PC/Steam: Main Screen sometimes goes black after a match (since change to UE5 - 7.7.0)
You can see how this looks in this stream between 1:20:00 and 1:25:00: A restart fixes the issue, but this is still annoying.
PC - Game will "Unfocus" itself
Randomly while playing, the game (or more like my mouse and keyboard) will be no longer affect the game as if someone hit the "Windows" key to be able to use different monitors. Sadly, its not something that can be screenshotted or how to reproduced it as it happens randomly. Sometimes one or two games go by before it…
Dead Hard Bug
I was playing against a nurse recently on the chaos shuffle gamemode, i got dead hard and 2 times when i clicked the activate button before getting killed to use my dead hard it wouldnt activate, my ping was fine, i even tried to hit it a bit earlier the second time and it just did not activate. I would like to know if…
Ultimate Weapon not causing screams
Had a match against someone with Ultimate Weapon, and they procc'd it about 3 times. The first time, my character screamed. The other two times, no scream. I asked the killer (live TTV) after the fact if they were seeing the notification (the red bubble you would normally see if a survivor screams) and they said yes, but…
Nancy's Arm Bug In Lobby
I play on Xbox Series S. Nancy's arm sticks out more than it should when holding an item every time while in the lobby. I believe this began with the 7.7 update, as that is when I noticed it, but I am not entirely sure. At first I thought I was imagining it but after viewing a screenshot I took in November, it confirmed my…
ps5 deliverance
in ps5 chaos shuffle that perk don’t work i did save from hook and i wasn’t hooked not once and perk was on but still didn’t give that option to use it and added picture of end result map was LÉRY'S MEMORIAL INSTITUTE - Treatment Theatre
Repressed alliance
There's a bug with repressed reliance where sometimes if you use repressed alliance it makes your character be in the kick off animation unless doing other actions. I used it on Rebecca on Azarovs resting place immediately after mending from a legion right after merciless storm block finished. I have not gotten a chance to…
Nurse out of the map
You can do it as seen in the video works everytime and its easy if you have the brown addon to see where you are blinking. Im playing on epic games version on windows 10.
DC Bug
As the title says DC Bug have no idea what's causing it on gas haven just was DCed when attempting to break wall near generator inside gas station. Server issue maybe. Please look into I've had it happen on different maps too. Also I had a 3 player lobby glitch other day.
map glitch on bedham
on pc while on the bedham there was a couple of bushes near each other but not touching that looks like you could go between them but cant actually. i hit a survivor near them and during the faster moving phase of them being hit they walked through said area between the bushes while i could not, i tried to walk between…
Nintendo Switch - Yui Fire Moon Outfit Bugged on 2nd Hook
I just purchased the Fire Moon outfit for Yui. When she is on 2nd hook, her skin on her upper back bleeds out over the cosmetic.
Nintendo Switch - Endgame Screen Displays Terrormisu Incorrectly
This has happened to me twice in the last 24 hours. When I am the last Survivor to join a lobby and see a Nancy player, I swap my Survivor to Johnathan who has Terrormisu already selected and ready to go. When I die, or escape, the end screen falsely shows the Nancy player having brought the Terrormisu. My Perks, Item and…
"Game Version is Invalid" Error | Patch 7.7.1
soooo this hasn't happened before and all of a sudden it's happening today. i play on Steam and use a Windows 11 PC.
Nurse break animation is broken
So it's been this way for a long time, but I haven't seen anyone adress it: nurse's pallet and generator break action animations don't play properly. She's supposed to do a specific hand motion while breaking, but instead she just sticks her hand out with no animation to it at all and it's bothered me for a very long time…
Unhook option not appearing
PC - I was playing a survivor game on the Chaos Shuffle modifier and a teammate was hooked during end game and it wouldn't let me unhook him. I stood there for a while and the option never showed up. I also couldn't let them know it wasn't on purpose bc they had no chat.
I can't hit them while they're standing there.
Endgame screen showing no perks
Game clearly thinks I have no perks, despite having a full build in-game: Seems to be only a visual bug. Perks functioned fine in-game and show up like normal in lobby afterwards. PC, Steam!
PC - Missing Before The Masquerade Weekly Login Outfit pieces
I still haven't received the Meg or Huntress parts that were said to be given out each week during the Before the Masquerade Event. I've checked my characters outfits and the parts aren't in my inventories. i missed the first day of the event, but from my understanding that shouldnt of mattered because the announcment for…
No Prompt to Unhook Survivor in Basement
My platform is Xbox Series X. A survivor was hooked in basement and when I went to rescue them, there was no prompts to unhook and I had to watch them die on hook. This has only occurred once so far.
PC - Partially unrepairable gen + grass texture at Dead Dawg Saloon
One side (the side where it has gauges and flap metal) of a generator at one of the Dead Dawg Saloon Maps is uninteractable. I have written down the map code "Fr_MD143" it was a generator near an exit gate, at the part of the map where its empty and just full of bushes and cactis. Plus when I spawned in, the bushes within…
Grass textures on dead dawg bugged
Vecna Has Flight Bug When Canceled On/Near Windows...
Title. Played on PTB on Wednesday against bots and got stuck in the ground until I could fly again. To get a general idea… If you haven't already by the time you click the link, skip to 2:15:45 mark.
PC - Aiming Down Sights has no warning sound
The Deathslinger has no warning sound when aiming down his sights on a survivor. It's used to tell how accurate his aim is on the survivor, and when to avoid the shot.
