Gas heaven - Autohaven wreckers glitched rock
Main area where all the gen's are, there's a glitch by a rock where a chest or hook goes. Its infront of the gas station and it just makes you get stuck until the match is over or the killers get you. It happened before when I was a killer and had found a survivor stuck in the same place.
Getting stuck on rocks
This has happened around 6 times now between myself and 2 friends in the past week. That small rock plateau on some levels has a tendency to trap you. When you run down past the path that leads down from the small rock plateau my friends and I have been getting hard stuck with no way out other than having a killer knock us…
Legion animations
So I noticed that if the “Empty Stare.” Mask is equipped ALL legion members change their animations to Julie’s. Idk it’s just something weird I noticed.
Killer grab cancel
I play on ps4 and consistently run into the bug where I try to hit some one while they are doing an action, but instead I start the grab animation, which will cancel as soon as it starts and the survivor gets away for free, a simple solution until this bug is fixed would to add the option to rebind the grab to a different…
Disconnecting/ Time out penalty
I've disconnected about three times due to internet issues but i still get a timeout from playing. Now i have a 30 minutes timeout, i think this is unfair. i didn't rage-quit the game i cant control the internet, i think we need a system in-place to differentiate between quitting the game and dc'ing.
After playing the game with friends for a few matches (or just one match) ill be kicked out the party and thrown to the main menu, or sometimes instead of kicking me out the party ill still be there on my screen but on my friends end it'll say I left. I've searched for fixes and anyone else that has this issue but cant…
PS4 HUD gone and no skillchecks
Platform: PS4 What happened: Spawned in a match and the map name didn't disappear. No skill checks nor status effects showed up. Frequency: First time that it has happened to me
Forum Bug
Don't know where to post this, since I have only seen bug forums for the game, but I have a forum bug. My comments count is not correctly counted. I had something above 1,200 comments and after writing a new comment, I have now only 14. I am not mad because of it, but I thought the forum admins may like to know that there…
Can’t join friend!
DBD is the only game we cannot join each other. When trying to join it says “ Invitation cannot be accepted” and the only way we can play together is if somebody else hosts the game. we’ve made sure it’s not a router problem or our nat types.
PS4 - Game freezes then randomly disconnects when carrying a survivor
Region: EU This usually happens during the endgame collapse and has happened several times in the last couple days. Whenever I’m about to hook a survivor near the end of the game, the game freezes and disconnects. I now have a one hour penalty because of this. This has happened most recently when playing Demogorgon but I…
PC - Survivor teleports when hooked
Steps Play as survivor in public match Hide in a locker (in basement) Try to get out of the locker the moment Killer tries to open it. Animation got bugged. When hooked (on the basement hook) you're teleported to the ground level outside of killer shack. Other survivors can't unhook you from where your body are.
game freezing and skipping as soon as the trial starts
This has happened to me three times this week where once i loaded into a trial as jane the game started freezing, skipping and then crashed. When I loaded back up I had a matchmaking ban. The second time I loaded into a game as huntress and it did the same thing ANOTHER matchmaking ban. Then today, just now I tried loading…
Sound bug (?)
https://youtu.be/uW-6EcJboH0 Not sure if it's a bug or not, but wanted to report it. Only happened once while playing. Couldn't hear anything else, as it was in the video.
Decisive strike doesn't work when getting pulled from saving someone from a cage of atonement. (PS4)
Before anyone replies, no, I'm not talking about being saved from a cage of atonement and DS not working. What I'm talking about is that I got saved from a hook, got downed immediately, the saver got downed, I used unbreakable and with my decisive strike still active ran to my friend who was in a cage with the killer right…
Incorrect number of bloodpoints
Hi, I play on PC and I have encountered this weird bug, that shows me 2 diffrent number of bloodpoints - one in menu, all the time, and one after finishing a match. I know there is a cap (1 000 000) so I was surprised when I had more than that. Both meters update regulary after every game, it's just this extra in menu that…
PC-Game crash as survivors vs doctor
I don't know if it crash from the doctor skill or something else but I have seen this pattern 2 times when matching up with doctor.
Nurse not blinking through a few certain objects
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as nurse in a public or custom game Step 3 : In-game try to blink and you get stuck on certain objects Step 4 : get fatigue even after you get stuck (I don’t really have proof but if I play and this happens to me I’ll get the recording and edit this post.)
Queue times are so long now...
