Community Challenge, be creative - Design your own Perk



  • Asura
    Asura Member Posts: 47

    Killer Perk


    If a survivor recovers from the dying state more than 60/45/30 meters away gain a token to a maximum of 3 tokens. (This could also instead be, start a match with 3 tokens).

    If you're holding a survivor and the survivor would break free (either due to a pallet stun, flashlight blindness, decisive strike, or by wiggling), they don't and their wiggle progress recedes 5%. Lose a token.


    Survivor Perk

    Can't Touch This

    Start the match with 3 tokens. When at full health and the killer would hit you, the attack does not put you into the injured state (you do not get the speed boost you'd get if you were hit; for the killer it'd be like missing an attack). Lose a token. Cooldown for the ability is 180/150/120 seconds.

  • Gore_Nargai
    Gore_Nargai Member Posts: 77


    When u get hit by the killer, its aura will be showed to the rest of survivors until it hits a different person.

    after being hit your suffer from broken status for 120 sec

    You can't trigger the perk again until you get fully healed.

    It would be a really cool perk

  • eiredrake
    eiredrake Member Posts: 98

    I think it'd be cool for the track by scent stuff to actually be useful. Like maybe you can smell survivors within 5/10/15 meters and see their auras or farther if they're bleeding. be a good one for the Demogorgon or the Huntress. Not sure how it would work though.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Fool’s Gold: Hope that is quickly soured.

    +While using an item, if the survivor using it receives a skill check, the item’s charges decrease by 3/4/5%. Any item that has no charges remaining, the survivor holding it is exposed until the item is dropped.

    •Hex: Foiled Escape: A wonder surprise, at least for you.

    +Each time a survivor is removed from a hook this perk gains a token. When this perk reaches 8/7/6 tokens, Foil Escape activates. While active, the exit gates cannot be powered and the hatch will not be able to open. If cleansed, all survivors are exposed and revealed for 30 seconds.

    •Past Relic: The past shapes the future and each even bound to happen again if forgotten.

    +When a chest is unlocked, Past Relic gains a token. Each token unlocking more power:

    -1 token: 15% attack cool down reduction

    -2 tokens: permanent 3% haste effect

    -3 tokens: Survivors with items that retain some of its charges are revealed in a 20 meter radius.

    -4 tokens: All survivors are blinded.

    -5 tokens: Gain the ability to kill survivors with your own hand.

  • ZXo_Pixel
    ZXo_Pixel Member Posts: 14

    I'd say just make it regress 4/6/9% faster while making no sparks visible and make no noise when kicking a gen. So it

  • Velkin999
    Velkin999 Member Posts: 45

    Entity blocker for the basement that the killer can pass through. They can also pass through while carrying a survivor but survivors cant. Obviously it wouldn't be up all game and would need a way to activate it, but I'm not the numbers type rn.

  • Person
    Person Member Posts: 1


    You absolutely refuse to let the killer have their way.

    When you are on a hook, if the killer remains within 14/10/16 meters of you for 16/12/8 seconds, Spite activates.

    While Spite is active, entity progression is slowed down by 20%/40%/60%. Entity progression returns to normal speed if the killer is in a chase, or is more than 32/30/28 meters away from you.

    If you are unhooked after Spite activates, you gain a 10% haste status effect for 5/10/15 seconds. This effect will not expire as long as you are in a chase.

  • Paposo
    Paposo Member Posts: 15


    1-Contagious deafness

    whenever the obsession is close to another survivor, the obsession and that survivor will not be able to hear the murderer's ray of terror until they separate

    2- fear in place

    every time a survivor is in the killer's terror radius he will make the action repair 10/15/20% slower

    3- Hex: wound

    when you manage to hit an attack on a survivor he will suffer from '' broken '' status until the hex is destroyed

    [this effect happens with only 2/3/4 survivors]


    1- arm strength

    When you stun the killer with a pallet, you'll run 150% faster for 3 seconds, and you'll be exhausted for 60/50/40 seconds

    2- Resistant body

    When you are on your first hook and enter the struggle the perk activates

    When the perk is activated, a 10/15/20 second timer happens, if in that time you are saved, the perk will be officially activated, and with it active, on your next hook that would kill you, you would go into struggle mode again

    3- No wounds

    Every time you escape the hook on your own, you will come off the hook Fully healed, in addition you will see the killer's aura for 4/5/6 seconds

    [this perk ignores the broken status]

  • Silviaswaps
    Silviaswaps Member Posts: 10
    edited December 2020

    Memento Vivere:

    Escape a memento mori (or other insta death... devour hope, rancor,etc) death once per trial at the perk's highest level. I am not sure how best to build the lower levels. Maybe for yellow, there's a chance to escape mori only,for green escape only mori, purple escape all insta death? Maybe it's better as a new offering?

