We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.



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  • I would also like a box of milk and some snacks for my survivor :) Actually, I like hatch though and find it to be a pretty fair mechanic :D
    in Hatch rework Comment by smurf 6:15PM
  • Sometimes I forget my ass ons when I play survivor.
  • I've seen two other suggestions like this recently, and I think it's a great idea! People have floated putting limits on the number of positive feedback points you could give per month, maybe limiting it to people who aren't on your friends list, and other constraints that make it a little less likely to be abused or just…
    in Props Comment by smurf 5:36AM
  • I think you and akuma might be onto something. Personally, I know that part of the fun of gaming for me is investing a bit of myself into my character. But like with all things, there are extremes that need to be avoided to enjoy the experience. On the one hand, a full divestment of my identification with the character…
  • I don't think the framing is wrong here. Playing a game with other people is a group activity. And unless you're in an intentionally competitive environment (e.g. league sports or some huge rivalry), the most important part of playing a game with other people is that everyone gets a chance to have fun doing it. For most…
  • I think you're right that BHVR should disencentivise tunneling. Otherwise people will keep doing it because it's almost guaranteed to secure one kill. Though, if the survivor loops well enough, tunneling can take away gen pressure, making it harder to get a 3k or 4k. Personally, I do think tunneling is a problem because it…
  • I agree with the other responses already posted. Crowdsourcing ideas is almost always helpful. That can give the devs ideas they might not come up with themselves and show them the variety and intensity of opinions across their player base. And as op said, BHVR knows the direction they want to take their game in. I think…
  • Lol, nerf exit gates!
  • Hatch race is very killer sided. Once there's one survivor left, I know as killer I have a better chance to get it than they do. Killer has higher movement speed than survivors and doesn't have to hide or run if the survivor shows up. I haven't counted, but I'd say I end up closing 2/3 of hatches that open when I'm killer,…
  • I always thought the smoke on hook/floating into the sky was loading time for the post game screens...
  • This is true some of the time, but I've definitely had matches where the killer breaks chase repeatedly to look for other targets, even ignoring me when I try to take chase and after tanking hits. Having said that, you're right that if someone doesn't try to take chase at all, they're probably in the wrong mmr.
  • Yeah, I mean Pyramid Head's quick chopping with his sword fits that description of being the end of the struggle. But the struggle to stay alive wouldn't reasonably end just because the killer knocks you down, hence the wiggling on the killer's shoulder and struggling on hook until the last moment. Some moris show…
  • But you still get to resist being carried to your third hook. There's a sense of struggle up to the last moment of it. With moris, that sense of involvement and participation is gone. Instead, you just sit there and watch as your survivor gets murdered, which doesn't feel great. I think there should be some involvement…
  • I agree that it feels to me like the survivor role is just being victimized by the update, but I can only imagine what bully squads would get up to with such a thing :O I also recognize that some survivor players even like to watch moris from the survivor perspective, but I do think the finisher mori makes moris so common…
  • Haha! I hate the finisher mori system and feel it's ruined much of the survivor experience for me, but there are definitely people who would do that!
  • I agree that it's ideal if someone can separate their feelings from games they play, but I imagine a lot of people aren't going to be able to do that as much as others. If someone gets tunneled or slugged for 4k, that can result in the player wondering why they even went into the match. Having said that, I don't think…
  • 100% support this change. Slugging for 4k is probably the most common toxic behavior in DBD after teabagging. And this would incentivise nonabusive playstyles.
  • This is a good idea. I also recently saw a post where someone suggested giving players a limited number of 'thumbs up awards' per week or months or something to give to players they thought were good to play with (survivor or killer).
  • I think when we're at the point where you have to run certain perks to avoid common bm play styles, it's a sign that the game design has gone wrong somewhere. But I could see that build being fun for matches where it gets a lot of use. In a bad use of unbreakable, I once picked myself up and took off running right in front…
    in Slugging. Comment by smurf October 14
  • I think this is true at mid-high mmr, but buffing m1 killers too much might make the game absolutely miserable for newer players. I remember when I was still relatively new as killer and decided to try out Nemi. My first few matches with him, I got destroyed. Then I saw the most ridiculous thing I've seen in a long time. I…
  • One thing you mentioned is definitely worth highlighting; some people playing killer are seeing less and less benefit from hooking compared to slugging. I play both roles, and I definitely see situations where slugging is more optimal against some teams and in some situations than hooking. I'll slug and start a chase for…
  • I mean, I agree with a lot of your sentiment, but I don't think something is wrong with the person you responded to for having a different opinion. Both of you have valid viewpoints :)
  • I think the match is fun for me as long as I'm getting to interact in some way. So if I wiggle off and get to run a bit longer, I enjoy that. And a couple times, I've ended up surviving as a result (e.g. breaking chase and hiding, getting hatch). Even as killer if someone wiggles off, I usually just think "really?" and go…
  • In this particular thread it seems there's a lot of strong opinions. I think it's important to acknowledge that both you and op have valid thoughts. And we probably shouldn't just tell op to go play a different game. I guess that's what BHVR wants with these forums, to let everyone talk about the pros and cons of stuff so…
  • The finisher mori doesn't require you to have lost multiple interactions throughout the match; just one will do it. And the new mori system mainly only benefits the person playing killer. All moris also bypass wiggling and saves for the hook state they're happening on. From a gameplay perspective, it seems pretty…
  • Agreed that some of the wording is awkward. OP's opinions are definitely valid, but you're also right that the mori isn't free; the killer does have to get the last survivor down. Just want to note that the finisher mori doesn't require the last survivor to have been hooked at all.