PC - WoO/dream pallet bug
Not sure if this is actually a bug (though it probably is) or even already known, but: PC Jane Object of Obsession/Scene Partner/Troubleshooter/Windows of Opportunity Grim Pantry vs. Fredward (Nightmare) with Dream Pallet add-on (I believe he was using the Prototype Claw). After dropping a Dream Pallet and while asleep, I…
Didn't Receive Newsletter E-mail for 250K BP
I signed up for the newsletter on the 15th, but never received the e-mail w/ the 250K BP code yesterday or any kind of confirmation e-mail. I know I subscribed because if I try subscribing again, it says "[my e-mail address] is already subscribed to list Dead by Daylight. Click here to update your profile."
Unreachable spot on Badham
In one of the houses, beside the pallet, there are boxes that survivors can go on top and the killer can't pick them up.
No perks in chaos modifier
Lery's - Invisible Ledge
When the basement spawns on Lery's in the office rather than the operating theater, it creates an invisible ledge that players can walk across. I was still able to hit/down the survivors in this picture from below or by taking a lunging swing, but it's difficult for most killers to threaten this space.
The bug with Victor and the wardrobe
. PC The bug with Victor and the wardrobe that doesn’t open, this is the third time I’ve encountered this bug, this time I clearly showed how it happens, please fix it, thank you :) Video https://youtu.be/Tmct-SYLwc8?t=248
Lost out on my grade reset bloodpoints
I had about a million bp before grade reset and when grade reset happened it capped at 2M. This should not happen. I should have around 3M.
Haptic Feedback Not Working
PS5 Option is on, but I don't feel anything ever Just play any match as either role and you will notice nothing produces vibrations And this always occurs, no temporary fix
PC, Patch 7.7.+, Windows 10 - Game just not opening
This doesn't seem to be the same issue people were having where the game would crash or get stuck with a loading icon due to newer versions of Intel CPUs or needing a dx11 parameter. for those issues, the game would open, and then crash. for me, the game just doesn't open. the EAC splash screen thing will open, and my…
PC / Steam: Still strobing lights issue
Platform: PC / Steam Description of the issue: The strobing lights, that should have been fixed with Bugfix Patch 7.7.0A, still occur in my game. Steps to reproduce: Did the Steam data analysis a few times, but it didn't help How often does this occur: Mostly in the loading screen and in matches (as killer and survivor)…
Keybindings reset and I cannot change them.
After not playing the game for awhile (PC) I decided to do a match of the randomizer event going on. Unfortunately all my keybindings have been reset to default. No worries, I go in to change them and I cannot. Whenever I click to change an input, it says "PRESS ANY KEY" or whatever and then stays that way. Even if I click…
Meg Thomas hair "Gold and silk"
• Platform: Steam • Description of the issue The fur collar is unnaturally visible through Meg's "gold and silk" hair, as if it was cutting off her hair. • How often does this occur: moving, do gens
You cannot stack Stun Reduction Addons on Deathslinger
The portion of Deathslinger's stun that these addons apply to has a max reduction of 1 second. Meaning, when you expect 1.5 seconds of stun reduction with his two addons; Bayshore's Cigar and Chewing Tobacco. You will only receive a 1 second reduction for his 3 second default stun. This was always a thing from…
MLM Flag code is nonfunctional
As title says, trying to redeem the code FLAGMLM for the Men Loving Men price flag charm gives some kind of server error. I have tried over multiple sessions to redeem it to no avail.
I get no killer perks in the chaos shuffle event
Ive played 3 matches in the new event as killer, and in 2 of them I didnt get any perks. Im either the unluckiest person ever or theres something wrong.
Victor recall on twins is still bugged
Just played 2 matches in the chaos modifier where Victor was recalled as soon as he latched on. Literally makes twins unbeatable
I can't play
When I start the game there's different messages who appears like initialisation error, we can't load your profil etc... Sometimes I can reach the survivor menu but I don't find server, there's error message too etc.. I try to reinstall the game, to synchronise etc but there's no changement.
Chemical trap bug
It seems that whenever i destroy a chemical trap that my screen gets buggy and it cant see anything else anymore
Blood web items not adding to my inventory
Hi there, I noticed that I got some iri items in my blood web and they have not updated. This has happened a few times with other items also that are not updating on my inventory. It has been happening a while.
Exploit on the Map Toba Landing
Hello! Players are able to to get "out of bounds" (well, kind of) to get on the railings of the stairs on Toba Landing in the main building. Making them basically immune to hits, depending on the killer. Attached is a 30 sec video of players standing on it
Franklin's Demise Cancelled Vault Animation
Playing on PS5 as Dwight vs Chucky In chase I made a medium vault at Killer's Shack and the animation was canceled in the first few frames, then I took a hit milliseconds later and lost my item. (In that order) Possible it's only a rubberbanding issue or horrendous lag. Only occurred once.
Shuffle mode
Blast isn't working in shuffle mode, I got blast mine in 5 differents matches and bast mine never worked
Wesker's cloak is broken, among other things.
So i post this report almost every patch. The issue with weskers coat being stuck to his behind has been an issue since his killswitch a year ago. It is really ugly, and i would love if it was finally fixed. IT WAS NOT THIS WAY BEFORE. Secondly, his shadow in-game is completely broken, it just T-poses and slides on the…
Chaos Shuffle 0 perk
i play this new event today. on match 3 i got 0 perk what a chance!!~
Nintendo Switch - No Chaos Shuffle Cosmetics
The overview says to click on Collection to see how we can earn event cosmetics and player profile collectibles. However, there are no cosmetics, just a badge, banner and charm.
Blast mine flashing bug
I was in a match yesterday May 15, 2024 on Haddenfield as survivor. When you are survivor and close to the gen being kick with blast mine a bright white light flash that takes over almost your entire screen that can trigger someone with photosensitivity. I attached a clip from my stream showing what happens. This is the…
Fatal error! Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000001380
Tengo un error que no me deja abrir el juego. Dice lo siguiente: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000001380 DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 97547125 bytes DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 97552942 bytes DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping…