Stuck on hllls
platform pc i got stuck on the hills seveal times and even the endgame collapse dont kill me. its the side where the bigger rock formation is with the possible totem spawn just walk next to the rocky formation of the hill where you can move onto the hill happend to me several times in last 2 months or so
Cages hurt Pyramidhead more than they are helpful
is it a bug that all the hookpekrs dont work on the cages? you cant use pop, make your choice, bbq, lullaby and so on, which makes absolut no sense to use the cages because some of these perks are really good. next downside is, that the cages seem to allways spawn rly far away from the killer, which can give the survivors…
Playing in the red ranks...
First of all, i play both sides in the red ranks. When i play survivor a lot of games are really fun (for both sides) and then you get those games where the killer tunnels and (proximity) camps. interestingly its mostly the red rank killers who do that. and when i play killer i see why those people are playing this "toxic…
Dedicated servers
plz just remove them if they cause so many problems. robbed grabs, weird hitboxes and all this nonsense in a game were miliseconds may decide if u win or lose....
Remove struggle on 2nd hook
this mechanic isnt fun nor u need any "skill" to do so. its just annoying and ppl who dced before they put in the bans now can suicide on the 1st/2nd hook.
getting robbed at gengrabing
he folks, i play a lot of pig the last days and i like to sneak upon ppl to grab them from gens. well, in at least 80% the grabs the animation starts and then got interupted while the survivor is allready several meters away. so i dont even get a hit. my connection in the matches is allways around green with 50-60 ms. i…
Whispers on Pig
Hey ffolks, i wanna use whispers on my pig. What Level do you think is best on her. I think leaving it on Lvl 2 is best because on Lvl 3 the range is 32m, same as her terror radius. So u need monitor & abuse to sneak upon ppl, while on Lvl2 the range is 40 meters and u can crouch before the survivors can hear ur terror…
From 80% Ruin to 90% NOED
if this was ur intention, well done. and who can blame the killers in times of games that take around 5 minutes to get all gens done....
Gedanken eines Rückkehrers
Ich hab nun nach 1 1/2 Jahren mal wieder angefangen DbD zu spielen. Ich spiele gerne beide Seiten und schaff es ansich immer n die höheren Ränge zu kommen. Aktuell spiele ich Survivor Rang 3 und Killer auf Rng 7. Was mir nun extrem aufgefallen ist, seit ich wieder in den "roten Rängen" spiele, ist das extrem viele Killer…
Bugs - Was habt ihr mit dem Game gemacht?
Momentan gleicht DbD eher einer Beta als einem Spiel, das seit 3 Jahren existiert. Mal abgesehen von dem Lade-Bug der ja nu schon seit ewigen Zeiten existiert und diveresen bekannten Exploits erlebe ich täglich anderen neue Kuriositäten. Das eine Mal kann ich keine Fallen mehr legen, beim nächsten Spiel keine Überlebenden…