Question Re: Switch Cross Progression
I understand from the released FAQ that DLC won't cross over from the Switch to other platforms. However the chart attached to the post shows perks and such still should. Am I understanding right that this means if I Prestige a Killer on Switch that I don't have on Steam, I'll get the perks even if I don't have the Killer?…
Re-Lightable Totems
Hex: Two Can Play is a Chucky perk which has a unique trait, or at least so I've heard but not confirmed first hand: Even after it's been cleansed, it can re-light if you once again meet the activation condition of being stunned/blinded so many times. Whether it actually has this trait or not isn't strictly relevant to…
Question About Brand New Part Update
From the Developer Update: When a Brand New Part is installed, you will face a difficult Skill Check. Upon succeeding the Skill Check, the generator’s required charges are reduced by 10 and the Add-on is consumed. The way it reads, it sounds like it reduces the max charges a generator requires, rather than instantly adding…
Made For This Change Ideas
Since Made For This is the OP perk du jour, I started thinking about what could be done with it to address its issues. The main issue, as I understand it, is the stong, constant power-up of 3% run speed with no requirement other than "be hurt". I'm my sure if the Endurance has been an issue. To that end, I have 2 ideas:…
Most Immediately Dangerous Hex Perk?
What do you consider to be the most immediately dangerous Hex perk to go against? By that I mean what Hex, once you know it's there, will you most likely drop everything to hunt down? Reason I ask is I'm working on a trap totem build for Skull Merchant. I've got Haunted Ground, Retribution, and Undying, but to tie it…
Today I Realized Something About the Doctor
For a little while now, I've been taking any chance I could to share my recent discovery that the Doctor's Terror Radius determines the range of Static Blast, but not its effectiveness. Or, summed up in 5 words, Static Blast Hits Oblivious Survivors. The Doctor's power descriptions even specifically states that "Shock…
Is the End Tramsission PTB Still Available?
My roommates and I were hoping to use a day we were all home at once to finally get around to trying it out together, but when I went in to download it the option to do so in steam wasn't there. On the other hand, things like the Feedback thread are still around. Did we just miss the boat or is something else going on?
Could the General Self-Healing Nerf Offer Room to Buff Self-Care
With self- healing as a whole nerfed with the changes to medkits and Boon: Circle of Healing I wonder now if there isn't room to buff Self-Care into something more viable. Nothing crazy in mind, just one of two ideas: 1. Your self-healing speed can not be reduced past Self-Care's base 35% healing speed And/Or 2. It negates…
Killer-Specific BP Incentives
Just a thought I had, sparked by the Killer Repeat Prevention suggestion. I'm not sure if the BP incentives have been successful or not, but one way it occured to me they could be used was to encourage use of other killers. Maybe pick 3 at random and add a bonus to them if you use them in your match. Similar to dailies but…
Totem Defense Skull Merchant
In light of complaints about the Skull Merchant 3-genning Survivors to death, I wanted to do something different. To that end, I've been using a totem defender Skull Merchant build in my last couple matches with her. I'm curious as to what others think/what improvements I might be able to make. Hex: Thrill of the Hunt Hex:…
Mechanic Idea: Killer-Specific Obsession Effects
Being the Obsession doesn't do much unless specific perks (or, in the case of the Shape, addons) come into play. With that in mind, I wondered if there might not be a way to make the Obsession more risky to be. The idea was inspired by something I thought I saw in a video featuring Skull Merchant, though I don't think is…
Uniquely Effective Perks for the Skull Merchant
I haven't had a chance to play around with Skull Merchant myself yet, but I always like to play around with perks that certain Killers can get particular, if not unique use out of. For example, how Spirit can see Spies from the Shadows alerts while phasing, or Oblivious perks on the Doctor since being Oblivious doesn't…
The Doctor and Oblivious
I recently discovered that the Doctor's Static Blast can affect Oblivious survivors. As I understand it the Doctor's terror radius determines Static Blast's range, not its effectiveness. However there's one point I'm unclear on. The description of the Doctor's powers says Shock Therapy and Static Blast immediately negate…
Huntress Teachable Buff Ideas
Taking this idea from another thread, partially using ideas suggested by @Witchubtet for Territorial Imperative. I thought about it and may have a solid idea for a rework of T.I. that stays true to its premise. It adds two features, one is just a bit of Hangman's Trick, but the second may be the clincher: Scourge Hook:…
Who Uses It Best? The Knight's Perks
This is an idea I've had on my mind for a while and with the Knight's release I figure this is a good opportunity. The idea is to take the Knight's teachables and ask: Who uses them best. Who gets the most effective and/or most unique use out of a given perk. The quality of the perk itself is irrelevant. The question is…
Onryô: An Idea For Consistent Condemnation
For all that the recent Kill Rates strongly suggest Sadako is a lot stronger than people have given her credit for, it doesn't change the fact that one of her glaring weaknesses is the fact she can't take force survivors to interact with her power the way killers like Pinhead, Wesker, or Nemesis can. You ignore what they…
Should Basekit Unbreakble only kick in during Last Standing?
