Black Screen after match
This has happened multiple times since the last public update. I'm not sure what has exactly caused this but I play on Steam/PC. After I finish a match, whether I escape or not, kill or don't, I load back into a lobby with a black screen. The only way to fix this is close and open the game back up. It's more annoying than…
Cheryl Mason "Starting Over" cosmetic bug
Cheryl Mason "Starting Over" cosmetic bug Cheryl Mason's "Starting Over" cardigan is see-through on the back, clipping and showing her shirt at the physics-enabled part. Steps: Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as Cheryl Mason in a match having the "Starting Over" cosmetic equipped. Additional information Character…
No unhook option on Toba's Landing
Hi, I was unable to unhook a team mate last night when they were on this hook. I had no unhook option show up no matter how I approached. I'm on PS5 if that helps and it was in the Chaos Shuffle modifier. Thanks!
Toba landing window vault bug
Got held for an hour as hostage because survivors while vaulting a window can land on a rail and stay where. Can't hit the, can't bring them down.
nancy wheeler
i just escaped the trial 3 times in a row 2 by gate and 1 by hatch just using nancy her perks but still diddent gewt my nancy achivement of escaping with just her perks
Skull Merchant... drone bug?
Not really sure how to title this. Was going to put in under Community Q&A but it's technically a bug. Spawned into Lery's against a Merchant, and found this thing in the corner… tried to record it but could only get a screenshot. It appears to be… maybe a drone stuck in the floor? The circles were spinning. But when one…
PC - Store can be used to bypass killer only restrictions on survivor
Step 1: Select "Play" and then "Survivor" after opening the game. Step 2: Go to the in game store. Step 3: Select the "Killers" section at the top. Step 4: Select any killer and press the "Select" button in the bottom right. Step 5: Navigate back to the lobby. At this point the only issue is that the player's camera…
Auric Cell Charm - Survivors floating bug
I was able to spot a survivor last game as the spirit, which had the auric cell charm equipped. I saw a floating yellow glowing Ball running around and disappearing behind a rock ( i assume they crouched at that moment, the rock would have been tall enough for them to be not visible when standing though, but the charm gave…
Perkless bot able to unhook itself despite not building anti-camp, also had additional hook stage.
In a PS5 custom match I downed and hooked a perkless bot, then left to chase another bot on the other side of the map. When I next got close to the hook the bot was able to unhook itself just as it hit second stage despite having no perks and me not having been close to it for long enough to build its anti-camp meter.…
ps5 haunted ground
in chaos shuffle i had 3 hex one on normal perk and addons they were: Haunted Ground, Plaything, Undying and Game Afoot so i was trapper green trapper bag, purple honing stone but what i see/saw haunted ground activated multiple times because it meter started and when it went away every time hex was cleaned it came back on…
DBD keeps making my computer crash and penalises me for an unintentional DC.
Hello fellas. Recently, every two rounds I play as Killer, my game crashes unexpectedly. There's no cue or action that seems to cause this crash, it just happens. Sometimes the crash causes DBD (and when I restart my computer, causes my computer to crash as well) to close or my computer also crashes as well. Frustratingly,…
PC-Unable to hook survivors
Was playing on the Crotus Penn Asylum map in a public match and had a bug where sometimes I was just completely unable to hook a survivor. I would walk to multiple hooks and never receive a prompt to hook the survivor. Other times, I had no problems. This wasn't a certain hook being bugged, because I would carry a survivor…
Bugged Trickster Vault Animation
To recreate this bug simply load into a map and vault a window that is off the ground. It was tested in Eyrie of Crows and Badham Preschool. His limbs completely contort, and it looks as if he's going through the vault itself rather than over it.
PC - Doctor can see the aura's of Illusions across the map even though survivors are in tier 2
Doctor can see the auras of Tier 2 Madness Doctor Illusions map-wide which is normally only possible with his restraint addons. Steps: Play as Doctor in any gamemode > get survivor(s) to Madness Tier 2 > See illusions even without Restrain addons Frequency of the Issue: 100% of the time
ps5 Nightmare shuffle
in chaos shuffle nightmare perk doesn’t work is pentimento it show its blank and it was entire match and didn’t show hex totem at all in map and map was Autohaven Wreckers - Gas Heaven i added map and end game result of game
No perks assigned in Chaos Shuffle
PC - incorrect background music in lobby
description: Step 1 : in a match, while I was trying to solve the pinhead's box, the server shutdown(dedicated server has no response) and all players were disconnected.(At that time the background music is what survivor take the BOX) Step 2 : I start next 3 matches and every match just endlessly play the music when take…
PC - I couldn't be unhooked on Greenville Square.
