Re: Is the anti-"Dribbling" Mechanic redundant?
Removing the dribbling mechanic would give killers the ability to extend the bleedout timer, similar to when they would cancel moris. It's there to help against griefing.2 -
Re: Knock Out Rework!!
Knock Out has been my least favorite perk in the game for years as a solo survivor. I didn't think they'd ever rework Knock Out to not be a slugging perk. I'm wicked happy they finally did something.…2 -
Re: If you aren't playing DBD what games (video or otherwise) are you playing?
I wouldn't say other games influence how I play DBD, more so they've influenced me to take very long breaks from DBD. I play a variety of games, just depends on my mood. Diablo 4 is my relax and just…1 -
Just curious, why do the perk names have to change? If it was "hex: cenobites plaything" the need to change would make sense but the 3 names seem pretty generic rather than phrases owned by…3 -
Re: What were matches like before MMR?
The player mentality was better which made games more fun. There was a rule of thumb for getting in and staying in red ranks for survivor - 2 gens, 2 totems, 2 unhooks, and 2 chases. For killers you …1