Survivor Chris
Hi there! I have some ideas regarding a new survivor so here it goes! LORE Chris lived in a big city, married happily and is enjoying life with his beautiful wife, Sofia. However, things didn't go too well for Chris and his wife soon got diagnosed with a rare and non-treatable disease and this has caused Chris to be left…
FireKeep's Blue Perk Pack v 1.0
This is technically a Fan Creation so hey, I get to post it in here I guess. Are you tired of all your perks being different, ugly colors? Do you want a constant color that's actually nice to look at? Look no further, because do I have the UI modification for you! This mod changes all the perk colors to be a light blue, no…
New clown skin
The clown has hardly any skins so i thought of a new one The Chef so instead of a knife he has a cleaver and he wears a chefs hat and a chefs outfit w/ apron. (and before you say this is too far from the idea of him being a clown look at his Santa skin)
Fan-Made Chapter: of Hats and Hares
This chapter is about The Illusionist, Nicoli Squarcialupi, who was once an Italian magician in a Romani traveling carnival. Left to complete •Killer add-ons* •Killer perks- done •survivor name- done •survivor background- done •survivors perks** *ask for killer background and power **ask for survivor name and background
DBD Randomizer
Just wanted to share this here if anyone is interested. https://bmcardoso.github.io/dbd-randomizer/
last breath
Michael Myers Add-Ons
Bloody Mirror: Very Rare Add-On: A broken mirror with blood dripping from the shards of glass: •Evil Within III reveals survivor’s auras when stalking within an 8 meter range. •Moderately decreases Evil Within III duration. •Slightly increases the terror raidus of Evil Within III. •Moderately reduces movement speed. •Gain…
Chapter think tank, come share
Share what fragments of chapters you have, together we could probably build something grisly
Dead by Daylight RPG Maker MV Game!
Hey ya'll! I'm in my free time making a turn based RPG version of Dead by Daylight! I haven't gotten very far, mostly because of limitations in graphics and how accurate they are, but I made the campfire location and plan on improving it as I learn more about the software!
Birth Of The Wraith
After being told that he has been doing the dirty work of businessman A.Azarov, Philip Ojomo finally snaps.
Survivors Passive Skill
[So this my first Idea for gameplay it's may some trash and look stupid] Nowadays some DLC killers might be "P2W". and many survivors have Perks to counter that, But look likes Broken now. For example, at before "exhaustion nerf", Quentin, is almost useless at his perks such as Wake up and Pharmacy (Who gonna open their…
T'was The Night He Came Home
I meant to post this on Christmas, but I completely forgot that I had even made it. Any who, here it is. I hope you all enjoy! Merry Belated Christmas! T'was The Night He Came Home T’was the night before Christmas, And all through the house, Not a creature was stirring. Not even a mouse. Then suddenly a creek, a crack, and…
Tell me what you think Fan-Made
What makes a murderer? Are we all just pawns hanging by a thread in a game of life and death, good and evil? Are our fates detimined? Born to die, die to be reborn? Are we the product of our parents (or in some cases parent)? Or is there hope that we can determine our path free of The bonds of The past? In Join the Murder…
Moonrise new year event - Survivors go-to loadout
Killer version coming soon™. Maybe.
New Daily Concept
Well first things first, please tell me if this doesn't belong here and where it should go: I main killer, and one thing I noticed is the daily rituals, with the daily rituals, it gets rather annoying when it's strictly just survivor rituals even when you discard one. I was thinking that it would be rather neat if instead…
New Items
Ultra Rare Item: Vigo’s Toolbox: An extremely old rusted toolbox with metal files, screws and hammers. Packs a lot more than you would expect. Can be used to repair and break many mechanical parts. •155 Charges. •Moderately increases repair speed. •Unlocks the sabotage action. •Considerably increases sabotage speed.…
New survivor: James Carter
Background James was a good man, ready to do anything for the things he cared, his grandad taught him to be a good person disposed to do anything for others, he grew up to be a doctor and got happily married with Elizabeth, 2 kids came out fruit of their relationship together, life could not have been better for the couple…
Piggy and Mike add-on ideas
Well, like the title suggests I had a few add-on ideas for piggy and mike First things first, I'm kinda a piggy main, so why not start with my ideas for some piggy add-ons; just to note I'm pretty sure the first three are inspired by user Nickenzie, and a post he made a while ago, can't quite remember, but anyhow. (Also…
Killer: The Silencer
Lore: Who are you? A tought question, isn't it? You have to go back in your memory, when you where a child, do you remember? Yes, your mother loved you so much, she understood you, the doctors told her that you would never be normal, like everybody, but she didn't mind, she always spoke low for you, whispers of love,…
Bad bad bad no good post that's very bad.
