Adept trapper (bug)
I haven't seen this reported in my quick search, so forgive me if this is actually a duplicate. I (ps4 player) am having issues with the adept trapper trophy not activating. I've managed to get 2 merciless victories (all survivors sacrificed or killed. But sacrificed in my case) using only the trapper's 3 perks, but it…
Very Small Spelling Error.
On the Deathslinger’s “Smooth Head” cosmetic, the description of “A bloody gang war ensued, with Bayshore and the prison warden backing different side.” contains a spelling error. As far as I’m aware, it should be “sides” instead of “side.” Thank you for your time.
Bug on the junkyard hill
We were today 08-26-2020 when my friends got stuck at the foot of one of the scrapyard hills, they couldn't get out until the murderer threw them to the ground, neither running nor with blows, only fallen.
Same old speed action hack
Theres nowhere really to report hackers that i know of. they were speed hacking actions. https://youtu.be/jCEFsHIvLyc video evidence
PS4- Unable to play SWF due to lobby not showing friends or people ready up
PS4- Lobby to SWF does not allow us to go to match together it also does not show when a friend enters my lobby and if I join a friends lobby my friends do not appear to be ready to find match even though on their end they are. DESCRIPTION Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor Step 3 : In-game, select friends to…
Trapper trap bug
I got trapped during a match just now and when I was about to try to free myself but a Meg came and was freeing but but stopped then disconnected and no prompt appeared to try to free myself. The killer then came and hit me but nothing happened couldn’t pick me up or down me, the other survivor left couldn’t do anything…
Hill glitch
When is this going to be fixed? Has handed the killer multiple 4Ks in my games now. Very frustrating when a teammate or myself gets stuck. The killer will leave you there until they kill the other survivors.
Glitch on hills
I play on PlayStation 4 and I keep encountering a glitch that keeps me trapped in one spot on the side of the hills that randomly spawn throughout the map, I fall through the shrub and become unable to move and as far as I know this can happen to any survivor and on any map with a hill
One player wouldn't die on the hook + not being able to absorb blood orbs while playing Oni
Platform: PC (Steam) I hooked a Quentin with Oni and after doing so I wasn't able to absorb blood orbs and my movement felt very weird (this issue seems to occur after hooking a survivor only with Oni and in this case i solved it by hooking another survivor, but it's the third time I encounter this error and the other…
Legion uses Julie’s animation when wearing Blank Stare mask
PS4 Looking through the Legion’s cosmetics, I noticed that any time you have the ‘Blank Stare’ mask on, the Legion uses Julie’s animation regardless of whose body is selected. Usually, the animation is based off of the body cosmetic since each member of The Legion has their own body type/animations.
Evil Omen (Tome Challenge) bug -PC
I was playing wraith trying to get the Evil Omen killer challenge which reads "Ring the wailing bell while within 5 meters of 4 different survivors as The Wraith." Has to be completed in a single challenge. Anyway, I thought it would be easy to do so i loaded up with "The Ghost" - Soot Add on (After uncloaking, The…
Two times today I've finished a match and this error message occurred. The last game I had 2 reds and 2 golds and again received nothing. No bloodpoints nothing. Whats the point on playing your game?
1 generator left and wouldn’t show skill checks
Playing against an awful killer on PS4, got down to the last generator and then when completing the generators it would not flash up to give me the chance to make the skill check just gave me the audio alert and then failed it repeatedly leaving me stuck in the game with a terrible killer which gave them a very undeserving…
Bug or Hack (I think it is a Hacker)
I just played game where once I had hooked the 2nd to the last Survivor, everything started acting funny. I could no longer interact with Pallets (could not destroy them). The person on the hooks bar didn't go down anymore. At first I thought it was a game freeze. However, the last Survivor (unhooked) seemed perfectly fine…
Tinkerer procs at the end of the game
Platform : PC Perk : Tinkerer When all five gens are done, Tinkerer goes off and activates on the two entity blocked gens, since they light up, and so gives the undetectable status.
End game collaspe while grabbing - PC
Map: Mother's Dwelling; Character: Huntress & Cheryl Hatch closed, Cheryl opening the gate in injured state. When the collaspe end, I grab her at the same time. I didn't put her down as usual. The entity appear on my feet. Survivor isn't sacrified. Progress bar disappear, i can do nothing but walk around and attack.
