The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • Yeah, so, hug tech was perfectly fine and Oni flicks are fine because Oni is M1 70% of the time, "exploits" should not be removed if one's reasoning for "not finding them fun" is because "you suck at the game" or "you have 10 hours total", not because it's actually uncounterable like shooting through the map. Also, to add…
  • People thought it was staying in the game because there was no more info on it, so people assumed BHVR silently accepted it was okay. Also, to add onto Reiko's point, Smash literally has several popular tech that are all unintended, yet remain because they're fun or add depth. Hug tech has counters, the community as a…
  • So, your entire specific scenario and attempts to math your way to balance here neglects how hooks are typically within 10 meters of each other. And how a Survivor has to predict which hook is going to be used, and get off of gens or other stuff to sabo that hook. Which all typically requires perks and such. "And what if…
  • The fact that this got 4 upvotes but the ones that actually tried to answer OP got no upvotes, is exactly why this community is ignored for balancing.
  • The funny thing is that you're actually right, looping itself was never intended, and it's something that only people who really know DBD history are aware of. Since it's "not fun for the other side" as @mizark3 argues, and that's all that matters regardless if whether the other side's reasons for finding it "unfun" are…
  • One step closer to Nurse-only meta, just as planned! Oh wait, I forgot, we need to nerf Nurse next so Killers will get appropriately destroyed for daring to play against us at high MMR. <3
  • Report them, losers like this need to be taken out with the trash.
  • Making entire mechanics dead for solo queuers that promote genrushing and ending the match as soon as possible because there's nothing else fun to do is not the way to do that either, following your own reasoning. Maybe consider playing the other side and realizing how sabo absolutely sucks without a 4 man squad, same for…
  • So, I guess you'll have to rework Torment entirely, because that's the entire point of Torment and the entire payoff to bothering to Tormenting Survivors. Unless you're going to genuinely argue that "B-b-but saving 5 seconds is totally worth wasting 80 seconds Tormenting someone!!!!!", like how most people desperately move…
  • -sighs- The DBD forums never changes. No, the actual issue is that M1 Killers, which are a minority of the Killer roster, "can't handle" plenty of perks in DBD, and everything needs to be balanced with them in mind. It's quite obvious that they're the problem and they need to be adjusted going forward, because there are…
  • This was already done years ago, I think. Not MMR but party size, and SWFs did have higher escape rates, I think. But I don't remember if it was big differences or small ones.
  • LMAO Hope is an endgame perk that gets shutdown by non-M1s, and is useless if you don't make it to endgame. Nice try buddy. This post is a great reason why the forums are considered a joke btw
  • Obvious bad faith argument, you KNOW I meant you only need 1 of those 3. And perhaps according to math, but that's not how it plays out because the Survivor typically makes it to a vault or pallet, and then they extend the chase. Stop trying to fearmonger with ######### like "half of the Prove'd gen", your nightmares don't…
  • No, the change is to make the saw only able to connect with a Survivor once per ENTIRE dash, and not allow it to hit Survivors a second time during the entire rush. The saw will instadown as normal if it touches a Survivor, but it can only touch a specific Survivor once through the entire rush. An example: At the moment,…
  • The solution is to adjust the M1 Killers, not listen to pathetic fearmongers and get rid of perks that can cause them to scratch their brain and think on how to counter this in the future. Majority of users of this perk will be bad at looping, you will see no common difference in your matches as a result. Feel free to keep…
  • I've been awake for years, self-outed Killer main. lmao And so WHAT? That's COMP, that's 1% of the playerbase, they don't matter and 80% of Killers suck against them anyways. They always play in 4 man SWF and can make anything look broken, we're not balancing around them. The fact that you were upvoted 4 times... ugh. Nah,…
  • I mostly used that icon because Legion was originally my favorite. I play Slinger atm. And yeah, Legion will kinda struggle, but that's the case for any M1 who has to play the M1 looping game. They need to run Bamboozle to deal with good loopers who don't allow red stain mindgames to even have a chance of confusing them,…
  • What value? 3% Haste??? By that logic, Dark Theory and Blood Pact ALONE are busted, yet Dark Theory is one of the worst Boons in the game, and is awful overall outside of being a Boon. And no, don't move the goalposts to "LIMITED RANGE" and "2 PEOPLE NEEDED", you're arguing that 3% is broken, Dark Theory gives nearly the…
  • Or we can just give Bubba the Plague treatment and only allow his saw to contact each Survivor once per chainsaw rush. Won't completely fix the issue, but it's a great start. Shuts down 50% of the issue nicely and doesn't affect anything else.
  • People comparing blowing pallets to tunneling is really showing how entitled people are becoming and how they can't counter even bad Survivor gameplay.
  • I can't help but laugh at these forums, now "Hope is really strong" and "Haste stacking is an issue" despite it never being seen because it's an situational endgame perk. There's a reason why almost nobody ever ran Haste stacking builds: The perks are weak by themselves and require stacking and require a SWF because…
  • Nah, given that stacking perks is the only way to make it worthwhile for average Survivor, that's not needed.
  • You can try using your Killer powers or shutting down that build. You'll know if someone's doing Blood Pact stuff if it's the same 2 people staying together. Not to mention that videos are typically cherrypicked, try getting that same value in a match against Killers who identify that build.
  • If Wesker was made to collide into walls, he would not be A Tier, or able to compete with Blight or Nurse. You would just keep seeing those 2 Killers again. And LMAO they said nothing about Survivors being "supposed to lose", perhaps you should consider pathing loops differently if you know you're going against a good…
  • It won't, OP thinks that movement speed build is "easy", which lets me know that they watch cherrypicked Youtube videos against Killers who don't have instadowns, exposing powers or anti-loop. I KNOW one of those videos, and you need to stack situational Haste perks that are easy to break. Intelligent post.
