your comment makes no sense with what i said
the thing is that when gens or whatever gets changed, the playerbase then finds the easiest solution to counter it. like as your seeing now, gens got increased slightly which was a boring change and i think could of done better, but because of that, survivors are now stacking PT all together. so the gens are now probably…
thats what i thought when i saw it. probably getting frustrated with most matches being thana or other slowdowns. i was only using oppression or scourge hook and i was struggling to keep up with how fast the gens were going still. so i got fed up abit, put on thana myself in the next game, won the game with 2 gens left up…
cue all the salty killer mains when somebody asks to nerf nurse.
hahah they dont give a flying ######### about people who play SOLO.
lol. you dont watch many streamers then.
Thankyou my friend. i think some of the killer mains here have forgotten how strong SP can be. i link this video because of so many people saying " NoBoDy SaYs Sp Is BeTtEr" literally a killer main saying it is.
You seem confused aswell. im talking about how it should be fun for both sides. i used to use whispers all the time. it dosent just favour, like the reasons i pointed out, it literally gets you the kill like almost every single time. like i said, you have to be insanely bad to not get the kill at that point. all you have…
stand by hatch, wait for survivor to set off your whispers, close hatch, follow whispers to which ever door they go to.
When the hatch is closed, you have two exit gates, all you have to do as killer is stand near the gate that whispers is LIT up on. then u find them pretty easily. its almost impossible to screw it up at that point. for the sake of keeping the game fairer and more fun, it should be switched off at last survivor. the…
lmao at these comments. USING WHISPERS at end game is basically a 100 percent win. there you are saying " are not entitled to an easy gate opening" while killers are literally gonna win 100 percent. how are you gonna run from killer and open gate same time? hello, anybody home today.......
thats because dead hard is a very annoying perk to vers, plus its used more, hence why you get more complaints. most people who use dh, totally ######### it up. with SP, u can just press forward and u get 100 percent value from it everytime. distance plus holding the SP charge in a chase> trying to time your dh or dead hard…
lol. self care was still a meta perk. dosent mean it was BETTER TO USE. SP when used properly, was always better.
how does SP require skill? you wait for the killer to get close to you, then you press forward lol. and theres also no skill and making your sprint burst charged so u can stop running for 1 second then sprint off.
your gonna see people running SPRINT BURST which is better then DH and increased PT users.
devs are dumb as #########. lets reward you for holding w at a loop, we give u buffed bloodlust. also BHVR we dont like that survivors hold W
3 gen, plus increased gen times = your screwed
thats what they all say. its all about the PAPER they are worried about.
i been using it the past 4 days. its filthy, pure filth! getting through gens in no time. i dont agree with the gen times increasing and straight away i thought " we gonna see more PT users now" great. so they make the wrong choice making the most boring part of the game, even more boring but now your gonna get swf squads…
DEAD HARD the perk needed by those who cant loop
The last game i had was on the new map. as a huntress im slow and the constant bushes everywhere meant i could hardly use my power. anyway, the survivors had 3 of them using PROVE THYSELF and they were hiding all game, sneaking away, and gens were flying. i wasnt using anything sweaty, i had one anti gen perk, OPPRESSION.…
What needs fixing are survivors brain cells. Whenever a killer camps, most times survivors have ZERO clue what to do. This is what happens most of the time. All survivors run near the camped person, all of them do nothing, some are crouching in corners of the map, or doing random dull totems and dont do gens. the killer…
i thought it was coming today with new killer. does anybody know when its due?
id be fine with it if survivors had to EARN the dead hard use. but dead hard loads back up after like what ? 60 seconds? so they can keep getting insane value from it. The moment the devs make it so you need to put effort into being able to use it, the moment survivors will stop using it and just move onto the next META…
I usually get this mostly from console players. its not often but when it does happen, its mostly them. i get this feeling like im being picked on purely because im pc player. i usually play on my own as survivor.
It might seem as though im being dramatic or it was a bad day, but since then, i keep facing so many bubbas. not every game is bubba so many of them are. i loaded up dbd just then, played 1 game and im already bored lol. it was only a bubba again but they used NOED aswell lmao.
its confusing since the whole time of dbd, the devs have said camping is a perfectly fine thing to do in the game. as you said, it will basically make swf squads untouchable at the end of the match. making it even more miserable for the killer side.
I thought we played video games for fun. ohh yeah its 2022 my bad.......
Dead hard needs changing and i have no idea why it hasnt happened yet.
its also annoying to go against survivors with the same builds 24/7 DEAD HARD/BOON TOTEMS/DS etc
its true but here iam re-installing the game after 6 months rest. gonna regret it but i kinda miss it......
its because its a completely bullshit perk. if the role was reversed and the killer had a DEAD HARD sort of perk to fix a mistake or reach the survivor before they reach the pallet, then it would of been nerfed on the spot. this is the consistency we have to deal with when it goes to BHVR, there is none.
i have been slowly more and more starting to lose interest with DBD. my playtime has become less and less and the past few patches really rubbed the salt into the wounds for me. SBMM, the horrible map designs they keep coming out with that have OP as ######### main buildings with lots of windows with Breakable walls with…
its 100 percent easier. thats why killers are taking gen regress perks off and just using NWO and NOED etc and camping more.
something survivor mains will never admit, it is needed if u want to win.
this game wont die, because people keep saying " this game is gona die soon" then the average still stays the same and yourself still plays it 24/7 lol. i useto play this everyday, but now its like a few times, maybe a couple per week only for a few hours each time.
ive played on the new map about like 5 times now. everytime people have worked out they can just dry hump the windows in the main building until they get hit, then after they are done doing that, u can run upstairs where there are like 2-3 god pallets to save u. this is very time consuming. imagine being a basic m1 killer…
funny pig being EASY TO USE right away but all noob pig players give up straight away when using her dash power.
The boons have ruined some playstyles now like hit and run, spreading pressure. they can just heal forever no limits. the new map is hot garbage to play on for killer, big and safe, hold W map. more breakable walls which slow the killer down when the game is already really fast. yikes its like the map designer is trolling.
game is unplayable. many crashes since the last patch etc. lose so much progress.
What i dont get is despite having more survivors who seem to have played the game more on average, there are still players playing like they only picked the game up a few days ago. high mmr = still get teammates who have no self awareness and not more than 2 braincells.could get gate worked on until it hits 99 then u can…
then dont play until the update. it dosent really matter anyway since almost every other game is a blight match with ruin, undying, tinkierer etc
i swear the amount of baby killers who are upset over the smallest things is too much. Spirit actually gets the must needed nerf after all this time, trapper finally gets a nice buff after all this time. cries about survivor perks getting some buffs because they arent being used much instead. also cries when survivors wont…
solo queue is bad enough. nerfing survivors would mean like 90 percent of matches ending in a loss.
alot of mad spirit mains here. awwww...... lol.
everybody will just join casual mode, it wont work.
Damn my 80-90 kill rate ratio is coming to an end. better say SBMM is bad