cleanse a Hex if someone were running a boon perk? Do you really think that counters should be based on perks? Lightborn is one of the worst perks in the game and remove one thing that everyone who wants to play killer must learn: how to deal with survivors with lanterns and pallet saves. Anyway,…
  • Except for the for Background players, i think flash save are fines. TBH, most of the times Flash Save attempts end up being more detrimental for the survives than for the killer. Yeah, i feel bad too for the change they made into the flashlight timming, but it might be something they hardly will revert. Now, talking about…
  • You are forgetting: Champion of The Light: A good perk that enables you to blind the killer and slow them down. Can be used to: get out of a bad zone if the killer breaks a pallets; hinder the killer after a save; help a teammate getting tunneled if you can blind the killer. One of the best perks in the recent years (and…
  • It was 2 comp killers streaking against mostly casual players. Whenever they get someone on their level, their struggle and, most of times, lose. I don't know about the 4-man streak, but i know one of them is from comp. Also, they were playing the 2 strongest killers of the game. They would had an even hard time against…
  • The Unkwnon is not so weak, although i would suggest some small tweaks to make him more acessible: Make his time to charge his power 0,5s -> having to wait 1,0s just to charge his power is too much. Make his cooldown 5 seconds (instead of 6s) -> the window to hit a survivor would be bigger without being too much oppresive.…
  • The only buff overcome needs is to work while under endurance (and not exhausted). This way, it could be used as an anti-tunnel build with OTR and Decisive. I don't think a perk should have some "basekit counters" against some killers. If we went this way, we could argue that Botany should have some other effect if you are…
  • Believe me. If what you are asking was granted, you would only face Nurses, Blights and Weskers forever. People already prefer to pick survivor, specially when they have friends available to play with. Being new into this game is quite harsh but it is for both sides. Try to learn a new killer to see how MMR works: you will…
  • Not all sides agree that Unknown is broken. TBH, most of people say he is fine. Sorry, but aside from SoloQ lack of info on other teammates and anti-tunneling, i think the survivor role is mostly fine. Also, the basekit BT is one of the STRONGEST Buffs survivors had in a long time (i remember being farmed in front of the…
  • The current Invocation perk has a quite strong effect - removing charges from the gens - without being outright broken. Specially since most of the killers won't be patrolling the basement. The thing is: it should be used at very specific times of the match; using it at the start is a waste, but it can be gamechanging when…
  • Another struggle with The Knight is his addon dependency. The Knight feels infinitely better to play with Call to Arms and Map of The Realm. Call to Arms provides two things for The Knight: a stronger power in chase (green orb speed), and longer possible patrol paths. The movement speed when in drawing mode feels so good…
  • Hag just need a small tweak to be perfect: her radious of trap activation still is too big, so survivors can trigger the tripper while running backwards, avoinding the hit even if you TP instantly. I think her activation radious could be the same as with the brown addon that reduces range. Them, survivor would need to wipe…
  • My complains about the Unknown is that when you hit the survivor with your orb, the orb should explode withou any kind of Hinderance, specially since it requires at least 2 shots to cause some damage. But lets see how it plays into live.
  • I'm using Champion of Light and loving it!! Its coming in clutch in so many matches. Looks like people just want perks like MFT or old DH.
  • I am a killer main. I have been playing survivor more lately, but most of my hours in DBD are playing killing. And Billy is becoming the Skull Merchant with a chainsaw. I explain why. Since they've changed his turning rate buff from 0,75s to 1,0 i've been facing Billy players that are sloppy but they still manage to get…
  • Maybe they should just remove the possibility to ######### on hook on the 1st stage and leave it only for 2nd stage when there is only 2 survivors left. I also think they should remove the kobe altogether if you're not running deliverance
  • Backwater Swamp has the WORST collision and the WORST hook spawns of all game (specialyl white hooks). This map has a very strong main build, with plenty of windows connected and pallets downstairs. Also, this map has the possibility of spawning a Jungle Gym with 2 windows at the pier - a very strong tile. I don't think…
  • Backwater Swamp has the WORST collision and the WORST hook spawns of all game (specialyl white hooks). Outside of this, i think the Pale Rose is pretty fine.
