Re: Could we PLEASE get night versions of sunny maps
I miss night time Coldwind, I wish they'd bring it back. As Trapper I would very much love all daytime maps to be night time maps.3 -
Re: Forget 2v8 I’m just gonna play for the rewards
During the first two iterations people were giving a ton of feedback both here and on your various socials on how to encourage players to play the survivor side that needs players. Having the incenti…8 -
Re: Uh oh 😥 bots are in 2v8 lobbies now
The priority the devs set for bots is going to upset a very real HUMAN player no matter which side. Just as it might not feel fair to a killer if a survivor is rescued and escapes during endgame, it …5 -
Re: As a soloq survivor, I'm happy as heck with having bot teammates
I played back when bots didn't exist and thought the addition of bots would be good. Now I would rather just be down a teammate. I've spectated a bot trying to walk up a hill from the wrong side for …1 -
Re: Idea for how to improve queue times in 2v8: 2v8 Event Items
All of this they should try before bot fills. Quick play or preference system to get real people into the survivor role in the first place is probably the simplest solution. I'd say preference system…2