This is a repost 'cuz the other one got taken down for too many edits, so there might be two of them. Just a heads-up. UPDATE: Yes. There are two of them. I don't know how to delete a post so you know. This is garbage now.
we are legion
Entity's Game [(just look in here :>) only killers in here]
So my idea is to make some kind of "battle pass" from Fortnite in Dead by Daylight. 3 new costumes in it. It would cost 1000 auric cells or 10.000 iridescent shards. SO! Form level 1 to 100 and there will be no free "battle pass": First: Second: And last: Just kidding XD here's the real costumes (sorry no images): 1st:…
Chapter 11 idea! :D
Chapter XI: "The ritual that have you heard about". Killer: The Pyro Her perks make her way to easy take out her pray and make survivor's suffer. Her teachable perks "Sweet Revange", "Good girl" and "Hex: Friday Night" make her merciless fire manipulative killer that nothing can stop her. Power: Fire of Fury - you can use…
Fan-made Chapter XI: School Stories
The killer is The Teacher, a killer supposed to be released in August 2016. They eventually became The Nurse. The survivor is one of the killer's ex-students. New Survivor: Jessica Morgan Role: The Bullied Girl Ethnicity: Caucasian Appearance: Jessica has brunette hair similar to Kate's hair but is brown, almost black. She…
Birth Of The Hag
After being told to bring another piece of the girl, Carson Maxwell does as he is told. But after going down to the basement, nothing prepared him for the horrors of what he would find, as the woman they had kidnapped, and had been feasting on for the past couple of days, has just made a deal with something not of this…
The Corrupted (Killer)
Introduction The Corrupted is a man who was once a distinguished fighter in the Blood Pits of Detroit, but after brutally murdering his family and several others who lived in their apartment complex, he found his way into the deepest parts of the Fog. His body now shows signs of vile mutations along his arms and torso. His…
TrueKn1ghtmar3's perks
SURVIVOR PERKS Transference- spend 10s/5s/instantly heal another survivor one level at the cost of becoming injured (cannot be used if already injured) The coven- the last 1/2/3 survivors you completed an action with become connected, connected survivors can see any aura the other sees (except those revealed by this perk),…
Fan-made Dead by Daylight Gamemode | Totem Hunt
Killer Goal: Kill all survivors (self-explanatory). Survivor Goal: Find the totems with a skeleton key to unlock the generators for all survivors and escape. How it works for survivors: There are three generators on the map and 18 totems. Only three of these totems drop a skeleton key upon cleansing. However, if you…
More Objectives
First of all i am not going to talk about objectives like generators. I am thinking about a objective like Dead Pass. I saw that title yesterday and i think this is a great idea. Because 2 months later (after new chapter) i dont want to play this game because everything become Same. So i think a Game Pass can make people…
Fan Chapter: Hollow Masks (criticism wanted)
Chapter: Hollow Mask Killer: The faceless is a killer based around stealth, uprising survivors and applying constant damage Killer bio: Dallas Vernon was one of the many names adopted by a mysterious man who shed names and identity’s like a cockroach always finding his way into groups with power or money this of course…
Fortnite have their own battlepass what about deadpass
Fortnite have their own battlepass what about deadpass
New Killer Perk: Hidden Calls
Perk Concept: Hidden Calls: When within 26 metres of a survivor for 20 seconds, you will see all survivors auras for 2 seconds.
