The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
Matchmaking times for survivor is taking longer and longer cause killers are sick of 2 boons and all 5 gens being done in under 5 mins
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I think time of day is having an impact, or tons of killers on ps4 have turned crossplay off. I was getting instant queues as survivor. I tried to play killer but after waiting 5 minutes I said screw it and played something else - which adds to the confusion of how I could've gotten same killer so many times in a sitting. 😕
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I've noticed on PS4 I get frame drops/freezes when someone is hooked or unhooked. Quite annoying. And I'm running the game off an SSD.
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It really got worse somehow without even an update. I did notice, but maybe I just see things now after all this time, that it got worse when the bloodhunt started.
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I've noticed that too so you're not alone.
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As time goes on, I come to suspect more and more that the issue lies with how data is processed in the code.
My evidence:
The game has seen a drastic drop in performance every single time there is a new status effect implemented. We've seen this both with Nemesis' "Contaminated" status and with the AoE that Boon perks provide. Both times, there have been noticeable changes, none for the better.
However, the Hellraiser Chapter went off exceedingly smoothly from a performance standpoint. There were also no new status effects added. Curious.
Likewise, now that a Bloodhunt has occurred (which messes with how BP is calculated/given out) more performance issues are starting to crop up.
My theory is that anything that adds new things for the game to calculate (status effects, stackable BP gains, ect ect) causes it to struggle with performance.
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This jives with the reading problems due to each and every asset of each killer being loaded in to every trial. As that single lane highway gets longer it takes more gas to get there. Not much added with PinCushion so not a big hit to performance for once.
It'll be interesting to see if it can handle all three boon effects popping on this Tuesday.
My Xbox fears those three power crows being released all at once. Hope that doesn't melt our Switch cousin's machines either.
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Actions get interrupted very often when playing survivor. It's a real problem while recovering on the ground, it gets interrupted constantly and so I'll be holding down the button and nothing will actually be happening. This occurs on both the PS4 and on Switch.
My friend was cleansing a totem while I was booning one. I finished booning first, and it interrupted their cleansing so they had to start from the beginning.
Also, the blue glow of being in a boon totem's AOE flickers whenever a dull or hex totem is cleansed.
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Hopped on for a match. Haven't played yet, currently waiting for the match to start but wanted to share. My ps4 fans do not like the current menus background at all, they are so loud right now. Genuinely nervous about playing at all right now. 😬
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I haven't noticed anything yet.
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I’m waiting to see the opinions of those on this thread before I try it myself; just cannot take the disappointment after spending money anymore lol.
I saw unhooks mentioned briefly in the patch notes so hopefully that helps, though I still worry about all the killer powers that caused freezing ‘hitches’.
Hopefully the verdict is good as I would really have liked to get excited about the new content with everyone else.
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I'm keeping an eye here, so please let me know if there's any issues.
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thank you
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Only played 3 games so far, all against Artist and things seem to be running okay. But I have yet to play on the new map.
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Every match against the Artist I've noticed a stutter/freeze as soon as I'm able to move. Only against the Artist - didn't happen against Bubba, Wraith, Deathslinger, Trickster, Legion or Hag I faced. Also pretty shocked at the current variety in killers I've faced today. 😂
I've noticed slight freezes/stutters when Artist uses her power - more so on reworked/new maps than old ones. Few times my character has completely stopped working on my gen when Artist uses her power, I have to hit button again to get back on it.
Against Bubba every time he used his chainsaw there would be a freeze when he started to rev and freeze at the end. Performance dropped even if I was across the map from him.
Hooks seem to be OK and performance overall seems better than it was prior to today's patch.
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We have to give words of praise when they deserve it. This patch has been wonderful so far. The hitches I had with unhooking/hooking and using killers' powers are gone. Only the new map has some minor slutters, but it's tolerable.
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Glad to hear things are improving again. I am playing some other games atm but it is still good to see.
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I'm really happy to hear that!
