Ask the Community
The place to go for simple questions.
Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.
Ask the Community
The place to go for simple questions.
Discussion List
- I was thinking about buying the plague on PS4 but when she’s first came out I heard that the frame rate was bad when using her ability. Is it still bad it isn’t she playable?
- Does Adam's prestige head camouflage him better in dark areas or does his normal head cosmetic do better?
- If someone has like a diagram or something that would be appreciated. Also does your character block the detection zone? Revealing GF feels very inconsistent and I’m wondering if I’m doing something w…
- What is first the addons or the perk "distressing"? Perk First = 32(TR)*26%(D)+12(A)= 52,32(TR) Addons First=32(TR)+12(A) = 44(TR) * 26%(D) = 55,44(TR) TR= Terrorradius A=Addons D="Distressing" And ma…
- What do you think. How many perks and how many restrictions does a Jane needs to be silent when injured? Still havent the perk in her pocket, only iron will. I wanna hear how it is :D And dare you the…
- I knew that Calm Spirt can counters Clown, Doctor, getting hit and screams. These are what cause survivor to scream. Stepping on Trapper's trap Missing skill checks on healing Iron Maiden Perk Infecti…
- Is anyone else having problems with their camera drifting upward constantly? Mine is doing it so bad it's nearly impossible to play
- Title ⬆️, because I heard luck was changed to affect chests while others say it wasn't changed to affect chests.
- Hi So I just bought the game, played an hour for two, being new, I lost like 6 games and went to sleep next day I woke up, I received a perma ban, realizing I ######### up, I realized that they detect…
- Im beyond excited for the archives and am trying to be nervously optimistic about the rifts. Will you guys reveal any info on these anytime soon? Or will we just have to wait until they release?
- To elaborate my question is why during a lunge as a killer are you able to back up during that action? The definition being "a sudden forward thrust of the body, typically with an arm outstretched to …
- After the trial, you are moved to the results screen and on top there is a survey that asks, "did you have fun?" What is this for? Will my future matches be affected on how I answer? https://imgur.com…
- Does We're Gonna Live Forever stack with BP offerings such as, Anniversary BP offerings?
- I go to the Chinese forum sometime, but I find that nobody cares that forum, it turns to a dead forum totally, no any developer, no any player. so I do have to post my idears on English forum to let t…
- Almost a month without contents, no summer event, no double bloodpoints, no new chapter or ptb/teaser and no streams as well.
- I am Lv50 Prestige 3. How many bloodpoints must I spend to cycle through one bloodweb on average?
- So I need you guys and gals to help teach me How do I preserve pallets properly?
- What is the difference between Ultra and High settings?
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- Since rank is only really meant to sort matchmaking and keep similarly skilled players together, why does DBD decide to reset the ranks once a month and make ppl who WERE rank 1 into rank 10s. Whats t…
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- I still dont know what the hell the rift is I think it has something to do with the lore but i am not quite sure.
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- When playing Hillbilly, I often have to be looking at the survivor and keeping my eye on the chainsaw charge so it doesn't hit 100% until I am ready. In the heat of a chase, it can be tricky to do bot…
- Maybe it's been like this in the game and I didnt realize it, but I just had 2 survivors escape through the hatch. Is that possible?
- Have you guys ever thought about adding a match timer to the game or a more severe punishment to AFK players?
- Probably one for the devs more than anyone, as it would be hard to tell unless you kept count from the start. If a player is connected for a significant amount of time and DCs in the match, is it cons…
- Anyone knows what that means?
- ive been thinking about getting one of the 2 ghost face masks from the store. im digging both of them. however i get revealed really easily already. and i dont want to make it even worse. which mask d…
- I have two questions. Chapter 13 will be full Chapter? Survivor + Killer + Map. We know it will be minimum 1 character and Map. You changed your definition of Chapter from 2018. You said Chapter ALWAY…
- I'm fairly new too killer and looking for advice such as good perks to use. And general advice on how to be a good killer
- How long are the surivors affected by the snares? How many Alarm Clocks spawn? (Non Freddy Question: In the Ghostface update patchnotes was mentioned that the intro video was updated, but i cant find …
- I waw just wondering about this. Since the description of the perk doesn't say anything about lockers.
- Can I change the wiggle controls? It’s hard for me to use my hands because I have a disability. It makes it hard to wiggle. Any help would be great thanks!
- I have this guy recorded.
- I really hope that the ultra-rare and brown perks come back into the game with the upcoming chapter. They will come back, right?
- I know it affects hook-escape chances, but does it have any other affect at all? I've heard various answers claiming all kinds of various things, such as spawn distance from the killer or better chest…
- Are they the same speed? When watching PC players stream the ability to quick slide back and forth across a downed pallet seems very quick. Playing on console it feels like there is an additional paus…
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- I am a PS4 player and i wonder if i have to start since lvl 0 in a computer or i could transfer my progress to PC.
- The roadmap for communication, releases and activities of the developers is still on the 1st August. Also it’s very often not updated and you can see in this section what they did in the past - but yo…
- With the exit gates getting powered after the hatch is closed with 1 survivor left, there is no use for Left Behind with it's boosted generator repair speed. When will it be changed?
- Stack Overflow does this. You post a question and post an answer to it. The idea is that users who might have a similar question in the future can find an answer immediately Why it might not be okay: …
- What are the voice actors of the Plague and Ghostface?Started by FichteHiro
- If someone has the blindness status effect and they're running OoO, can i see their aura but they can't see mine?
- I'm trying to adopt a stealthy playstyle... can anyone help me with telling me the best perks or the best builds to do this?