I was playing on Greenville Square against a Deathslinger. This was in the chaos shuffle gamemode. The other 3 survivors were all on console. When I got hooked (2nd stage), one came to save me and tried to unhook me. Instead, he used reassurance on me, probably because the prompt to unhook me wouldn't appear. He got chased…
PC - Unable to Unhook Survivor
Played on Disturbed Ward against Clown with three PC survivors and one console survivor. This was a normal queue, not the Chaos Shuffle modifier. Attempted to unhook Zarina (console player) and did not receive the prompt to unhook them. They were on second hook state. Player had been unhooked from first hook state…
Action keeps cancelling
Platform - PS5 Description - Click the button prompt to do action, animation starts then cancels. It happens when trying to drop pallet, vault or enter lockers. Only happens if the killer blocks, but the action cancels and bugs you out. To produce, click the button prompt for e.g pallet drop, see the animation start for 1…
Bite the bullet not working
I use Bite the bullet with self care or with a med kit, and half the time when healing myself and others it silences grunts of pain and the other half it doesn’t! not sure what’s going on but the perk isn’t working correctly.
PC - Mouse cursor randomly disappearing in menu
Whenever I am in the game menu, survivor lobby, or killer lobby, my mouse cursor would disappear off of my screen. I can still hover over and click on things, however, my cursor is missing from my screen. It happens quite frequently, once every few seconds, and it lasts about 10-15 seconds. I thought that it was due to…
Tome 1 challenge "enlightened" received partial progress although it needs to be done in 1 trial
i did a game and got 1 blind, the archive notification appeared in game and said 1/1 thus i concluded that i finished the challenge but to my surprise i was greeted with this when coming back to the lobby. As you see there is progress on a challenge that's supposed to be done in 1 trial, which shouldn't be possible i…
Hatchets hitting but not injuring
For a while this has been happening to me and every other match there will probably be a hatchet that I throw and it still makes the weird squishy noise that it makes when it hits someone, but they do not get injured or downed at all. I've also seen this in some YouTube videos and it is happening on any platform and this…
Outta Nowhere achievement bug
I am unable to gain further progress towards this achievement, even though I am able to do archives that are exactly the same. Outta Nowhere achievement has been stuck on 33 for about a month now and I can't get it to progress further.
blight can´t go thrue
I was just in a match with a blight on chaos chuffle and at one of the exit gates on Badham Preeschool he couldn`t walk between a tree and a bush but i as nea could walk thrue
PC - Game Freezes on Start Up
I've reported this issue before and supposedly fixed it by uninstalling and reinstalling dbd. It fixed it for a bit but it occurred again and I do not know why. I tried validifying files without uninstalling but that didn't work. I do not know what is wrong or what is causing it. This is before the "click to start"
PC - Alan Wake's face and arms placement is bugged when being hook
When Alan is hooked his face becomes disfigured and his arms placement is wrong.
Cant even play DBD at all after I bought it. Network Connection error.
I sent a request to support team which after many days still has not had a response so I've decided to come to the forums to see if anyone can help or is having a similar issue. Error states: NO NETWORK CONNECTION In Order to access this content, An network connection is required Provider id: press here to display provider…
Crashing and lagging!
Ive played dbd now for a while and never had problems, But since the update my Game keeps on lagging so much and my sceen gets in like a slow motion even tho i have good Internet. And another problem is that my game crashes and says error but everything was fine a second before the game crashes and when i look there isnt…
Nintendo Switch - Prove Thyself is Bugged
When repairing with Prove Thyself, it works about half of the time. As you can see, the green icon is dull indicating it is nit working despite having it equipped. Earlier this match it did light up when I was repairing with a different teammate.
PC - Entity-completed generators count for archive
Tome 4 - Level 2 "As long as it gets fixed" archive states "FInish repairing a generator or have another Survivor finish repairing a generator 16 time(s)." Completing the last generator (5/5) completes all 7 generators on the map. These last 2 generators also count for the archive. Video: As you can see it goes from 8 to 9…
The game freezes when you log in.
When you log in after the logo, the music stops on the boot screen, and not abruptly, but fades away. The boot screen is black, without the usual crosshair, and the red boot icon is just hanging at the bottom. Neither Alt+Tab, nor Alt+F4, nor Task Manager helps, only restarting the PC. I can't take a screenshot, because as…
Merciless Storm Failing on successful check
I’ve succeeded merciless storm checks only to have it activate anyway. The first two times I was skeptical but this time I hit the check dead center and it still erupted the generator I was working on.
No perks in normal mode. In post game screen shows them normally.