Stuck on hill as Nancy
Literally just walked near it and it sucked me in and I couldn’t move lol. I have video evidence in PS4 but I can’t transfer it so I’ll have to just record my tv if you want it. I could transfer this image tho
SWITCH Synchronisation Error
Hello People of the Fog! After the (iirc) 118 Error fix, i still have a bug where i dont get any bloodpoints or any progress at all. After the game, it says Synchronisationerror, which leads into the above problem. After 95% of the games. Is there a Fix in the near future? is it fixed already? Havent touched it since 3…
Tome 1 lore page missing [PC]
I have been experiencing an issue with tome 1's collection/lore page it either shows filler text or tome 2's page. I have asked a friend [PC] and they said they have the same issue
Skeleton Key (red) not working
Was in a match against wraith with new pyro skin. All gens done, two gates powered (not open 99%), one person hooked, and all 3 of us (15 yds from killer and hook) on and near hatch. I cant remember the map name, rocky with buildings and trees? No option to open the hatch. Wraith hits and downs someone 5 yds away, still no…
ONI Speed Glitch (occured on PS4)
I was playing ONI on console. I was in a regular chase and just as my power was ending/ended I was pallet stunned. This for some reason lead to my character to seem like he was lagging but I then noticed a little later that I wasn't lagging but rather my movement speed while with my sword was of the same speed as ONI's…
Hill stuck as a survivor, then the killer got stuck and can't wiggle [PC]
I was playing a random game and got stuck on the hill, had crows then the killer got stuck after picking me up. Come on BHVR... fix your game... The map name: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2201188045 The location on the map https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2201188119 Killer…
demorgorgon and ormond???
I swear if you don't play demorgorgon consecutively, like you play it once per day or so, u get ormond 95% of the time. It happens consistently among my friends and streamers I watch. If ormond is a better map then whatever... but come on!
- Nintendo Switch - Connection lost when opening friends list + inviting friends and not able to recieve invites from friends. Still able to join random matches, so it is not an internet issue. 1. Load dead by daylight 2. Click "-" to open friends list 3. "Connection lost" error will appear 4. Click "+" to invite friend 5.…
Spending blood points on lobby gets me stuck
It happened three times already and I'm usually avoiding now. After I enter a lobby with other players, being killer or survivor and start spending bloodpoints while I wait for others to hit ready makes my bloodweb get stuck on the screen. By stuck I mean I cant press other buttons, leave lobby, change perks, items,…
Freddy on the Nintendo switch
If you're cross play is on you might run into a Freddy but on switch there is no Freddy, you can't buy or play him so when I played a match it put me with a lobby with Freddy, and when I was doing 1 on 1 with my friend I got into Freddy's map witch is not supposed to happen so this might be a bug but the question that I…
Getting stuck on a hill with the Demogorgon
Step 1: Place a portal near the hill Step 2: Teleport to that portal Addicional Information: Killer: Demogorgon Perks used: Rancor, Save The Best For Last, Barbecue and Chilli and Devour Hope Map: Crotus Prenn Asylum, Father Campbell's Chapel (maybe also happens on other maps that hills spawn) Frequency: Only happened once…
Pyramid Head sounds like Deathslinger
So I was playing against a Pyramid Head the other day on PS4 and when he would use his power across the map it sounded like a gunshot. When he approached me it was Deathslinger's heartbeat and chase music. His power sounded normal during chase, but from a distance was a gunshot. This has happened twice since the latest…
Pyramid Head Being Permanently Stuck At 90% After Rights Of Judgment Ends
(Xbox 1) I had been stunned by a pallet during rights of judgment (the one outside of mothers dwelling). After leaving the stun animation I was still in rights of judgment and after I cancelled it (using the same button to activate it) I was permanently stuck at 90% movment speed for the rest of the trial. Nothing I did…
Survivor stuck on the edge of a hill
Platform: PC Description of issue: Playing as survivor, got stuck on the bottom left edge of a hill Steps to reproduce: A totem was on the bottom of a hill, I cleansed the totem, and tried to leave via sticking to the edge of the hill, and then I got stuck. My feet was below ground and I couldn't move. Only when the killer…
Stuck > Hook > BAN?!
Why every time you guys make update you need to make more bugs appear?? Got stuck near the hill (you get stuck every map same place) than killer put me down, hooked me and got stuck on the hook and it showed me that I escaped and the killer Dc'ed but I got banned for DC #########? 71fc1410-8e46-11e7-a07d-f754d4a067f4
Stuck in Map
I have reported it and it has happened at this point many times and tonight a fellow survivor got stuck with me. Anytime someone gets close to one of those hills on a map and runs around the edge and walks around the entrance to the hill they get stuck. It happens almost every time I sneak around the rock and go to walk…
Gamebreaking Hook Bug.
The killer (was a Console Player, where I am a PC Player) downed me and went to hook me on a nearby hook. Upon Hooking me, the gamestates of his and my game seemed to continually conflict where he reported that i was hooked, and my game reported i was still on his shoulder. The result of this is he could not take any…
(Bug whit a perk) wheres my perk ?
I bought a perk 2 times (Mettle of man) and I don't have it anywhere, neither in the Bloodweb, nor in the perks, nor anywhere, I have Zarinha with all the Perks to 3 that I own, but not in the bloodweb , nor in my perks. what happened to my perk?
Visual Notification bug
Currently playing on Switch. Ever since the aura update a month ago when playing as Survivor or Killer it doesn’t display the hooks/generator/exit gates, just empty black circles. Very hard to see on most maps because the black circle just blends into the background. Is anyone else having this problem?
Wool Noragi Jacket invisible
• Platform: Steam 4.1.3 • Description of the issue: The Wool Noragi Jacket became invisible during the game • Steps to reproduce (if possible): Didn't see when it went invisible but I am guessing that when the player was grabbed from generator, hooked and then unhooked. When grabbed I could see the jacket, also when I…
Chest Taking Item
I was searching a chest for a medkit in the basement while holding a key, I hit m1 to collect the medkit and it deleted my key completely. I put down the medkit and went to the chest to get my key back and it was gone forever. this is in the live game not the PTB.
PC- Survivor stuck in pallet
Step1: boot the game Step2: play legion on disturbed ward Step3: pallet stun killer at shack Step4: laurie got stuck in pallet https://clips.twitch.tv/AssiduousFitHareGivePLZ
shroud of separation
Hello dear dbd devs I've noticed something strange in my last game, it only happened once so far for me but I'll keep you posted. I'm playing on a pc and so does the killer, which used the shroud of separation, now here's the strange part, I started 5 feet from another survivor. I find it strange and worth noting,…
Infinite camera pan at the start
Xbox. East coast North America. 7:50 PM est. 8/22/2020 I just had a game soft lock during a camera pan. The game was running but the map name was not gone. I could not move or anything. I messaged other survivors and they had it too. Not sure who killer was but they had to be soft locked because we all sat there for like 5…
100% Hit for the Huntress.
On all platforms The huntress hits a survivor with a throwing ax even when she is behind a wall. Play as the hunter. I can confidently say that this is not the first time they have told you this. Don't ignore the community! Is always. The effect becomes more intense with a long delay. P.S. Why are you so reckless about the…
Change Spirit.
ON ALL PLATFORMS Yamaoka's Preshall is not compatible with the game mechanics. It is too unpredictable, it is not clear whether the spirit will bypass or deceive. I recommend adding loud footsteps and a teleportation sound within a radius of 0 meters. Otherwise, it's the most imbalanced killer in the game. Play as a…
Random disconnect
Platform: Steam Game version: 4.1.2 (with the "shipping-live-dbdl-62577" beta) Region: East Europe, Romania Time: August 24th, around 17:50 - 18:00 (GMT +2) I've been getting this error for a while now. Doesn't happen very often, but I'd say it's up to 15-20 in the last 4-6 weeks. Sometimes, I disconnect and my internet…
You can get stuck on the hill on many maps, endgame collapse won't kill you in this state.
Some maps have a hill, which usually has a hook on it, you know which one. You can get stuck in this spot: This screenshot was taken AFTER the EGC has finished, and my friend didn't get killed. That's right. The EGC can't kill you in this state, thus the game will keep going until one of the players DC etc. This is a…
After hooking, i was in the view of killer
Hello, after the Killer hooked me, i was in the view of the killer himself. I was on the hook, but can't be unhooked. He hit me and i fall from the hook. After that, i lay down on the ground. Unable to move or get healed. After Endgame Colapse, the Killer wasn't able to leave the game. See Screenshots: May the Screenshots…
Key glitch
I got slugged to dying mode but I knew where the hatch was so I crawled all the way there and lo and behold I couldn't use my key. Me and my final team mate could've escaped a really bad slugging tunneling killer but nope.
Oni Blood Fury Activation Bug [PC]
Today I encountered a bug with Oni where I could not activate my Blood Fury despite having max charges (bar around ability icon being red). I could not absorb any blood orbs around the map, injuring and hooking survivors also did not fix this issue. Attempting to hold M2 to absorb any blood orbs made the "absorb" prompt…
Minotaur visual bug
This is seriously not ok Behaviour You drop out a 15$ skin and you dont even test to see if its bugged or not? Whenever you would dash you will see a part of yourself IN your face IM starting to lose my patient with this company
Multiple Obsession Bug
PC A second survivor permanently has the obsession tendrils around their name, moving around as if getting chased. Step 1: Killer picks up a survivor who has Decisive Strike active Step 2: A second survivor with a flash light prepares to blind the killer Step 3: The survivor picked up succeeds their D-strike and escapes…
Can't Damage Generators
When ever I play any killer and try to "damage" a generator the generator doesn't actually take any damage (the progress bar stays the same and does not regress) and I can keep on damaging the generator indefinitely. Also, I hold the action button down for the entire animation so that is not the problem.