Rather than change the mechanic do drastically, would it be better to just have it only kick in during the "only one is up" Last Standing phase? Have perks like Unbreakable and so on work as normal, then change to their new effects while Last Standing is active?
How Much Slowdown Do I Actually Need?
When I play Killer I like to play around with my builds, nothing too sweaty, prefer to avoid the combos everyone uses and/or complains about, but one thing I tend to get stuck on is just how much slowdown should I be using on a given killer? I don't want to fill all four slots with slowdown, but I also don't want games to…
Sole Survivor with Low Profile's Activation Condition
Do you think Sole Survivor would be potentially more usable if it had the same condition to activate as Low Profile (Killer can't see your aura if you're the only Survivor now dead, dying, or hooked)? If so, should its tokens work on the same rule, where the aura blocking increases or decreases based on the number of…
Reassurance Question: Hook Instance vs Hook State
The Developer Update says "Reassurance can only be used once per hook instance" and the wording makes me wonder if "Hook Instance" is meant to be distinct from "Hook State". In other words, say a Survivor is on a Hook long enough to go from first stage to second. Could a Survivor with Reassurance only use it once, since…
Which Killers Would You Like To See More Often?
Today being rank reset day and me being behind on my Rift challenges, I was thinking if playing some more Killer over the weekend, but I'm never quite sure who to play outside a few personal favorites (Onryô, Freddy, the occasional Hillbilly) so, while the odds of me meeting anyone in the forum are likely slim, I thought…
Non-Thana Plague Build
I came up with this just before the Thanatophobia nerf. Tried it in a few games and did okay, my weakest point mostly being I'm not that great a Plague player. Still, I thought I'd toss it out and see if people liked it, or had any ideas to improve it. Seeing the posts about how Thana was a pain on Plague and Legion, I…
Clairvoyance Buff Idea: Give it a Little Detective's Hunch
One of Detective's Hunch's little remarked upon abilities is that it works with maps if you have one equipped. My thought is add a version that to Clairvoyance's aura reading. Specifically, my thought is, while normally Clairvoyance only works when empty handed, if you are equipped with a key, Clairvoyance benefits from…
Easing the Grind For Newbies: Basekit Characters Start at Prestige 1.
Pretty much what the title says. One of the biggest issues with the Grind, then and now, is it's not very beginner friendly. It's a slog for people starting out and who don't have much to work with. My suggestion: every PC basekit character starts at Prestige 1. So a new player will have Tier 1 versions of Dwight's, Meg's,…
Insidious Rework Idea - A Touch of Dark Devotion
This idea is an attempt to balance the main premise of the perk (become Undetectable at will) with the main problem of the perk (its only real use is camping): When you stand still for 4/3/2 seconds, Insidious activates. While active: * You gain the Undetectable status effect * Your Terror Radius will remain active, but…
Hex: Huntress' Lullaby Idea: Invert the Tokens
I thought of something that might make Huntress' Lullaby stronger than it is currently while (hopefully) not making it too strong. The basic idea is have Lullaby work on Thrill of the Hunt rules. You have five stacks of Lullaby at the start of the match, giving you the full strength silent skill checks effect right from…
PTB Delayed?
I thought it was meant to be out today but I haven't seen any patch notes, commentary on it, nor announcements of it being delayed. Someone in the DBD discord said it had been delayed to next week but I'm not seeing anything saying so officially. Was I mistaken or am I just not seeing the announcement?
Off the Record Question: New Effect or Added Effect?
Tried this in feedback and got no response. Trying here: Most of the perks in the Developer Update note that the new effects they're getting are in addition to their existing ones. I assumed this was true of Off The Record as well, until I realized it lacked that wording in the dev post. That in mind, is the current "No…
Off the Record Question: New Effect or Added Effect?
Tried asking this in feedback and general discussion and got no response, so trying here: Most of the perks in the Developer Update note that the new effects they're getting are in addition to their existing ones. I assumed this was true of Off The Record as well, until I realized it lacked that wording in the dev post.…
Off the Record Question: Endurance Replacing or Being Added to Current Effect?