  • Thanks for the insults :) Really though, there's already enough tunneling, proxy camping, and slugging for 4k even before the finisher mori was introduced. I'm someone who plays killer and I think those tactics make the game worse. Being tunneled genuinely sucks, as does getting slugged for a 4k. I think we'd all benefit…
  • I agree that basekit UB will get abused unless it's only applying in very specific situations. And even then, bully squads find ways to optimize every mechanic they can to be annoying the killer. Also agreed about them not really being a problem since most bully squads don't do enough gens. But if they bring one dedicated…
  • I fully agree with the sentiment here, though I don't want to be hostile to the devs: Hi devs! Please know that some of us have stopped playing survivor or even spending money on the game because of this :) The game's continued success requires us to want to do those things. We can be friends! Devs + survs forever. BFFFs…
  • That's fair. I agree that a way to 'wiggle' from a mori would make it more fun, even if only when you haven't been hooked :)
  • I'm still wary of this even now that it's live. I don't see how this isn't encouraging 4k at all costs (tunneling, camping, slugging for 4k all becoming normalized) to get the prize at the end of the match.
  • Well, not so much and excuse and more of an example. There are multiple perks and even a very rare wiggle free that can get someone free from being carried. And I didn't say to deny the mori here, just thought survivors being able to fight against it would be fun. It would be like a wiggle mechanic for moris :)
  • I think I missed something. Why would the killer wait 60 seconds to hook the final survivor?
  • The survivor isn't already dead. They could have DS or some other perk that prevents them from getting hooked. Also, dc is actively discouraged by BHVR.
  • This doesn't defeat the point of moris. The point of a mori is to watch your killer murder their victim. Why can't survivors fight back against a mori? It would be fair to say the chase is the fight against a mori, but the same could be said of hooking, and survivors still get a tiny chance of escaping being hooked.
  • On these forums, there are a lot of discussions about winning or losing, but for me at least that's not the point with DBD. I don't know about for other people, but for me this game is about having fun. When I play killer, I'll often (not always) give hatch because most survivor players like receiving it. I also like to…
  • This is true, a half hour match should be impossible even if they did a slug race across the entire map :) Maybe op was exaggerating for effect. Now I kinda want to slug race across Badham…
  • I was mostly using hyperbole with the suggestion I made. However, I would definitely support Behavior devs punishing bm by making the game harder for people who engage in tunneling, camping, teabagging at all pallets, etc. Also, that suggestion really isn't so bad. It wouldn't be a free victory, just suddenly tilt the…
  • I agree that hatch should be reworked. It should punish killers for slugging for 4k. Like if you leave someone sluggled for over a minute when there are only two survivors left, two hatches should open relatively close to the survivors. Not right next to them, but enough to encourage killers to put people on hooks and stop…
  • The perk you described sounds fun :) Having said that, premonition is a shockingly powerful perk. While it has a cool down, it's directional, and with map awareness, you can use that to prerun from your gen, walk and hide with plenty of time to not be found, run toward the killer to take chase for a teammate on death hook,…
  • Whether or not the new mori system encourages more slugging, slugging for a 4k is bm. There's no need to make someone wait while you search for the next two minutes to get the last survivor. Also, why would someone take away the chance for hatch? It's intentionally rng based so the last survivor can have a chance at…
  • Lights out is my favorite alternative mode. It feels a little like horror, which is absent in the main game. I'd support removing chaos shuffle from the lineup though. Also agree with the comment above about Bubba... who didn't see that coming? One shot killers probably shouldn't exist in lights out.
  • These are all fair thoughts :) And I think you're right about the horror thing. What's scary about running around a table for a while and then doing it again around a shelf? Actually, another unpopular opinion of mine is that I really liked lights out for that reason. It felt like horror a bit and escaping matches felt…
    in I hate moris Comment by smurf October 10
  • That's deep; I like the thinking! You could be right that the video game avatar also seems like an extension of myself. That's my avatar being murdered. But in movies, it's the character being killed. But having said that, I don't like movies where the closeup violence or gore seems to just be there for spectacle. And…
    in I hate moris Comment by smurf October 9
  • I definitely didn't suggest that BHVR dedicate time to something because I personally find it a certain way. Just wanted to point out that adding gore that doesn't serve an in-game purpose might not be great for everyone who enjoys the game, and if there were more people who feel that way, BHVR might care about it. The…
    in I hate moris Comment by smurf October 9
  • I don't mind gore in horror when it serves a purpose, like if I'm watching a movie where people get flayed (e.g. TCM) I'm fine with it because it highlights the horror of the situation. But I don't feel like mori animations in DBD serve a similar purpose. So then moris just show a murder happening, which doesn't really…
    in I hate moris Comment by smurf October 9
  • This is awesome! For serious! Might have to limit it to receiving one award from any player to prevent exploits. And/or maybe limit giving the award from your account a certain number of time per month or something to prevent a culture of being expected to give a thumbs up. But for real should be done. 12/10 would boop the…
  • Ghostface is fun! And I think his mori is funny :) But I also don't like watching it (as I'm the op who didn't like moris).
    in I hate moris Comment by smurf October 9
  • lol If I did like moris, I'd say ghostface's would be pretty awesome! But you know, frownyface…
    in I hate moris Comment by smurf October 9