I'm queueing up for survivor games after the update and the wait is LONG. I play on switch and PC and have had the problem on both platforms. I can be waiting for up to 10 - 15 minutes for a single match. It really blows :(
Head On Bug
-PC -While in a locker, Head On will sometimes randomly deactivate. It always deactivates when you get a crow in the locker. -Get in a locker, wait until you get a crow or until the Head On perk fades so it's not lit up anymore. -Randomly deactivating was rare, but has happened a few times to me. When you get a crow, it…
Survivor stuck in hook
I found this today on Sanctum of Wrath. I don't know if he was trying to do an unhook, or if he Dead Harded into the hook (he had the perk, but I wasn't around when this happened, so I don't know why he would have), or if he simply wandered into it. Regardless, The David was completely unable to move, and could not be hit.
Survivor dies on hook, says he DC
This has happened on multiple different occasions. It doesn't matter which survivor you play as, when the survivor gets hooked for the 3rd time it doesn't show me that he died, but that he DC with no bloodpoints earned. I'm playing on PC and the survivors I see get a DC are on other platforms. Dunno if they actually get a…
Survivor stuck behind a hook at Léry's Memorial Institute
So this happened in my game today, she got stuck behind this hook when she got unhooked by another survivor. She couldn't get out and I couldn't hit her with M1 or my hatchet. But other survivors were able to heal her and she was able to heal others if they were close enough. I play on PC and i believe she was on console.…
Bug near hill
On the Autohaven Wreckers realm (and potentially other realms, but I've only experienced it twice in that specific realm) if you end up hugging the generic hill too close then you can get stuck. During which you can't taunt or move, and you'll never get crows. Trying to sprint will just make you have a glitched walking…
Lobby ?
Been queued for a lobby as killer now for 30 min....And as surv it takes like 30 min. Fix the matchmaking plz, i'm also getting rainbow road with ranks still as both killer and surv.
Killer disconnected, I gained 2 pips but got a dc penalty
PC I was playing a round at Yamaoka and the match was almost over. The killer disconnected and it showed that me and all the other survivors escaped. I gained my 2 pips. I went to search for another match, but I couldn't because I got a DC penalty. I'm so confused. That wasn't my fault. I'm not the one who disconnected so…
Stuck in the hill
Character played (Survivor, Ace Visconti) Perks played: Those ones from the pic Map: "Shelter Woods" Frequency of the issue: This was my first time, but some friends say they get this bug too I get stuck close to the hill, i just walked close and i get stuck forever. Pics:…
Getting Stuck by Tree in Blackwater Swamp
Getting stuck in tree Example: PC - Got stuck in tree (see screen shot) What to add in the description Example Step1: I ran to this tree in the back corner and got stuck Step 2: I just hugged/walked into the tree Step 3: got stuck until killer got me Additional information Character played - Yui Perks played - Deadhard,…
This flash-screen bug keeps crashing my game
It happens every macht and it started when i played on the PTB, but now it is also happening on the normal game https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uy5-_H6yGDcyD9BC-arn6EKTQmmMAHws/view?usp=sharing
Can't pick up Alarm Clocks when entering dream world
Description: During gameplay when playing against "The Nigtmare", some of the alarm clocks are unreachable or can't be picked up. Tried to approach the clock from all 4 angles and the button "Escape Dream" didn't appear on 3 of them, but on the 4th it did. I had to wake up either by popping a gen or by another survivor.…
audio goes, Game crashes
Hello there, i have encountered this bug two times in a row, I(located in EU) was playing SWF(located in NA) with 2 friends.I've played with them multiple times but never had this issue before. Two games in a row, in the middle of a match, the game would lose all sound (my computer shows it like my headphones aren't…
PC - Flashlight save freeze my game
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match Step 3 : In-game, pick a survivor on the ground Step 4 : Notice the game freeze after someone flashlight save Step 5: Need to force close the game on Task Manager Killer played: Clown Perks played: Brutal Streingh, Pop goes the weasel, Barbecue, Sloppy…
Leatherface: No Sound From Chainsaw During Revving
During a chase, as Leatherface was revving (charging) his chainsaw over his head, there was no sound coming from the chainsaw. (No chainsaw start-up sound.) The only thing I can hear was the chase music. Once he started swinging his chainsaw, the sound was back normally. This only happened once. What Happened…
Sync Error 112 Still Occurs in 4.1.3
Timestmap can be checked in the picture below. Platform: PC Description, steps to reproduce, and how often it occurs do not need to be answered as it follows the same procedure as before. When it occurs (which it always does after I return back to menu from the score screen), it kicks me back to the launch menu.