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Vita Indulgentiae:

    You forgive, so life can too. After safely rescuing a survivor from a hook or the killer’s grasp, Vita Indulgentiae activates. When you are about to be killed by the killer’s hand or sacrificed while Vita Indulgentiae is active, you are freed and receive a 7% haste effect for 5/7/9 seconds. If you were to be sacrificed, the hook breaks and remains broken for the remainder of the trial. If you were to be killed by the killer’s hand, the killer is stunned before the killing animation is completed for 5 seconds. Vita Indulgentiae can only be used once per trial.

    -“A merciful man is unto granted the gifts of love and compassion. To those who see wrongful deeds of the common, righteous man, you are the conspirator of thy own demise. A single act for good is enough to receive the grace of our truest and most holy.” —Reverent Father Michael

  • ipiper34
    ipiper34 Member Posts: 15

    Survivor perk: The One You Want

    Your concern for your friend's safety fills the entity with morbid curiosity.

    If another survivor would be sacrificed while you are within 20/25/30 meters of the hook, "The One You Want" activates. The killer receives a loud noise notification on your position and can see your aura for 10/8/6 seconds. For the next 30 seconds or until you are put into the dying state, the hooked survivor is in the struggle state instead. You suffer from the exposed effect for 30 seconds.

    You become the obsession.

    "Hey creep! I'm the one you want right? Come and get me!"

    What do you guys think? I'd love feedback on this and I'm open to suggestions.

  • LordHelix01
    LordHelix01 Member Posts: 9

    Fuel The Fire: Every 4/3/2 pallet stuns you get hit by, you can destroy 1 pallet that hasnt been dropped.

    Break speed isnt increased by Shadown Dance, Brutal Strength or Fire Up.

  • SaintDorks
    SaintDorks Member Posts: 252

    "Most Deadly game"

    One chest promise a Very rare or high item.

    However, all other chest could caused one of the following effects

    Blindness,broken,Exposed, dying state (if you are really unlike), Exhausted and Haemorrhage

    You know for fun

  • Belchavez
    Belchavez Member Posts: 7

    New to posting, This is not only a perk but a killer. Not sure if this idea for a killer is even viable, but with the twins working it seems theoretically conceivable. Master of crows. The crows currently are involved with a single killer perk. What if you had a killer whose base power could transfer conscious control to a crow that has been alerted. As a way to determine survivor movements it would be much more resourceful than a single spies alert. As a chargeable power, a swarm of crows could be sent out like homing missiles to find and harrass a single target, while you revert back to the primary control. The perks and add-ons would revolve around increasing legth of time to be a crow, or speed of flight, reducing charging speed etc. You could have a perk that allows you to set a crow to guard a specific spot with the number of crows to cover more spots increasing with the tiers, etc. The possibilities seem large, and it feels like alot of the mechanics will have alreasdy been worked with. Also crows just feel like they need to be more a part of the game,

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: Mother

    •Maternal Instincts: You feel when your “children” are in danger.

    +Unlocks your aura reading potential. The aura of injured survivors outside a 48/40/32 meter radius from your location are revealed to you.

    •Coddle: While you say you don’t have favorites, you do.

    +You become obsessed with one survivor. For each survivor besides your obsession that is within your terror radius, you and your obsession gain a 3/4/5% stackable haste effect. You can only have one obsession.

    •Hex: Safe Keeping: You know how to conserve your resources.

    +All killer token base perks no longer lose tokens. For each dull totem cleansed, gain a 1% permanent haste effect. This effect persists for as long as the related hex totem stands.

