Are most survivors now using PROVE THYSELF?
First few games since the new update, 2-3 survivors in multiple games using it.
Gen time increase change. I dont agree with it
I feel like there was a much better solution. It would take more work, but it would be healthier in the long. Make maps in future a little bit smaller/ make survivors spawn near eachother and not spread out. Early game is the problem. they are spread out and knock out 2/3 gens before u get 1 down. you just made the game…
Opinion on the new map?
I just played on it as huntress and i had the most boring match ever. I felt like i could hardly use my power, constant bushes everywheres, garden houses, and then the big house. They also hid most of the match, i literally had like 2 chases all game :( i was so bored lol.
BUBBA by daylight
What is this LAG that sometimes happens?
i didnt have it before, and i also see streamers get it aswell. you could be in the middle of a chase, it happens and its annoying. Isit happening to everybody at the same time ? are we losing distance when it happens too?
You really need to consider changing the map designer.
How many maps is this now in a row they have been utter terrible to play on gameplay wise. u can make them look as pretty as u want but its not fun to play on. im sorry to be harsh but i cant help it anymore. i think the map designer is legit trolling.
Are there server issues? crashing randomly?
happened a few times already today. each time it says on game screen killer DC'ed then i get a ban timer. i quickly check my net and everything is fine.
Map rotation...... what happened to it?
Ive said this before like a few weeks ago that im getting the same maps all the time. sometimes its the exact same map back to back. Im getting hawkins all the time, got haddonfield quite alot today too. Anybody else getting this issue?
Anybody getting repeated maps alot?
I duno why lately, im getting a map and then again the next round. theres so many maps that are active and i never had so many repeated maps before like i have done since the last 1 or 2 patches.
Items falling through the floor bug
On the silent hill map on the second floor, i was trying to hide an item for later use and placed it inbetween the stalls in toilets and saw it dropped between the floor and first floor. i could not pick it up and there was no prompt at all. outside of the stall i could place a map on the floor and it didnt fall through.
How often do any of you get teammates who try to sabotage your game?
For me its not that often, but when it does happen, its pretty frustrating. First game today as survivor it happened to me, somebody tried to kill me by leaving me on the hook to die. they run upto me and started teabagging as i went into second stage and run away. thankfully i was saved by somebody else. the only way to…
Any tips for flashlight saves etc? thanks in advance.
i have over 1k hours in this game but never really bothered much with the flashlights, until now. i been trying to do some lately but mainly with a yellow flashlight with brown add ons like slighty better accuracy and more charge time but mostly with no luck. it seems like im almost there but not pulling it off in most…
Solo Q is frustrating, i literally cant bare it anymore
Ohh lets join a match and literally do nothing then dive bomb the hook without letting the killer move atleast 5 metres away first. Gens, whats gens, what are they for, lets never do a gen, ahh a random totem that isnt lit, lets break that before going back to urban evading. 1 gen left, killer is struggling it seems, just…
Are hex totems bugged?
Multiple times its happened, looked EVERYWHERE for a hex, i find every totem thats not lit, and nobody else can find them either.
Take 1 month off, come back, literally every game is POP,RUIN, CORRUPT.
8-9 games only two of them were not these three combo of perks. 1 oni player who used only surge, and the other only used pop and ruin in combo. Yup, time to play killer and ignore solo queue yep.
Character stops moving for a few seconds randomly then goes back to normal
It happens on any map and i've had this problem ever since i think the AURA update a few months back.It's really annoying as it sometimes happens when your in a chase and my characters just stops moving for whatever reason. It's only this game it happens in.I didn't play for month and it was never an issue in several…
Most of the time, is this game BORING?
i keep playing because when you do have those odd few games, its actually really fun, you get a good fun chase, the killer or survivor is a good sport, and there wasnt a bug or whatever that ruined anything in that game. thats a very small number of games though, im certain about 90 percent of the matches( in red ranks)…
Experience when crossplay is turned off when in solo queue ( pc )
Killers on average are better at the game, also same for survivors but whats been common in alot of games with crossplay off is the type of build i come across.Lots of games are literally 3 regression perks with RUIN/POP/CORRUPT in the same build. Anybody else getting lots of killers with this type of build? when i play…
Early game changes do you think are needed? ( survivor spawns on gens)
Right there is a common complaint and it is true, where by the time you get your first down, you have probably lost 2 gens. it happens all the time unless your using certain perks like corrupt/ruin etc. it just takes a while to get that first down because you spawned on the opposite side of a map to the survivors so you…
No prompt to pick up survivor, video linked below.