Xbox one x crashes
It tends to crash at least twice a day which locks me out of matchmaking now I have to wait 15 minutes. It is random but always happens at the start right after loading in. Xbox one At least twice a day At the beginning of the match right after loading Possible memory leak issue not sure entirely
Assertion failed: [file :Unknown] [Line: 1121] Gamethread timed out waiting for RenderThread after 1
every game i have had since the most recent ptb has crashed and given me this error. is there any known fix to this? so far i havent seen anything specifically that causes this error.
Accidental speed glitch as Leatherface
I was playing a normal game on Autohaven wreckers, and after kicking a gen I was stuck. So I swung my weapon and was unstuck but then started glitching around really fast, faster than lesion running and it allowed me to lunge, break pallets/gens, grab people off gens and exits. All in all it looked like i was cheating and…
I survived the all five gens being repaired and then got downed and die on hook and the game only gave me a bronze emblem. It says that is based on time survived but I lasted the whole game.
Survivors Stuck on Hill Ground Clip
Three times today either myself or my buddy have gotten stuck on the corner of rocks leading up hills. This has happened in game on on Autohaven Wrecker's (Wrecker's Yard) and the Macmillan Estate (Coal Tower). We were able to easily reproduce this in custom games. There is a different hill tile-set that we tried on…
PC - The game doesn't register my character being hooked.
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, be hooked Step 4 : Notice that the game doesn't register the hook action and, instead, it bugs as if the survivor is being carried around I played as Meg Thomas and, as seen in the screenshot, I had Kindred, Self Care, Adrenaline and Spine…
Hill stuck
I just leave this here so Devs can deny the report.
MATCH Error - Stuck on Rocks
Hey DBD team, was just playing a match at Macmillan Estate - Ironworks of Misery on PS4 (match time 12:30am AEST) Playing against a Bubba got stuck on the corner of a rock hill near the exit gates for the entire match, couldn't move or use hand emotes. crouch and camera movements were unaffected, and crows still circulated…
Invisible Torso Jake - Crossplay Player in my PC game
Executioner- final judgement @ exit gate bug
I was on pc and the survivor affected was on console or windows. I caught survivor healing right by the exit where the entity blocks killers from leaving and used my ranged attack with the executioner. I landed the hit, and went to try to pick up. She was able to cross the gate, but i was able to use final judgement and…
Stuck in locker
So i was playing on the map the game and after about 2 gens are don i go to a locker to hide and i get stuck. I couldnt get out and the killer couldnt hit or grab me the intire time he had to kill me with the timer. Thanks if you do end up reading this and it would make my day even better if this was fixed.
AFK Crows not working
I've noticed that i don't see other people's AFK crows when they get them, not only that but all the matches that someone was afk the killer did not seem to get notified by the the crows
I know is really soon since the launch, but at least i have some problem with it. Yesterday i tried to play with a friend from PS4 and at first we got on the lobby but he have got disconected for personal reasons but we tried again later and we coulden join, after i join his invitation he was seen me on his TV but on my…
Suffocation Pits Sinking and getting Stuck
Was playing suffocation pits one of the variants with the mine and 2 sides. Near the killer shack is usually a hill and theres a bug near it, on a corner you sink into the ground slightly and get stuck. First I got stuck, then the killer when he tried to pick me up as he got sucked into my spot. Eventually he managed to…
I, HEX: Hilent Sill (Jane) and NO TU DAI was rushing gen with Nea (streamer) and got the dc and penalized for 30 min. https://clips.twitch.tv/CalmSquareDonutPlanking. Please devs, this is happening all the time and frustrating while playing this game.
Bug carrying a survivor DBD PATCH 4.1.3 on PC
Platform: PC I was playing Legion on Wretched shop with the build: Corrupt Intervention, Hex: Devour Hope, Enduring and Spirit Fury. The bug occurred when i got when i grabbed a feng jumping out of a locker (using the M1 interaction not the spacebar). From that point on i got stuck carrying her, i couldnt place her on the…
A vault that doesn't work?
PC: Normal Game as legion in the oni's map. A Dwight vaulted this window and instead of vaulting, he vaulted the air and didn't go through the window. The Dwight was on crossplay, also he didn't vault it again so I'm not quite sure if it happens every time.