  • trick
    trick Member Posts: 159

    lmfao , quality dude, i second this guy, this wud be my choice also xDD

  • Bentuu
    Bentuu Member Posts: 1

    I once had an idea of a perk, which was a killer perk, and the idea was similar to pallet perks like yui's perk "any means necessary" i was thinking of a balanced rendition of being able to destroy undropped pallets. obviously on paper that sounds absurdly too powerful, but with conditions, it could actually be balanced. so i thought to myself, if the killer with this perk can take a valid asset away from the survivors, then there should be a consequence, in this case i think a speed reduction could work, have the perk start with 3 tokens. each time a pallet is destroyed before dropped, a token is taken away, but doing this means that for 1 minute, the killer is slowed by 5%. but it also negates speed increase effects, like "play with you food" (meaning that the perk makes no speed increase during the minute). as well as, speed powers, like billy's chainsaw speed, or the oni's demon rush, both are slowed by 5% as well. although remember it only lasts a minute, and during this time, another pallet can't be destroyed until the time is up.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Short circuit: You know how the mechanical parts in this realm work

    Every time you hook a survivor you gain one token to up to 3 tokens

    Once the gates are powered if a survivor leaves a gate switch it will be blocked for 20 seconds and regress 25%of it’s total progress over 5 seconds.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    Observer: Any auras that are revealed to you are also revealed to other survivors within 4/8/12 meter range of you

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759
    edited December 2020


    Whenever you down a survivor, you gain a stack.

    When you press the Activate Ability button ( like if you had dead hard ), the next survivor you hit will suffer from the Oblivious status effect for 30/40/50 seconds.

    The max amount of stacks you can have is 3.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494


    •Tripped: A simple change in tactics can confuse the enemy. Maybe even their leader.

    +While in a chase, any vault point you rush vault will be blocked by the entity to all players for 5 seconds. This perk has a 40/35/30 second cool down.

    •Back In Action: They can’t hold you down. If you escape, you’ll pick yourself back up.

    +When you escape the killer’s grasp, Back in Action activates. If you survive 30/25/20 seconds after Back in Action activates, you are healed by one health state. If you are healed to the healthy health state or you are put into the dying health state before the timer is finished, Back in Action deactivates.

    •Head Start: Alway drive for the boost in the early game.

    +At the start of the trial, gain a 7% haste effect for 100/110/120 seconds. When this effect has ran out, Head Start deactivates for the remainder of the trial. If you are put into the dying health or hooked before this timer has ran out, lose the haste effect and Head Start deactivates for the remainder of the trial.


    •Crow Morphology: You extensive studies have revealed a new purpose to the little spies.

    +If a survivor disturbs a crow, they become encircled by crows. These crows will make loud noises and reveal the survivor’s aura to the killer for 1/1.5/2 seconds.

    •Raven’s Last Meal: They starve, hunger for flesh; and you are delighted to oblige.

    +If a survivor disturbs a crow outside your terror radius, they are swarmed by loud crows and have 20 seconds to perform a swatting action to remove them. If unsuccessful, the survivor is injured by one health state. This perk has a 120/110/100 second cool down.

    •Lesser of Two Evils: You force them to make a choice, for better or worse, you will make them suffer.

    +When a survivor is hooked, all incomplete generators begin regressing. If a survivor is repairing a generator or begins repairing a generator 30/45/60 seconds after Lesser of Two Evils activate, the survivor(s) are exposed and remain exposed until the hook survivor(s) is rescued.

  • quigles420
    quigles420 Member Posts: 2

    a perk that just makes you vault faster without resilience or spine like maybe an exhaustion perk that or something you can collect tokens for to get your fast vaults better

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Thanks! I don't think it'll be heard though, but all we can do is hope

  • Only_Aesa
    Only_Aesa Member Posts: 9

    I made 33 killer perks check them out here

  • notyourdad
    notyourdad Member Posts: 4


    While in a chase, survivors who repeatedly spam the crouch button will suffer damage by one health state. Once a survivor takes damage, the perk has a cooldown of 60/30/15 seconds.

  • notyourdad
    notyourdad Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2020


    Once the exit gates are powered, any survivor that waits too long in the gate area (15/10/5 seconds) will be immediately sent to a cage of atonement at the farthest possible location away from the gates.  Activating this perk does not pause nor slow down the end-game timer.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Even Stakes: You ruin any plans of a upper hand, everyone is at the same risk.