Most of the perks in the Developer Update note that the new effects they're getting are in addition to their existing ones. I assumed this was true of Off The Record as well, until I realized it lacked that wording in the dev post. That in mind, is the current "No grunts of pain and concealed aura" effect of OTR being…
Honest Game Trailers does Dead By Daylight
Insidious With a Dash of Dark Devotion
Inspired by a prior thread that suggested a change to Insidious. To me the premise of Insidious is you can give yourself Undetectable basically at will. The problem is this is primarily used for camping, since it only works while standing still. This is my idea to try and fix the latter without losing the former: After…
Prestige Cannibal or Grind Out Perks?
Main issue is straightforward. With the new prestige changes planned in Summer, prestiging gains a whole new value. I've got all my killers at 50, but have yet to prestige one because I didn't feel it worthwhile. With the pending changes, this means I can get every perk on every Killer in, at minimum, Tier 1. However,…
Hex: Retribution and Rekindled Totems
Do the Rekindled Totems of Hex: Pentimento count as Hexes for the purposes of triggering Hex: Retribution's aura effects?
SBMM: Letting the Player Choose
After reading the matchmaking test results post and how they identified two core groups of players, I had a thought: How feasible would it be to add a setting to let the individual player decide between what kind of SBMM they want to use? There would be the normal MMR by default. From there a player who wants more reliably…
Making Prestige Worthwhile
An idea I've had to make getting to P3 with a character actually worth the trouble. Less a way to (directly) reduce the grind and more something of a reward that offsets the grind. Prestige I: Get the current Prestige III reward of 3% greater chance for rare items in the bloodweb. Prestige II: All perks in the bloodweb…
Question About the Whole Bubba Mask Thing
Is BHVR removing all alternate Leatherface masks, or just the four OG survivor masks? I was under the impression it was just the four but the way so many people are up in arms about it in wondering if I misunderstood? Otherwise it all seems like an overreaction to the removal of cosmetics I'm not entirely sure were that…
Killer Perk Idea - Hex: Reignition
This perk is activated once a Hex Totem has been cleansed. Once active, the next Boon totem deactivated will also return as the last Hex Totem cleansed. The totem's effectiveness will be based on the tier of Reignition (i.e. using a yellow version of Reignition will bring back the yellow version of the restored Hex) or the…
Silly Random Thought: Victor With A Crown
I got the Crown on the Twins yesterday and, while I haven't looked yet, I'm assuming the Crown is for Charlotte. That led to the random thought of Victor haven't a Crown to wear. It just struck me as an amusing mental image to share. On a similar note: Victor and the Demogorgon playing leapfrog.
T-Virus Infection: Pros and Cons
I haven't gone up against Nemesis yet, but I had a question about doing so that I wanted to ask about: What benefit is there to using the Vaccine vs staying Infected. With Plague, for example, it's straightforward. If you stay infected, you become one-shottable, if you cleanse, you give Plague Corrupt Purge. With the…
Early Game Idea: Variation on Old Ruin
I was thinking lately about a way to help with early game issues, primarily the age-old "a generator gets done before the Killer can even do anything" problem, and had an idea that, to me at least, sounds like it could work without being too much of a pain or affecting the rest of the game too badly. It's basically a…
What are good Killer perks to prolong a game?
Note I say "prolong", not necessarily "win". When I play killer I do so primarily for points, so longer games favor that since they give me more opportunities to max out my scores. Corrupt Intervention is good for early game. The upcoming No Way Out synergizes well with Barbecue & Chili for this since they have the same…
Cross-Progression/BHVR Account: Does Changing Accounts Change Your Name?
I linked my PC/Steam account to BHVR when the option became available because I wanted to take advantage of Cross-Progression when it eventually came to Switch. Since then I have been unable to accept invites or friend requests from friends cross-platform (he's on Switch). The one thing I noticed when checking on this was…
Charlotte's Territorial Imperative
A random thought that I don't expect to win any games but I'm curious how it might work: Equip the Twins with Territorial Imperative, hook a Survivor in the basement, park Charlotte close by, and run around as Victor, and switch back if T.I. triggers to prevent any rescues. The obvious issue that comes to mind is whether…
Surge + Oppression: Does it Work?
Does Oppression specifically require the "Damage Generator" action / Kicking of a generator like Overcharge and Pop Goes the Weasel? Or can Surge's damaging of a generator trigger Oppression on other generators on the map?