Wraith and Nea cosplay @ Lucca Comics 2018
This is the costume I finally was able to make for Lucca Comics with my gf as Nea Link to the costume contest thread: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/29113/white-owl-the-wraith#latest edit - I noticed the weapon is not very visible, so here a closeup
[NEW] Killer Concept
I want so, so desperately for this killer to be added to the game, so please consider this at least BHVR. The Scientist My man the scientist is a tall, slender killer that has been spotlight goggles over his eyes similar to The Iron Giant, but, of course as goggles. He has sticky-uppy hair like Rick from Rick and Morty and…
New Killer Idea
Chapter (instert chap # here) : A Dying Spark Gracie Cane was an elite op, but human minds could only be stretched so far. When she went on her last mission and watched her whole squad be killed by enemy fire, losing her own arm and mind in the process, she had only one thing from her home with her. A small, carefully…
New Killer & New Survivor - Chapter ?? [Personal Fan Idea]
Greetings, in two or three months I am going to do a lot of studies of the type of Killer and Survivor for Dead by Daylight and I am starting with a Killer first, so it is a male, mid-age, and he uses super natural powers, although it "costed" him to have that power. Above all, I'll update the Killer in a month and…
All the content can be found here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/39703/tell-me-what-you-think-fan-made#latest
Survivor Perk Concept: Entities Manifestation
Relying on the Entity's hellish power, escape your pursuer in the most of deadliest places - the locker. If you are the obsession, once per match while in a chase, channel for 2.5 seconds in a locker to trigger Entities Manifestation to escape your pursuer for a short period of time. When finished channeling, you shift to…
New Chapter Idea: Overtime
New Survivor: Sam Griggs Survivor Appearance: A buff male (a little more buff than David King) wearing a backwards cap, college jacket, and some loose jeans and tennis shoes Survivor Lore: Sam Griggs excelled in college, excellent grades, and was on the football team. From appearance he'd seem like a brutal, strong young…
A Change to Hex: Ruin
I have played alot of Dead by Daylight since I first started about a year ago, and I always had the same issue with Hex: Ruin and other hexes. One, Just how easily the specific totem can be found, and how we as the killer, can not discern which totem is which (I feel Color coding totems will help out), and two, just how…
Event Idea: The Invasion
Plot: A creature of unknown origin had begun invading the realm of the entity and had it deep blue tendrils invading and clashing against the dark orange spider legs of the entity like a disease and this was all observed by the cloaked Vigo looking up into the sky to see the silhouetted battle. the battle in the sky had…
Are the devs allowed to make Creepypastas as killers?
I asked this cause I really want Slenderman or any other creepypasta in the game so is it allowed or no?
New Chapter Idea: Cursed Graves
Killer Appearance: Ragged mullet hair, scratched up and stitched leather jacket, torn jeans. As well as really bloodshot eyes and bruised hands. Lore: Liam Chatterly was a very friendly young man, his grades were promising and his manners were certainly on par. Eventually, he took up a job right by a grave yard at a small…
New Survivor Perk: Hidden In Plain Sight
Perk Concept: Hidden In Plain Sight: You seem to be camouflaged in your surroundings, when crouched, your presence is impossible to be detected. While crouched, your aura can not be shown to killer. Counters all aura reading abilities.
Killer Concept: The Soldier
Killer Name: The Soldier Appearance: A male figure fitted in a tattered, dirty, bloodied and weathered World War 1 British soldier's uniform, including the backpack and additional satchels. A spade is attached to the backpack as well as a combat knife sheathed on his belt. The most notable feature is the dirt smothered gas…
New Killer Concept: The Time Shifter
The Time Shifter is slow and doesn't carry any weapons but can grab survivors and can instantly carry them. He can rewind the events of the game (which makes up for his slowness) by 2.5 seconds along with rewinding the survivors to their original positions, restarting generators and reviving dead survivors if they were…