    +At the start of the trial, if you are not chosen as the obsession, the role of obsession cannot be filled. Any obsession perks that require an obsession to be present no longer function. Increases your chances of being the obsession slightly/moderately/considerably (+15/20/25%).

    -“I may be hypocritical of this but if it isn’t me, then no one can be it.”

    •Counterproductive: They become so obsessed, they sabotage themself.

    +While the killer is in a chase with the obsession, the killer is unable to hear or see any notification (audio and visual). This effect remains for 15/20/25 seconds after the killer leaves the chase.

    -“They don’t notice my mates’ movements, they only focus on me.”

    •Rekindle: Their sacrifices push you to do better.

    +While the obsession, this perk actives. For each survivor that is not the obsession is hooked, Rekindle gains a token. For each token, gain a 3/4/5% increase to repair, healing, sabotage, cleanse, and vault speeds. If you are not the obsession, Rekindle deactivates.

  • JovialCub
    JovialCub Member Posts: 88

    Entropy -


    noun: entropy; plural noun: entropies; symbol: S

    1. a thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system.
    2. Lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.

    Entropy (Killer Perk) Aura -

    1 - Generators within the killers terror radius begin to regress (ruin mini)

    2 - Pallets vaulted by survivors will deteriorate after being vaulted 2 times and break afterwards

    3 - Exit gates that have not been completed will begin to regress rapidly

  • JovialCub
    JovialCub Member Posts: 88

    Insipid Fright (Curse) -

    Facing their fears and mortality, the survivor's focus and mental fortitude begin to fade.

    Whenever a survivor is put into the injured/dying/hook state, all survivors receive a penalty.

    For each survivor in the injured/dying/hook state skill check success zones begin to shrink (10%)

    For each player that dies, their penalty is permanently added to a shrinking the great skill check zone.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Rag Doll: Being thrashed around doesn’t help your captor, the movement especially loosens any iron grip.

    +When the killer drops a great distance while carrying you, your wiggle progress increases by 15/20/25%. Gain the ability to begin wiggling as you are being picked up.

    •Burdened: You are heavier and more difficult to pick up.

    +While carrying you, the killer moves 10/12/14% slower. After being dropped and picked up again, gain an additional 5% wiggle progress.

    •Slick: Able to worm your way through any difficulty, no entity can hold you back.

    +After recovering to at least 30/25/20% progress while in the dying health state, you gain an additional 15% wiggle progress. Increase your wiggling efforts by 25%.

  • solidlegend
    solidlegend Member Posts: 1

    Survivor's perks

    Get over it

    Whenever The killer makes you scream and knows your location, Get over it activates.

    You will not leave any Scratch Marks in a sprint for 3 seconds, your location is not revealed to The Killer. Get over it has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.


    On a failed Skill Check, you and other survivors get 3% speed bonus for 3 seconds

    Gain 50/75/100 % more Bloodpoints for cooperative Actions


    After performing cooperative Actions for 60/50/40 seconds. Press E to activate the Perk.

    All survivor's aura will be revealed to each other within 32m for 10 seconds. While activating, The perk will be cancelled if any survivors in dying state


    Killer's Perks

    Blood desire

    Gain a 3/4/5 % Haste Status Effect 10 seconds after hooking a Survivor, for a duration of 10 seconds.

    (Hex:) Atychiphobia

    For each Generator completed, gain a stackable 3/3.5/4 % speed increase to Skill checks

    Hex: Entity's favour

    Once the Exit Gates are powered, if there is a Dull Totem remaining on the Map, this Hex is applied to it.

    Any Survivors interact with the gate will face a difficult Skill Check. On a failed skill check will scream, revealing their location for 4/5/6 seconds and becoming afflicted with the Exposed Status Effect for 15 seconds.

  • notyourdad
    notyourdad Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2020


    While being hooked for the first time, so long as you are the sole remaining survivor, you are permitted one chance of escape. You have a considerably greater chance of escape from the hook. If within the Killer's terror radius, they will be stunned for 1/3/5 seconds upon escape from the hook.

  • notyourdad
    notyourdad Member Posts: 4


    While being hooked for the last time, so long as no one else has been hooked yet, you are permitted one final chance of escape. You have a considerably greater chance of escape from the hook. If within the Killer's terror radius, they will be stunned for 1/3/5 seconds upon escape from the hook. If not within the Killer's terror radius, any nearby survivors within 24 meters will be injured by one health state and the killer will be alerted of their auras for 1/3/5 seconds.

