Error code 8,001
Has anyone on got this error code before I was playing a match and when it ended I got that error code and it says it cannot connect to online services. Could this also relate to the cursor thing happening to me constantly?
What's with all the disconnects?
I've played 13 games today, playing survivor AND killer, and I've had 4 disconnects across them. I rarely see ragequits or crashes in general, and I'm wondering if the DC penalty is currently disabled due to map generation issues, or if anyone else has noticed this going on. It's pretty irritating as killer or survivor, I…
Cursor preventing you from moving
I have loaded into a match a few times now and this bug keeps happening where the cursor shows up and I either stay in game die and seem AFK or leave the match and look like I disconnected what can I do the next time this happens, because the last three matches I am stuck the cursor thing keeps happening so I can't even…
Can't submit a request on the support website
Hi everybody, I wanna send a request to the support team because a player wrote very terrible things in the after game chat. But everytime when I submit the request I get this message: What did I wrong? I have already submit some request (because of cheater/hacker) in the past and back then it works. (I test it with…
Secondary Skill Check: Broken on PS5?
Hi I Updated dbd today for the new Chapter and ever since Always now When i try to hit secondary skill check when on a Gen.. Pressing the button wich is L1 does nothing and i blow up then Gen :/ Everything was fine before the update so i thought to try posting here for help. Sorry bad English btw :)
Problem with totem quest from this tome
Hi, I was wondering if anybody else can't finish the quest where you have to cleans 8 totems from this chapter's tome / page 2 / bottom left. I am stuck at 2. No matter what I do. Any Totem Perks don't help. Logging in / out. Doing another one and going back. Doing it with "totem perks" p.e. Inner healing. Doing it without…
Nemesis tentacles
Hello, Is it possible to have a drawing of how hit his tentacles ? Because it seems to be completely ######### (like half of the game i know), but still.
Eyrie of Crows and Crotus Penn Asylum: Father Campbell’s Chapel gone from rotation?
I’ve been playing a ton for the last month now and have never came across these 2 maps. Has anyone else had the chance to play on them? Backwater Swamp: The Pale Rose has been pulled from rotation due to a bug. I was able to find that info on the forums but nothing on these 2 other maps.
Are pink glyphs bugged or am I stupid?
Ive been running around on flat, open maps looking for my 2nd pink glyph for the chapter 2 challenge and I cant find it. I found the first one ok but with the 2nd one Ive seen no evidence whatsoever of it existing. Ive rounded the map 4 times each game, going to every corner and the middle and I havent even seen a speck of…
Selfcare healing time
Does anyone have the Numbers on Selfcare ? As far as i know you heal at 35% normal healing speed. Wich would mean the calculation would look something like this: 16/0.35 = 46 (roughly) Is this actually correct ? Cause i think that's a little bit insane. It shouldn't take you half a Gen to heal yourself.
What happened to my corrupt? Was someone cheating?
https://medal.tv/games/dead-by-daylight/clips/IHOaFRut_-1_B/d1337K3x5ykx?invite=cr-MSxLRUEsMjkxNTg0Niw As you will see on my clip when my corrupt intervention is about a quarter done, it just disappears. What is this kind of cheat? I don't think it's a bug
About the bonus for those affected by the Haunted by Daylight Event Error...
Hello everyone, I'm new here and I just wanted to ask if anybody with a Xbox one/S (as I understand that only we were affected by the cinematic that made the whole game crash) had received the bonus mentioned in this tweet! As they said "shortly" and I really have no frame of reference for how long that might be, I just…
How do I change my name
Is it against the rules for killers to fake friendliness?
I had a killer yesterday who pretended to be friendly and acted as if he wanted to farm. I don't like farming myself, but he made it clear he wanted to so after waiting to be sure, I came out of hiding and joined in. The moment we got comfortable and let our guard down he slugged us and hooked us one by won for a free 4K.…
Is Devour Hope Revealed To Survivors With Myer's T3?