  • Most players have very low adaptability and frequently fearmmonger when it comes to new content.
  • I did, actually. And what you said is wrong and I addressed it.
  • Nah, it actually kinda does, because if something is rare because it's too difficult to do or rare for a good reason, then balancing around it isn't good. If you have to nerf something good, then you also need to make it easier to use or more consistent. High/medium skill for low reward is never good, despite people crying…
  • The fact that people think anything will change is genuinely funny. Patrolling the hook is easy and SpooknJukes proved Insidious camping the entrance is the best way to play basement Bubba anyways so Bubba won't be affected. Have fun getting downed in 5 more seconds than now, gamers. Might move to TCM for good once that…
  • If the Killer doesn't do a 3 gen, Potential Energy is a wasted perk slot. Fogwise is the only good one and Tools came with a majority of bad perks. Background Player is too situational. Nice to see that "decent" means "nothing that I can't easily counter". Revealing people's true skill levels.
  • Quite possibly because Slinger is meant to shoot his gun??? Are you actually kidding me rn? Of course he can't catch up! Now we're resorting to basic misinformation in order to fearmonger more? And Hag... who cares about her? She uses traps anyways to anti-loop and doesn't really chase from what these forums have said.…
  • They listened to fearmongering and cherrypicked footage from Otzdarva about Scavenger, and then didn't do the requested Machine Learning OR requested Forced Hesitation changes. Not quite the W, actually. Probably because a bunch of Fog Whisperers aren't that good themselves, DBD already has a problem with leakers (probably…
  • His power is camping and tunneling, so no thanks. He is meant to be a hook state obliterator, that's his design.
  • Perk was not as good without those "comp banned toolboxes" for people who aren't the top 1%. This perk is definitely dead because now you can't commit to gens while using this perk, which is what people should do in general. This perk IS dead because they listened to the community... as usual. The people here making…
  • It's highly likely a Sony problem, Sony has been known to be stingy when it comes to "lost sales", etc. Even when PlayStation games get crossprogression, there is typically limits placed on it, such as paid stuff not transferring. There was a post on a DBD leak subreddit (said post had no leaks though) that had a lot of…
  • Nah, DBD has too many licenses, they're not going to fall anytime soon. And VHS was never balanced, nor was it ever balanced "towards the many" in it's lifecycle. They buffed monster very slowly over time and added mechanics like Busted that should have been added far earlier, and even reduced slowdown... but only under…
  • Gens can be done in 30 seconds? What are you talking about? Are you talking about builds involving Hyperfocus and perfect toolboxes with perfect add-ons? The majority don't run that.
  • I'm actually laughing, 2nd story BO Ormond is easy to counter, just drop the Survivor once you see someone getting close for a sabotage. Or do anything instead of tripling down on the exact same thing and then coming here when it doesn't work. DBD players proving they have no adaptability, can't adapt to new problems and…
  • Nah, just make it disable Killer powers for a few seconds instead. Fixes the issue nicely because the Killers that people cite are ones that use their powers to redown quickly AKA Nurse, Blight, etc. And with this programmed into the game, it can be applied to other perks and game mechanics. It's perfect. Do you and the…
  • Most likely this was before DH nerf, David now no longer has any meta perks, which will tank his popularity somewhat.
  • They mentioned in stream that this mechanic is disabled in EGC, just like DS and OTR. The bigger issue to this is that certain Killers like Bubba specialize in eating through Endurance, specifically. Although, if the hooked Survivor can control when they are unhooked and it's not automatic when the gauge is filled, they…
  • I like how I dismantle everything you said, especially the bits about "minimal traps in SmArT LoCaTiOnS". yet you misunderstand and cherrypick. Pretty typical response. "Heaven forbid I play two games that happen to share a forum." Nah, you know what I was really saying, don't try this. Or can you not read? ""My…
  • Your players sound really bad if that works or they're console players, without needing to see how you deal with it, you can just turtle and bait every trap into going off, or just poke with a weapon from the bottom of the stairs. Or just rush in, deal with the small one there, then grapple to down the stairs. Or grapple…
  • Unsurprisingly, the first one who responds is a name I recognize from the DBD forums. Those two things are nowhere near the same thing, speedrunners who understand how to take advantage of the game's mechanics and Raiders basekit, and how lower bases don't have the trap space to really shut down turtling and speedrunning…
  • Ironic how you say I'm choosing to comment like a child, yet here you are clearly mentally collapsing and doing the same thing? And yeah, I already noted that the devs are listening to the wrong complaints and not addressing source issues. Your point?
  • "What's up with the hostility when I'm posting bad takes? Anyways, I'm totally over the whole harvester thing... except I insta abandon bases that kill Harvey with pistons."
  • But if you place too many traps together, then you're making a killroom. And that's not fun for the poor Raider. Not to mention that I would love to know how you place traps to kill Raiders when traps are too slow and the grapple hook exists tbh.
  • I find it genuinely funny that people (or should I say "Raider biased" people?) whine about killboxes and probably cheer for how the devs are going to let you abandon bases you don't like (aka can't win easily) instead of fixing their Builder progression systems, restrictive base settings and how they favor bunker bases…
  • It's funny how you focused on the one response where I decided to not waste time on entitled reasoning. And not the other ones where I elaborated. And that's also completely false, their reply isn't reasonable, Dreamnomad actually said they want Builders to spend a fuckton of resources trying to kill Harvey and that they…
  • Nah, you can try playing without a guide + meat shield instead of getting your hand held for a change.