PC - No Mither + Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain shows status effect on the HUD, but slowdown not applied
Step 1: Play as Survivor with the No MIther perk equipped. Step 2: Get hooked on a Scourge Hook: GIft of Pain. Step 3: Upon getting rescued from the hook, the Scourge Hook: GIft of Pain status effect shows up on the HUD. Step 4: Repair and Healing speed are not affected. Although it makes sense that the Survivor with No…
Residual Manifest in Nostromo Wreckage secret door
Using the one token for Residual Manifest in the chest on the Nostromo Wreckage secret chest (in the secret door) gives a duplicate of the original item in the chest. For example, I opened the door with the card, searched the chest, and got an Engineer's Toolbox. Then I used the token from Residual Manifest and got a…
Lost access to Tome 19 Premium Pass
Platform - Playstation 5. Description - I had access to the pass but now it is locked, and are no longer being issued any of the premium rewards once unlocked. This problem has been active for the past few days so I would think the issue arose with the modifier, but I cannot confirm. Regardless the pass was issuing rewards…
Didn't Receive Newsletter E-mail for 250K BP
Starting another thread for this since the one I opened before was incorrectly closed as a "duplicate," even though the only other threads mentioning this issue were created BEFORE the 16th, when the e-mails were supposedly sent out. I signed up for the newsletter on the 15th, but never received the e-mail w/ the 250K BP…
PC - Unplayable level of stutters and crashes after entering finished generator
PC - Epic games. After the 7.7.1 bugfix patch, I mentioned the issues I faced below in points 1. I can't launch the game in any Directx version except DX11. 2. Sometime I able to enter and play a match, but most of the time my game just crashed and an error pops up (proof attached, mentioned as point 2). 3. My game is…
Texture Bugs
Platform: PC (Steam) Description: The main buildings and the basement of some maps, including Ormond, Coldwind and Dead Dawg (almost all maps, however these are the most significant), have texture issues that either make all textures black or are a solid blinding colour. This normally does not affect me too much, I find…
PC - Rubberbanding when dropping Midwich Infirmary Pallet
Has happened twice in different matches. Playing as survivor, and while in chase with a killer. When dropping the infirmary pallet from the hallway side my survivor will rubberband/seem to get stuck on the rubble. May be resolved by killer kicking the pallet. Both times I was playing as Yui. Both times was during the Chaos…
so i queued up for a game and then i went to go grab a drink, and i forgot i queued up for a game. when i came back, i was already dead so i was like oh well. but when i went back to the lobby, i had a matchmaking ban for 24 hours. yet I DID NOT LEAVE THE GAME. so, #########?!
PC - Garden of Joy out of bounds exploit has not been fixed in live as reported
PC; Chaos Shuffle gamemode It seems players are still able to step out of bounds to hide on the rocks. When the other three realized I'd found him, a couple of them attempted to show me how it was done. I was not able to follow them up the slope on Hag, HOWEVER I did notice a small jitter in movement at the ledge they were…
[PC] Obsession Perks Not Functioning Properly (Chaos Shuffle)
DESCRIPTION OF THIS ISSUE Perks that normally prevent you from being the Obsession does not actively prevent you from being the Obsession. In this example, I am using Blood Pact, which prevents me from being the Obsession when ran with no other perks that affect who is the Obsession; I somehow became the Obsession, thus…
Xbox- Blight can not rush into basement (Dvarka deep wood/ nostromo wreckage)
1- play blight (chaos shuffle?) 2- get nostromo wreckage 3 - as blight try to rush into basement but instead hit invisible barrier.
[HELP] Light/Bright glitch still happens after Patch
Specs: i5 - 1035g1 (UHD Graphics) 8Gb RAM Laptop Acer Story short: i needed to update my intel graphics drivers since the mid patch came out (it didnt let me open the game cause of the version of the driver) so i dont know anything that comes to mind to fix it. Do any of u guys know anything to fix it??? I would rly…
PC - Xenomorph's yellow line passively pointing downwards?
I am not 100% sure how this was caused, maybe because of the special hit at 8:27, which was aimed extremely downwards, I only noticed it at 12:58. I thought it only happened when I press CTRL, but it seems to just be happening passively. I don't know if the yellow line hurts survivors. Video: Log: It was the last match I…
Undone Regression Penalty Error
When using the Unknown's perk "Undone", kicking a generator applies an incorrect regression penalty of 2 events instead of 1 and this happens every time the perk activates. The perk activates when a failed healing/repairing Skill Check occurs, granting 3 tokens up to a max of 30. Damaging a generator regresses the…
Inconsistent formatting on perk flavour text.
The flavor text on the Unknown's perks is incorrectly formatted as a quote. For example: On every other perk, it is formatted as plain text: