Hook counter visual bug.
I wish I took a pic of this, but the hook counter told me I had two hooks left to get when three survivors were still alive. I believe it was it was caused by Jane being unhooked at the last possible second before death. She was hooked in basement on Crotus Prenn.
PC - Crash randomly in a match because of EasyAntiCheat
Twice now I've crashed due to EAC taking issue with MSI Dragon Center and what I'm assuming is the Mystic Light part of the program. I've played the game over 800 hours over many years and only in the past week has this happened. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to why it happens other than I'm in a match, and…
Please Remove SBMM
Its clear that SBMM (Skilled Based Match Making) doesn't even work as intended. I keep being matched with players that far exceed my skill and is barely anywhere near me, and its hurting my experience and joy when playing this game, so much so, i may just drop it entirely. Considering its the devs whos been screwing the…
Cannot update or download anything
Ever since the last update has been available I have not been able to download anything for DBD. All other games work and download correct ly but I keep getting server fails and internet disconnects not associated on my end. As stated all other games download with no issues. I removed the game completely as to do a fresh…
Oni very loud blood and unable to pick up survivor near cowtree generator
After grabbing Adam from the locker, I got enough blood to fill the power bar which seems to cause a very loud blood bubbling noise. This happens at about 8:40 At about 13:45 I tried to grab Nancy near the cowtree gen, but it turned in to a hit, and I was unable to pick her up in that spot. (Thompson House MD21)
mmr is not applied to each killer.
I've never played Demogorgon and I'm a novice killer with less than 50 raps. It matches 3 red tier players. What happened?
Survivor can't be picked up, but in front of locker, not wall
Same glitch, survivor cannot be picked up no matter what angle or direction tried. This time the survivor is in front of a locker though, as opposed to previous examples showing the survivor near a wall.
Claudette's Patrol Cap Bug
The Patrol Cap is still clipping through her head when repairing generators.
Grades reset early
I opened the game, got a pop-up telling me that I received 200,000 bloodpoints for being Iridescent IV as survivor and Gold I as killer. Then I realized I had been reset to Ash 4 as both killer and survivor. As shown in the images I am Ash IV and I have the extra 350,000 bloodpoints from my rewards that I was supposed to…
Blights power is seeming server sided and it causes a ton of bugs and jank
Platform: Pc Blights power is server sided and it causes a ton of bugs and issues in all forms of play and at all latency levels Have any amount of latency over 120 ping or play too fast even on low ping constantly at high ping, and a decent amount when playing fast at low ping I don't know why but blights power is…
When a pallet is getting destroyed the old design is back
After the patch that we got pinhead if the killer breaks a pallet the pallet when it becomes pieces it looks like the old pallet design It's very noticeable That's happens with every killer on every map on every platform on every everything
PC - Pyramid Head M2 slower than before update
After the new Hellraiser update, Pyramid Head's M2 attack is incredibly slow. The camera tilts up a bit (which was not the case before the update) and the animation for plunging the knife into the ground is much slower. This seems to happen every time the M2 ability is used, on any map or match. This seems to be happening…
Chat box: holding backspace does not work (PC)
Platform: PC Description: Typing out something in the chat box in lobbies or end-game chat and holding backspace will not auto-delete letters. Steps: Step 1: Type something into the in-game chat box. Step 2: Hold backspace. Step 3: Observe the bug. Frequency of the bug: Always.
Pinhead, Additional chains were unable to hit
Platform pc Issue: hit a survivor with summons of pain, initial chain instantly broke and all extra chains summoned missed Steps to reproduce: Hit a survivor after rounding a corner with a chain Unknown how often it occurs I don't know why it happened but it felt absolutely terrible to land a hard shot by rounding a corner…
Spirit Phasing Bug
Hello! For some while now, possibly since the Nemesis update, The Spirit's phasing has been bugged. Normally, when starting to phase, you gain the increased speed immediatly. But with this bug, instead you slowly accelerate the first second or so of your phase which feels REALLY clunky and sluggish. Hope this can get…
Error at starting (Code error 25)
Hello, i have an issue whenever i try to open the game, when i start it i always have error codes and i cant pass the initiation, this happened since the new actualization, always get error codes differents like "Error code: 25, 15, 2, 29" and other numbers. I don't know how to fix this because even if I reinstall i still…
New Game Update Ruined Files?
Ever since the Hellraiser update, everytime I load up my game it shows the cutscene of Dwight and the Hell Priest, before showing the loading five marks. After, my screen either (1) turns white and stays on it until I press CTRL+ALT+ESC and open steam to close it out, or (2) pans over to whatever killer I have at a very…
Hatch spawn is determinable from trial start
Platform: PC Description of the issue: The hatch spawns as soon as the trial starts. Although not yet able to be seen, survivors are able to walk over the hatch outline to determine where it will spawn. They elevate as they walk over it. Steps to reproduce (if possible): walk over the map until your character raises up a…
Post-game "rank" wrong
I'm Gold IV Depipped last game. Friend was like "Why are you silver I?" So I guess depipping still sends you back one "rank" despite it not doing so for real.
Pinhead can instadown???
I played against a pinhead on backwater swamp while on pc and they only had one perk equipped (pretty sure it was tier 1 of surveillance) and they were insta downing everyone. Player was on console so I don't think it could have been a hacker but maybe a bug of some kind?
Pyramid Head Ability Animation Not Fixed Correctly
PC (Steam) Since the Hellraiser update, Pyramid Head's ability is bugged. The visual animation of Pyramid Head lifting his sword up and sticking it in the ground is STILL too slow and out of synch with the sound of it entering the ground. This is very disorienting when playing around corners of loops and going for fast…
Constant lag after new patch
I play on a low end PC and ran fine at 60fps consistently before the update but right after I updated the game, it is unplayable with constant lag and huge spikes.
Broken Matchmaking?
I mean... this cant be serious.? (im the killer)
Nemesis zombies in Midwitch
Xbox One - Zombie getting stuck in mid air, sometimes unreachable. Over the last week I've been playing a good deal of Nemesis and I've noticed that the zombies get stuck very often, typically against rocks throughout the maps. However in the Silent Hill map there's a large opening that allows you to drop down next to an…
Grade Progress Error
Platform: XBOX Description: Whenever I play as survivor, after my match my rank does not process at all. I am still receiving blood points and all that, but I am getting a Grade progress error. ONLY FOR SURVIVOR not when I play killer. Step 1: Load into game as survivor Step 2: Play until game is over Step 3: End game…
i Play a round wraith and the last surv was in the locker in the baisemend and i cant open the locker i close the hatch and the time was over and he didnt die so i must leave the game
Missing textures on Meg's Disco Ball Tank Top
Since the last update, I'm missing a texture on Meg's Disco Ball Tank Top. The panel of the shirt that moves during animations has no texture and just appears white.
Bugged Totem
I was playing a game in Hawkins and a totem seemed to be uncleansable. I was playing as Meg with DS, Borrowed Time, Dead Hard and Small Game vs the Cenobite.
PC/Console- Chains not appearing during pinhead's chain hunt
DESCRIPTION Step 1 : Chain hunt activates due to timer filling up Step 2 : Dodge 2 chains after they appear Step 3 : Immediately begin working on generator Step 4 : Notice that no more chains attempted to harass me until the generator was completed ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played- Cheryl against Pinhead Add-ons…
PC - Rift rewards are not showing
I am not sure if this is just a visual bug or another issue entirely, but only the cosmetic rewards are showing up on the rift pass, none of the auric cell rewards are seen. I only noticed this after the chapter patch update.
Zarina and Yun-Jin are the ONLY survivors in the game without bloody Prestige hands.
As the title suggests, for some reason Zarina and Yun-Jin don't have any blood on their hands despite the fact that every other survivor is covered head to toe in blood for their Prestige. This makes Zarina and Yun-Jins outfits look incomplete and messy (as messy as no blood could look lol). Please add this missing blood…
STEAM - in-game purchased survivors greyed out
Step 1 : booting the game after the update Step 2 : playing as survivor Step 3 : I noticed that some of the survivors I owned before the update are now greyed out and unplayable unless bought again. On the screenshot you can see that Laurie Strode is level 7 which wouldn't be possible if I didn't own her before. I'm also…
Didn’t get Cenobite Adept after a Merciless Victory.
As stated in the title I did not get Cenobites adept after double pipping and using only his 3 unique perks.
[STADIA] Cross-progression Steam DLC's all gone
So I can hear that PS4 users have smiliar problem, but this is a thread about Stadia and cross-progression with Steam. All my DLC's bought on Steam are gone on Stadia - all items and cosmetics are still here. I have seen the tweet - it only mentioned PS4.