  • AbstractSaucing
    AbstractSaucing Member Posts: 103
    edited December 2020

    Perk: Stab back


    Gives survivor a chance to stun the killer for 2/3/4 seconds when survivor is in an injured state, or just pulled from a hook.

    This perk can be paired with sprint burst only when running away from the stunned killer

    This being said. I think it should be used for prestiged characters, and it would discourage camping and tunneling

    Post edited by AbstractSaucing on
  • IndianaDadGuy
    IndianaDadGuy Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2020

    [Tent Buster]

    Your keen outdoorsman skills from years of soggy tents, half-cooked eggs, and mosquitoes have finally paid off.

    After being hooked, If the killer remains in a 20m radius for longer than 8 seconds, the entity is calmed and no time progression is made towards the sacrifice. This remains in effect until the killer has been outside this radius for 10 seconds. This can be activated once every 60/50/40 seconds.

    "Enjoy the majestic scenic view from the camp!"

    Post edited by IndianaDadGuy on
  • xshwahd
    xshwahd Member Posts: 29
    edited December 2020

    I would like this but would add... exposed while more than 24-36 meters from the hook to prevent hook trade camping. It would make for really good synergy with Make your choice. Make the exposed effect last for 3 sec after the unhook or something like that too.

    Killer Perk:

    Aggression - Whenever there are 2 or more survivors within 10 meters of you aggression activates, you gain a 2/3/4% haste status effect per survivor for 4 seconds. cooldown 60/50/40 seconds. 3 survivor max.

    Survivor Perk:

    Hard work - After successfully completing a gen you gain 1 stack. After consuming a stack you gain a 5% haste status effect for 4 seconds. Stacks are automatically consumed when in a chase and the killer enters bloodlust. Only 1 stack may be consumed per chase.

  • HR_Helios
    HR_Helios Member Posts: 189

    Survivor perk:

    Health is Wealth

    You know the importance of the task at hand and your wounds can wait.

    While working on a generator while injured, every great skill check has a decreased success zone but fills your heal bar by 9/12/15% up to a maximum of 90%. This bonus is affected by the mangled status affect. (Lowers to 3/6/9%)

  • UncleStabby
    UncleStabby Member Posts: 837

    I know i'm kinda super late for this party, but I just like to share. I had this cool idea for a killer called "The Mariner" who could use his power to phase through survivors to eliminate bodyblocking as a tactic.

    So anyway, the perk is called "Angler" and here's how it works.

    If there is at least one survivor down on the ground, their aura is blocked to all other survivors. Instead, if the killer stands still for 1 second, they gain the Undetectable status effect, and a false aura of a downed survivor is planted at their location at a radius of x/x/x meters.

  • suspect
    suspect Member Posts: 8

    As a survivor you can repair a pallet that's been destroyed but it leaves you broken because you got a splinter.

  • Exar
    Exar Member Posts: 46

    You can't catch me

    After receiving 5/4/3 attacks You can't catch me activates.

    When You can't catch me activates, The next 1/2/3 pallet you are going to drop are going to stun the killer for 0.4/0.8/1.2 more seconds.

    The next 0/1/2 pallets u are going to drop are going to respawn after 90/60 seconds after the killer breaks them.

    Not very creative, but i tried my best lol

  • KyreeMyers79
    KyreeMyers79 Member Posts: 3

    Maybe, and this is just a suggestion, return hex ruin back to its original form. Once again just a suggestion. But would definitely help balance the game alot more.

  • KyreeMyers79
    KyreeMyers79 Member Posts: 3

    It's already hard enough to chase survivors with pallets and windows and now you wanna blind with no flashlight hahahahaha. "Oh, I'll be exposed for 20 secs" yeah while you go hide behind a pallet and loop right?

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    This is one of the best chapter concepts I've read! The survivor perks particularly blow me away!!

    My only thought is on perhaps how strong the killer's zoning would be, with everyone avoiding the dolls! And a game against a dolls killer trying to get their adept would be a nightmare because of the split punishment between looking at/for any advancing dolls, or looking at the gen to repair it more efficiently!