Hello, I ask this for mate who tried to hide his Devour Hope by using Myer's Infinite T3 state. So, does any form of Exposed status hide Devour Hope? So, if survivor is already Exposed when being hit, is Devour Hope revealed? I assume it does reveal, but I don't know, at least it shows icons on right top corner, right? And…
tips on playing ghostface
hi! i'm a relatively new killer, 250+ hours, and i was wondering if anyone has tips on builds, addons, strats i should use, or stuff that's just all around good on ol' danny boy? also, what are some funny meme builds on ghostie? i need some more </3 please and thank you, dgbug
Should I continue playing freddy?
I enjoy playing freddy even though he is pretty weak but I start to feel bad when the survivors start telling me that "boring killer" or it had ruined their night. I am unsure now if I should even continue playing freddy but I wish to now ask at least some of you. Should I still play freddy?
Anyone else getting errors as Killer?
I play on Switch and I keep getting an error and kicked out of the game. I load into a match just fine and during the first minute or two everything is normal. Then randomly my Switch will say an error occurred and exit out of the game. Then I have to load up the game again. Sometimes I get a dc penalty, sometimes I don’t.…
Hey Does anyone know how to Turn off Crossplay on PlayStation 4?
I ask because the way I knew how to turn it off doesn’t give me that option to turn it off anymore. The reason I turned it on was because I wanted to get into matches quicker. But I think I made a mistake. I say that cause I keep dealing with super gen rushing squads and also more toxic survivors again. Sorry for an…
Are the AFK killers real players or bots?
Me and my brother have been playing DBD and noticed that layely we've been getting a lot of afk killers and we're wondering if they're just bots or if theyre real players trying to lower their MMR.
are all challenges turned off or broken right now?
For the last week or two every challenge i try to complete gets absolutely zero progress. the following challenges that i 100% completed correctly but did not get credit as well as progression challenges that will not progress are... Sealed Shut from tomb 6 Self Preservation from tomb 6 Reverent and Gruesome from tomb 6…
When does the current PTB finish?
Been really enjoying having use of the bots so hoping it stays up for a bit longer! Thanks in advance for any answer
So many Myers players
Why everyone plays myers These 2 days I literally played wit 8 or more myers and I wanna know the reason Some were adept other tombstone other regular other stalk addons But why so much myers suddenly? And I've noticed that myers jow stalks more faster than before or an I saying stupid things
what perks work on freddy?
i heard that cauldrophobia doesn't work on freddy bc of his lulaby or something, if thats the case then what perks don't work?
At what time do the community cups start today?
Game crash in end game collapse as killer
Hi! I’ve never had a problem with the game running before. But today the game crashes two times. Both times I was playing killer (doctor & spirit) and both times it crashed in the end game collapse. Has anyone else been having this issue now or earlier? I’ll try to reverify the game files in steam and hopefully that works.
Event Offering Post-Event?
This was exactly 2 matches ago. I vividly recall there not being a killer offering that showed up at the beginning of this match, but they somehow brought in the dowsing rod into the match. I don't think its related to still having the offering equipped and it ghosting through; I tried that in my next game, had a loadout…
Bug or cheater?
I still don't know what happened here, someone knows if this is a bug or if someone was cheating? This was not exclusive to me, also to my friend and ash probably.
Doctor Bug?
I'm not sure if this is the place to ask this question, but I have noticed something odd every now and then. There will be a Doctor who just stands still and continuously shocks and swings. He occasionally steps forward or backward as well as randomly snapping to face a direction. His turns are also abrupt and automatic as…
Fight Back Archive Challenge Tips?
This is the challenge where you have to stun the killer 4 times in one game.. And I just CANNOT get this one done. Does anyone have any tips for this, or do I just have to hope for a killer who will walk into pallets for me? I just want to finish level 4 of the archive. :(
How does overcome work with dead hard?
I know dead hard causes exhaustion and that should make it impossible for overcome to trigger but I haven't tested it. Does anyone know if this is the case?
As a relatively new player, what is the frequency of sales? Is it like a once a year occasion or do they happen around major holidays.
Killer addon math
If I were to post images/.txts of math I've done for every killer, where would I post it and who would be interested in seeing my work? I've done everything. Speeds, recharge, charge rates, cool downs, breaking speeds. Any addon that changes a number value on a killer I have work for. I can post an example of billy's math…
In the next update, will the new chapter and the finishing mori system be released together?