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After some rounds I have to say it's running a little bit better on Nintendo Switch. Didn't play on Ormond but I bet it's still horrible on this map.
Against Spirit runs the game better. But I didn't face the "Blight" Skin. So I can't tell what the performance is.
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this unhook delayed my Decisive Strike.
EDIT- Also I wanna point out that there was a quick freeze after the unhook.
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The game is starting to become unplayable for me. Once hour of the witch hit I began having bad texture pop in unless I turn my settings UP higher, and got intermittent lag and frame drops on certain maps. Since the latest patch it's actually becoming unplayable. I randomly drop to 45 FPS average after playing for say an hour and restarting doesn't do anything. Game is fine and then suddenly just constant frame drops. It makes an already frustrating game that much more frustrating. I have stayed despite the laundry list of game issues, but I genuinely will quit if I am just forced to play at like 40 FPS now when there was no such problem until a recent update, because I don't consider the game playable anymore.
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Yesterday playing I started noticing little freezes during hooks/unhooks. Not as severe as they were before but weird it had gone from not having them day of patch to noticing them starting to pop up again. It's odd that the performance seems to start getting worse between patches. Like between last hotfix and this patch the performance got gradually worse during that time. This patch day 1 hooks/unhooks seemed fine but now there are small freezes starting to happen.
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that's odd it can get better from day 1 of new chapter to getting worse again now.
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That's what I'm finding weird, what is going on that it's during the time between that performance seems to get worse. It's like there's a memory leak that's not resetting when you close out of the game so performance just gets worse.
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Thats funny actually because at least two times after an update I posted here how the game is running well only to have different experience few games or a day or two later without them changing anything.
Maybe it is not a coincidence then? I am not playing dbd now but if this happens to you it probably will for me too.
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This could also be why we keep running into the same issues that were "fixed." In testing on day one it's fine so they leave it as is, but it's something that as time goes on starts to have issues.
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After bunch of matches after day one of patch the freeze I get at beginning of match still only happen for the Artist. So yay it only happening with one killer.
Had a match against Nemesis on temple map. Performance was horrible, like RE chapter horrible. While performance issues have cropped up since patch was released no match had as many issues as this one. Felt like non stop freezes because everything was triggering them - freezes from hook/inhook, tentacle use, vaccine use, gens completing, totems being cleansed, chests being opened, etc. It was first match of a session and I considered turning off the game it was so bad. I tried one more to see if performance issues really just randomly got THAT bad but it was better next match against Ghostface.
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(PS4) Big freezes when The Legion activates his power. This is new and the freeze is so long this time, specially the second one.
Time lapses: 0:03 / 3:40
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They need to fix Nemesis's tentacle, everytime I am hit with it my frames drop to three, same thing when someone else gets hooked. Like how is that fair?
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played a nemesis game today, and I had a quick freeze mid chase when someone injected a vaccine. Almost caused me to lose the chase.
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When I'm playing killer, I still get frame drops when someone unhooks. (I haven't played survivor since the game went free on Epic, so I can't comment there.)
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I had couple Legion matches today and had these freezes too. Wicked bad freeze if someone is unhooked at same time Legion activates Frenzy.
Played against few Nemesis today. Definitely the worst killer right now for performance issues. Triggers for freezes while playing against him can also come with the fun getting moved/turned around from spot I'm in issue. I was about to hit R1 to work on a gen as a trigger hit and was moved off to side of gen. I was just standing there, wasn't even in motion, when the freeze moved me.
Post edited by Mandy on1 -
Was going to record some clips but honestly I'm ready to give up at this point and cut my losses.
There have always been performance issues hence the creation of this thread; but even if we just look at the state of the game since Nemesis, its been in a terrible state and despite this thread and all the clips they say are really helping - there just hasn't been much of any improvement in performance in that insanely long amount of time.