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited December 2020

    I Came up with this multi-killer swapping concept long before the devs released the twins, and considering how the Twins work vs the Dolls, I thought for a bit about whether or not the Dolls would have a major Hook Camping advantage... but then I remembered that

    A. When a Doll knocks down a survivor the doll remains behind while the Spirit of Agnes controlling it picks up and hooks survivors before returning back to the last doll used

    B. The dolls get stopped in place by a survivors gaze, so leaving a doll nearby a hook is kinda pointless since the moment you transfer to it, the rescuer and the unhooked survivor will just look at it and run away.

    Otherwise, they are built for Zoning and Ambush setups, so using them to control an area of the map is pretty much how they work, but it shouldn't be broken due to their weakness. As for the Adept achievement Using Painful Neglect, I can see survivors habitually just focusing on the gen until they hear a heartbeat, then look around to see if a doll is near and try to freeze em in place before they attack. It should make things fun and intense, but again, not broken. TBH though, It's the Stealth killers who will benefit most from that perk, as refusing to look around while working a gen against a Ghost Face or Shape is just begging to get gen grabbed.

    I'm really glad you liked the concept, I was beginning to think no one ever reads it anymore no matter how many times I link it in discussions like this one. 😊

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    That's a good point actually!

    Imagine all the Myers scratched mirror jumpscares with that perk!

    Are you able to tell when the dolls swap? Do they all have a red stain or only the active one? Thinking because if they didn't then setting up three dolls at a vital gen/a door would be certain death for a lone survivor there!

    Would undetectable effects work on them? (The jumpscare is real)

  • ElizaSteph
    ElizaSteph Member Posts: 106

    A Quick Escape

    Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do

    Once per trial, if you’re dead on hook and in a chase, you can trip another survivor by running into them if they have not been hooked yet in order to down them for a few seconds to deter the killer from tunneling.

    A difficult skill check could be added to make harder, ( would have to use A like when dead harding) while sprinting

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited December 2020

    The dolls gain their red stain and TR pretty quickly when you transfer to them, but maintain it for 6 seconds after you transfer to another doll, that way if say the team of survivors thought the way to beat them was to all pile on a gen and keep all angles covered, you could surround them with 3-5 dolls, keep switching between em, and inch forward with the one they take their eyes off of. Basically rendering that tactic a death trap because once a doll is touching a survivor, Transfixed or not, they can strike. I really had to think that one through because it seemed like it was the most troublesome counter to them, but as long as they maintain the red stain and TR while surrounding the survivors, they will have the advantage since the survivors won't know which one is the real possessed doll. Their Red Light, Green Light mechanic is also why I made them move at 6m/s (same default speed Victor has), because anything slower and they'd never move in fast enough to get hits before someone transfixes them.

    As for the Stealth perks... Those would be a nightmare on these little devils. They're already tiny, like Victor, and move fast, but also having no TR or Red Stain will make them merciless ambushers in most maps, but even worse in the Indoor maps Like Lery's where it'll be hard enough just spotting them due to all the objects and walls, but give em Stealth too, and its gonna be one hell of a scary match. Now take my example above for survivors trying to counter these little guys, and put Insidious in the Mix... Suddenly you get an actual mindgame that insidious enables wherein the survivors are gonna keep their eyes on the dolls who still have a TR and Red Stain, but ignore the one that doesn't, and with insidious activating in 2 seconds... to me, that just sounds like fun, and actually makes insidious a useful tool instead of a campers modus operandi.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    Wow you've really thought this out!! Honestly BHVR should hire you lol!

    I think the idea is really unique and the green light red light mechanic is so clever and the link to that in the backstory with Lucy wanting friends to play it with is ingenious!! :))

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531
    edited December 2020

    Anyway time for my perk...

    Piteous Intervention:

    After being chased for 60/50/40 seconds whilst injured, the entity takes pity in your frailness and Piteous Intervention activates. The next pallet you drop will be barricaded by the entity, stopping it from being broken or vaulted for 10/15/20 seconds.

    "It took pity in me, I could tell, told me bolt, it did, and I did bolt, I ran!"

    (The numbers for how long the barricade lasts need some work shopping, thing maybe 5/10/15 might be more realistic for a multi use perk, but I don't know!

    I could alternatively make it an active ability button thing, like diversion, and then the next pallet you drop is affected, and lasts 40/50/60 seconds, but is one time use!)