  • Map is quite big. Outside of that, i think its okay.
  • The map is too big with some strong loops at the main building. Also, there is too much clutter, which can harm killers like Deathslinger, Huntress or Singularity. The colision on this map feels pretty strange, specially on the snow mounts.
  • This map is a Nightmare for killers. The buildings are quite strong, almost impossible to mindgame (specially against good survivors), with many "god pallets" inside them. Also, i think the underground portion of the map is a nightmare too: there is a very strong pallet, the corridors are too narrow (you can easily get…
  • TBH, i only think Adrenaline becomes a problem in SWF, since it can be used to really strong plays. Maybe the only change the thing that you're healed if you're on hook or in being carried by the killer.
  • Maybe it could grant 2 stacks perk hook. It would be a nice buff without making it too strong. Making it available at every pallet would be an error, since killer could just spam this the whole match
  • No. The Knight was killswitched during the period of the collected data ( Dec 2023 - January 2024). We never ever had any official statics about the Knigth.
  • Outdated design that they didn't adressed until today. That's the only reason
  • I believe we are going to have at least 3 sable per lobby in the release month. My friends are eager to play as her.
  • Being too close to one object to order a guard would make it redundant to give order. One small thing that could be done would be give the Knight a "Quick Order" power where he needs to chose one object while holding the second power button and then releasing it to direct the order. Maybe making him 3.8 for a while to give…
  • Probably wearing someone'a skin. The lore is not very clear what the Unknown is, but judging by the animations its look like its a monster wearing someone body as a cover.
  • Yes because you can't get Exausted from Blood Echo if someone is hook; being block from escaping if someone is hook while the killer have Blood Warden; lose progress in your gen when someone is hooked in a Pain Ress or downed with Surge/Jolt; or even you can't be healed by your friends or have a blessing under another…
  • Unless of course your belief is that we should only balance the game around high level KILLER players, but average level SURVIVOR players. In which case you are extremely biased. And at that point, you may as well just remove the killer role entirely and make it a bot. That a common trend (not so explicit) i've been seen…
  • Well, i've used to run Sloppy because of how inconsistent STBFL is (and nerfed right now), but will just run 3 Anti-gen perks + Lethal/Corrupt and go for it. I wish i could understand why Behaviour is nerfing M1 killer perks when they are far away to be a problem. TBH, with these kind of Nerfs, people might switch to high…
  • Mangle is the one i most like in this game. It makes healing perks viable (We'll Make It just eats away any Mangled effect; Botany still top over 30% over mangled) and can be a very smart slowdown to killers without envolving hitting gens. Please, add your feedback to the feedback topic, we need the devs knowing that.
  • I've been using Champion of Light non-stop and it been giving me value almost every match. Its a fun and useful perk, specially if the killer breaks a semi-unsafe pallet, then you can blind them and get to another loop. If survivors are not getting any meta perks, i must disagree. We had the Buckle Up + FTP combo recently.…
  • I think they should increase BPS drop rate during the Lunar New Year event. Would make these kind of events much more interesting to play.
  • Corrupt Intervention. Makes so i can play matches much more chill and relaxed. Also, makes the first chase far less punishing, allowing that some mistake at the beginning does not cost the whole match.
  • How Call of Brine + Overcharge + Eruption was: A 90% gen progress would lose all of its progress in almost 60 seconds of regression +-. If you got downed and eruption was active, the gen lost 10% and you would be Incapacitated for 25 seconds. 25 seconds of doing nothing. The problem with "killer making a build to counter…
  • Like.... No. Old Circle of Healing was like having infinite medkit for everyone in the match. It would bring back again the problem of losing pressure instantly after giving up a chase, making obligatory for killer to commit every chase until the end - which is not the best strategy in any game. If boons were to change, i…
  • Eruption too. I was mainly using the Pop + Eruption combo. I could regress a lot of a gen if survivor greeded in front on me taping the gen to stop regression. But the new 5% progress to stop regression compensate this.
  • Sorry to ask, but you play mostly survivor or killer? CoH was mess because you need to get into a chase until the end - down the survivor - or your time spent just hurting the survivor would be lost in a matter of seconds. Medkits had the same problem. I remember using a build before medkits got nerfed that i could heal…