Dead by daylight bugged survivor cannot pick them up - YouTube
Problems with picking up survivors, no prompt appearing
having to leave people i chased down to chase somebody else because the game wasnt letting them pick them up.anybody else get this issue? also a small problem just to add, when i went in spectate mode, the sound was working fine but i switched player and then the sound went mute and wouldnt turn back on. very odd just…
Suggestion for plague rework
The plague has a problem in this game where if survivors dont cleanse u cant use her corrupt purge power. Being totally dependent on survivors cleansing to use it is not fun. imagine if you couldnt use hatchets with huntress unless survivors opened the 1 locker for you first. I was thinking off some kind of fix to make her…
9/10 games are RUIN and UNDYING and im so bored.....
dosent help alot of the time the killers are like freddy or deathslinger and hard camping people constantly. i play both sides, so i can see both sides of the coin, survivors do the meta stuff aswell, which is boring too, but not this much in my experience. Its normal to have DS in your build but theres no way 9/10 games a…
Fake pallets should replace snares as base for freddy
Anybody who plays this a good amount understands how easy freddy has it.If you want a win that bad, you pick freddy. super easy to use, powers are strong and simple. All freddy players ever do is bring the slowdown perks and combine them with slowdown add ons and get free easy teleports around the map whenever they want.…
Devs, can ya stop putting me into lobbies with rank 20s or rank 15s when im red rank?
It would be nice!
Is this the worst that solo survivor has ever been?
with 90 percent plus of games being RUIN/UNDYING im not even joking outa like 10 games im lucky to escape 2 or 3 of them. im not a great survivor or anything, i mostly play killer and i refuse to use ruin/undying but it think this is stupid in my opinion how this perk hasnt been changed. i also dont use DS/UNBREAKABLE…
anybody else get random movement bugs?
Sometimes when running my character just wont turn right or left then it dissapears then comes back randomly. even when i havent been hooked.
I got myself out of the hill bug.....
all i did was hold forward against the rock and i managed to nudge myself out. it took like 30 seconds to a minute mind you but i still saved myself from certain death lol.
Anybody else getting bugged as survivor?
i randomly get bugged and it feels as if im in water and im pushing against waves when moving. also prompts are not popping up when they should sometimes. happened in all 3 games i played so far today as survivor.
Can I ask if this is bannable?
I wana report this guy but not entirely sure if the devs class this as bannable. a random player went to save me from hook but they spent the next 2-3 mins fake unhooking me and they never did stop until the killer came and got them. this person was also fake healing me earlier on in the same match but I only have footage…
Question about Coms in this game?
First off all id like to say thankyou for the much needed update today! My question is about COMS and why isn't it a feature in game? Ive seen that apparently the devs are perfectly fine with coms. so I wonder if its totally fine, then why isn't it just a normal feature ingame? why wasn't it brought in alongside SWF etc?…
I keep getting disconnections from host playing as killer
When I play killer, the lobby will show I have low ping, the last game was 40ms and it was lit green. gets into a match, randomly near the end of the matches its happened, I get a lost connection from host message. never happened before, rarely got any lag, my internet still says im full connection speed. ever since this…
why are survivors allowed to crawl under the hooked team mate so u cant pick him up.
this is stupid. is this not considered a problem? that a survivor can glitch there way below a hooked survivor, waste your time and there is nothing u can do about it, but just wait for the hooked survivor to die, or just walk away and let them unhook so u can finally pick the other guy up.
I cant rank up anymore as killer and its not my fault. I even de pip......
Hello people this is my first post on this forum, so be easy on me, im new here but not new to the game. I literally only created an account here because I feel steam is useless to talk about anything without trolls ruining your thread. basically I hit rank 6 as killer, highest I been so far, I was using billy and trapper…