Do mouse & keyboard work in DBD on PS5?
PS5 allows you to use standard mouse&keyboard, but I know not all games support this feature regardless of a console. Has anybody actually tried it on PS5?
Swamp's Pier.
Why does the outer section of it, downstairs still uses the first iteration of the tiles? Aka like jungle gym like with both windows spawns or four lane with 2 windows. I don't think it makes any sense whatsoever.
Why Vittorio's tattoos are neon?
i'm loving his design and i've read his lore in game but maybe i've missed something? why his tattoos are neon? is it something related to the researchs he did? did he become some sort of magician?
How can you tell whether a DLC is licensed or purchasable for shards?
Just wondering about the knight. I don't know how to tell til the update is live.
How much fps? And performence issues
CPU: i5 2500 Gpu GTX 1050 ti Ram 8 gb ddr3 mhz 1333 I had alot of fps issues with gt 1030 Even tho on videos with benchmarks with similar or same specs dead by daylight was running in medium or low settings in full hd with 60 fps meanwhile my game was running in 720p resolution and looking like minecraft and barely…
Bugged Grabs?
Has anyone else been experiencing bugged grabs recently? I play on PS4 and whenever i go for a grab off a gen or totem, my character will do the hand reaching animation and stand still for a few frames but the survivor runs away? Its happened almost every time I have gotten a grab.
Is this normal?
Yesterday and today, the whole day I have ping issues. I dont know if its me or something DBD server-y. I went into a survivor game just so I can see my ping (since I cant as killer) and I see everyones ping is rather high and above 100. Mine in particular, so much so that I cant do skill checks properly. Is this just me…
Mechanical Scarcity - Finish repairing 3 generator(s) while holing a Rare Toolbox or better
Mechanical Scarcity - Finish repairing 3 generator(s) while holding a Rare Toolbox or better I get no progress on this one. I tried with Alex's Toolbox, Engineer's Toolbox, Commodious Toolbox and Mechanic's Toolbox. I finished a gen alone and with someone else. What I'm doing wrong?
Daily rituals blank?
Is anyone else having a problem with their daily rituals? I completed my last one the other night, and yesterday and today the box popped up that would show the dailies, but it was blank.
Did flashbang got shadowbuffed?
Recently I played against some survivors bringing flashbang. Usually looking upwards completely stops blinding but apparently it doesn't work while carrying a survivor anymore, meaning you need to look in the opposite direction. Anyone else having the same 'issue' (or does anyone have more info on that topic)?
Wait, is Chris automatically your obsession when playing Wesker?
Just judging by personal experience, but so far when there was a Chris in any matches as/against wesker he'd automatically be the obsession? I'd not be surprised about bhvr doing something like that 'cause... yeah... but is it actually a thing or?
Should I play the worse addons and worse perks in the Garden of Joy as Hillbilly?
Trust me, I am not bored.
Will I get banned for getting someone on the hook?
So just a few seconds ago, I played as freddy in dead dawg and Rebecca was at the gate, final survivor btw. I decide to down her and take her to the hook. I barely make it counting how many grunts they did, (9 meaning just about to escape my grasp) and I got her on the hook. I was told I am now being reported for it.…
Does anyone else have a problem with mouse controls right now?
I am having problem where my mouse spins itself. Suddenly while I am chasing survivor as a killer my mouse decides to do 1080 degrees spin. And this happens even if I don't touch my mouse lol. Only on DBD. Other games are fine :D
Esoteric Hooks
So a friend of mine wants to do the archive to hook x people on esoteric hooks and she cant get it done. I thought that esoteric hooks are all hooks except basement, bc these are the ones that give you void energy. So when i did the challenge i didnt even think about it, bc i though hooking people in general is enough, and…
Bloodweb. How does it actually work?
Now that ive pretty stable on perks with killers, i want to get my survivors to p1. Other than with the killers im not going to play all of them, its just to unlock their perks once so they start appearing on the bloodwebs of the few survivors i do play. My "main" survivors if you wanna call it like that. Ofc i want to…