Queueing as Plague, taking very long, end up with bots.
I have just bought Plague and have been queueing as her many times now, I am sat around waiting for nearly 30 minutes each time and end up with 4 bot survivors each time, it's getting frustrating and boring.
Twins: "Gen Pop" Bug when swapping between Charlotte and Victor (And vice versa)
Every time I switch between Charlotte and Victor the sound of "Gen Pop" plays. The survivors don't seem to hear it, just me. Most likely it is because every time you swap between characters, the HUD updates and makes the sound unintentionally. This happens ONLY when a Survivor do at least one gen.
PC- The nightmare can't place Dream Snare
I start a game with Freddy (The Nightmare) in Midwich Elementary School and from the start i can't place a single snare I use the following add-ons: Wool Shirt Nancy's Sketch I use the following Perks: Fire-up Blood Warden Barbecue & Chili Remember me It happens to me two times in the same map i made this bug report again…
Some flashbang bugs
necessary recreational steps I don't know how to 100% recreate it, happens only some of the time. Step 1 : Do enough generator progress so you get the flashbang perk Step 2 : Craft a flashbang Step 3 : Find a good opportunity to flashbang the killer(i.g. saving someone from killer's grasp or burning a wraith) Step 4 :…
Legion Cosmetics
• Platform: PC • Description of the issue: I swapped to Julie completely, then swapped back to Frank, but I am still hearing Julie's breathing. (Currently only in the lobby). • Steps to reproduce (if possible): Repeat what I did. Make sure it is the chest piece • How often does this occur: Every time. ETA: I played the…
Punch Drunk Achievement not working
I have tried every perk and add-on in the game to count towards this achievement and still have 0/30.
Steam DLC lost
I play on steam and i own the stranger things complete DLC and have done for a long time however i just updated the game today on the 7th of sep 2021 and i load the game and the DLC is just gone from my dlcs. i know this issue is happening on console but its happened to me on pc now
Killers i leveled are gone.
So about last year i got The Plague, the Clown and the Legion for free for no apparent reason. I looked it up but didnt find ANYTHING even close to this. Of course i used this opportunity to try these Killers and thought that maybe experienced players got them for free (I've been playing since a little before hag release).…
Pinhead's stun is broken
When pinhead is getting stunned WITHOUT A PALLET like a ds, head on flashlight etc. The stun animation plays 2 times 1 plays for 1 sec and then it plays normally I think you have seen it because I can't clip it Btw this bug is still from the ptb And it's very noticeable also so it's easy to understand it
PC- Freddy can't place Dream snare
I start a game with Freddy (The Nightmare) in Midwich Elementary School and from the start i can't place a single snare I use the following add-ons: Garden Rake Nancy's Sketch I use the following Perks: Fire-up Blood Warden Barbecue & Chili Remember me It happens to me two times in the same map
Cenobite: Can't hit with chain attack a survivor in the window vault animation
I sent a chain attack right into the survivor while the survivor was vaulting a window. The chain just went through the survivor. This is really frustrating and should be fixed.
Cinobite's Chains do not prevent survivors from escaping trial
PC Gate blockers dissapear as soon as survivor gets unchained. (After a hit or a down or when survivor unchained himself) it guarantees survivor an escape all the time.
Cenobite Lunge bugged
• Steam • Cenobite's lunge doesn't work as intended, any change in momentum (such as lunging around a corner or trying to counter a survivor's 360) robs him of all further momentum, turning any such lunge into essentially a quick attack with a longer cooldown. • see above • always
More than 32k
it appears that i can reach above the line of 32k with the cenobite on PC Even if the point displayed in the end game are not the same : 5700+6256+4928+7650 = 24534 i used a hollow shell for an aditional 25% and their was a 5th anniversary cake offering. The match took place on the game
Pinhead Add-on
Don't know if this is a bug or intended but the really strong add-on for the pinhead "Engineer's Fang" is not granting any brutality points for hitting a healthy survivor.
Can't solve puzzle box cause of mechanic that requires the puzzlebox to be solved
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a pbulic match Step 3 : Play against a Pinhead killer Step 4 : Get big chains thingie happening to entire team Step 5: Be the hero, grab the box and try to solve it. Step 6: Get repeatedly hit by chains at 95% solving progress to cancel solving. Step 7: Rejoice in the…