I don't see how the clips are helping when any QA there could boot up a console and see them first hand instantly; its not a case of trying to recreate them, there are no matches that do not suffer in varying degrees of severity. I honestly feel its just a way to garner 'engagement' and seem like something is being done; actions speak louder than words and I just don't see any results of any significance despite all the work put in by the team and us sharing all these clips\feedback.
I was expecting very little but at least some sort of improvement to keep me on the hook longer still, but every patch I get my hopes up only to have them dashed and the game just feel broken in a similar way or have new issues as well.
Sorry for the emotional post but I think I'm just done, even though I really don't want to be. I just can't keep feeling so sad watching everyone else enjoying the cool new content while I'm stuck with the same issues on all the content.
If it says anything I have been playing since PS4 launch when Huntress was free DLC and the latest killer, with only a break during the disastrous year Twins came out. I am actually not playing the game atm and am instead sitting in a queue of 5k-10k players trying to get into FF14, that's what I'd rather be spending my time doing as at least I know I will get in at some point and it will work when I am playing.
I haven't even played against the new killer yet as every game has just been the same old Leatherface, Blight and occasional Nurse. I am sitting on 30k+ Shards so could buy the new content right now but was rather hoping the game would be improved in a noticeable way and I could justify spending my money to buy the whole DLC package and get the extra stuff with that; but theres just no point spending cash or shards etc if the basic game still runs so poorly.
It plays like its a buggy little indie game still despite all the time, success and money :(
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I played some surv games after a break and it is playable for me. Altough I didn't go against Legion and Nemesis.
I will play some killer tomorrow or the day after and see how that goes. I can try those two.
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Legion is definitely freezing quite a bit but tiering up as Myers is still fine. Not sure if I want to humiliate myself with nemesis for research purposes since I never played him.
Shame. I really felt like playing Legion again, got a new cosmetic too.
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Ironically enough, regarding FF14, it was a game that was considered bad on release but has been worked on by the devs to become so popular.
It ends up showing that legendarily bad games could make these kinds of insane comebacks. (And yes, I know it's Final Fantasy, that it took years, and the devs are SE, they have money and popularity to withstand things, but STILL)
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No Man's Sky
Sea of Thieves
Battlefield 4
Battlefront II
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Goddamn, how is this thread still going? It's embarrassing that the biggest thread ever on the forums has still not been properly addressed.
Behavior really needs to just stop giving us their trademark "we're looking into it" response and actually start fixing this issue.
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Sea of Thieves was considered bad? Interesting. But I recall it getting sizeable attention even back then...
I thought No Man's Sky was still ######### but maybe not.
The others I don't know about but I will trust you.
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Because "we'll look into it" is a PR move. They're not going to because they have and know it's a rabbit hole of issues. Poor coding amongst many other things.
The reason for the lag is something that would require a gigantic code rewrite. Something that BHVR isn't willing to do, because their coding team isn't that big, I'm assuming.
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It's not just the performance, it's all the bugs too.
Behavior needs to address this game's ######### spaghetti code before things get even worse. Every update, the game gets more unstable.
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Honestly, they'd probably fix it to the bare minimum and then leave it again. DBD needs a competitor asap.
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Hopefully VHS and Evil Dead the Game can act as one.
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It’s hard to even have hope anymore.
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No Man's Sky is much better, from what I'm told.
SoT may not have been bad but it was lacking content. There was basically nothing to do.
I can personally vouch for both BF4 and Battlefront II.
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I have news for everyone (especially our PC friends).
I have recently acquired a Series X. This allows me to play DBD and have a much better experience.
I assure you all, I am not going to give up this fight. I am keeping my Xbox One X and will be continuing to test performance whenever a new patch comes out.
I will also be reporting on any issues affecting the Series X (which I hope are few).
That being said, I am comfortable enough with the performance on the Series X to turn Crossplay on. So, who knows, I may see more of you out in the Fog ;)
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I ask myself the same thing everytime it pops up. we are.
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Is the game working well on next gen?
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It seems to be running well for me.
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Hey you got a new console? I didn't know that.
Glad to hear it, enjoy it. :)