Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Since BP gains are additive, it literally does not matter if there's a bloodhunt or not. You'll theoretically get the same amount of BPs if you used your cakes now unless you like to farm during bloodhunts (please don't do this btw but if you insist on doing it don't drag other people into it and sandbag them because…
  • You waited that long for a single perk on a free character?! Would've taken 2 days or even less of playing killer to get David to lvl 30.
  • The only scary thing about them is that they're better than 95% of the survivors I see in my real matches.
  • Honestly I'd wanna take it a step further and remove the basement entirely and put the hooks in the shack itself along the back wall opposite the window. Basically, a basement hook boils down to: is the killer Huntress, Twins, Hag, Trapper or Bubba? Yeaaaa nobody in their right mind is gonna try and get you. And then as…
  • You can't use items in the dying state. A key is an item. There's not much else to it.
  • My only guess is that while the nerf didn't do much in terms of his strength, it did numbers to his enjoyability factor, which also matters a lot despite people desperately trying to say otherwise. Being slowed down everytime you use your power doesn't exactly sound fun nor does it feel in any way good to use, does it?…
  • But what point does it prove lmao. Who cares if it is or isn't? Does insisting that dead hard is a crutch perk suddenly put a curse upon everyone who uses it or something?
  • Personally I really like Plague, but I know a lot of people don't. Try her and see how you feel about her. Don't worry too much if your aim is bad, I never try and go for full sickness right away anyway, the servers combined with janky movement and bad optimisation makes it nearly impossible to do it quickly. Imo Legion is…
  • At this point portals are secondary. I'll put down one at the start of the match and that's it, only using them when it makes sense to. But chasing as Demo isn't hard, you're like a Huntress that can't hit over loops and can feather your ability at every pallet and get a bunch of free zoning. Not much to it, he's very…
  • I am sick and tired of the messages after each game because the survivor/killer Survivors for the most part don't like to lose. Honestly does anyone like losing? Some people just take it more badly than others, and it seems like in DbD there's something about this game that can make people really frustrated at what they…
  • I like to be the exception at least, and mock both sides because complaining that someone BM'd you in a videogame is quite pathetic.
  • Well one of the biggest reasons is because of that add-on. If you didn't have a stalk limit for tombstone thanks, this add-on is broken enough as it is. Also, if you do reach the stalk limit on all survivors, chances are the game is over and you've either won or lost and won't need tier 3 again. If not, then you…
  • Nurse is currently pretty much unplayable on console right now from what I've heard, freezing everytime you blink etc. Blight is just unplayable on every platform and a frustrating buggy mess that gets worse with every patch. Spirit works fine and the bugs affect her the least, so play her I guess. If console was working…
  • Not only does it sound really dumb, it's a way of easily telling which direction Billy is coming from, and the radius for hearing the scream is pretty big. So it also hinders him as well as being extremely annoying to listen to. Man they really do design things to be frustrating for the player and I still have no idea why…
  • Those people that are crying in the post game chat are not gonna see this. Which is why these posts have always confused the hell out of me. What are you trying to prove with this post, and who are you trying to prove it to lmao.
  • If you're not having fun just stop playing. It's that simple. You're not obligated to keep playing this game no matter the circumstances, nor do you need to make a post for us to tell you if you should keep playing or not.
  • "his ability is BS if you don't have a pallet or window" You know it's almost like...they designed his power to be good at punishing players who are out of position...but nah that couldn't be it, right? Would be a crazy thought to have a killer that can heavily punish survivors for poor play.
  • Tiptoe around the main problem in its entirety and change something else that isn't the main problem. Now Spirit's hard counter to iron will is gone, iron will is now a hard counter to Spirit and she still has all of the issues that everybody has gone through a hundred times over. Oh and stridor is now another trash tier…
  • Tier 3 is paused while carrying a survivor, then resumes once he's no longer carrying them. That's all I would change. Michael's a snowball character, and is currently very bad at it unless the survivors stay near him willingly and they let him snowball. You waste a good chunk of your power carrying survivors to hooks…
  • killers aren't being rewarded because of NOED though, unless the survivor team really screws up. Unless you count the sacrifice bloodpoints as the reward. A single kill thanks to NOED isn't a win for the killer. It's not fun to be hit by NOED, and it's badly designed and 'cheap'. But it's definitely not rewarding killers…
  • And if counterforce isn't good enough: Or bring a map. And if you wanted to get some benefit from doing totems, inner strength exists. And if you're gonna bring up the argument that you shouldn't have to bring in an item or perk to hard counter a killer perk that's not even good to begin with put it this way: they had to…
  • After Midwich, Hawkins, the new version of The Game, I didn't think we could sink to a new low for horrific DbD map designs... ...oh how wrong we were.
  • You think it would be, but it's only good for stealth killers to get the first hit and....that's it. The amount of distance you have to walk as a stealth killer (except Wraith) to even catch up to a survivor after the first hit is insane, because you can't cut survivors off from anything, something that every other garbage…
  • You want to make the Myers equivalent of pre-nerf iri head basekit? ...######### it, why not who cares at this point. Game's already next to unplayable on a technical level, may as well go the distance and make it unplayable in every aspect.
  • "I didn't like playing against this, so I want this and this to be nerfed" ...and you'd report us for calling you a troll when this reads so much like a bait post but whatever. And he already gets slowed when throwing knives and readying them. Have you tried this killer before (not that I would blame you if you hadn't)? I…
  • For gaming and PCs in general, 8GB isn't really enough anymore. 16 has been the norm for a few years now. But DbD should be fine on 8GB. If it's not then you can thank the terrible optimisation for that, as usual.
  • While this might be true, it only applies to less than 1% of all of your Nurse games. And if you're 4k-ing the other 99% of your Nurse games in 5 minutes with your brain turned off...what does that say about the difficulty of this killer? How much time do I have to wait until I come across these fabled comp survivor teams…
  • It does happen to a lot of games, but not to this absurd degree. Not even close. Usually games will have catch-up features that makes a new player not feel so lost and left behind (A good example that I know of being Monster Hunter World, where they've made several adjustments to the overall grind over the years, and all…
  • The best part is the mobile version is somewhat slightly less grindy and frustrating than the original PC and console version.
  • I don't really agree with DbD not feeling like DbD. It just feels like regular old DbD but with slightly better graphics (and terrible performance and grinding that's almost at the point where the damage done is irreversible). These kinds of killers you mentioned have been in the game since 2017, it's not anything new,…
  • It is?? The only thing that makes this perk even somewhat useful is the fact that the killer can't see it. If the killer can see it the perk is literally useless and a worse repressed alliance, a perk that nobody uses. I'm still genuinely in shock that people are complaining about ######### blast mine of all things lmao.…
  • I miss it too. The game looked MUCH more clear and easy on the eyes. It also ran better (slightly, but for DbD that's huge), which is the only thing I really care about. I'll take performance over quality any day.
  • Where are these "many" people claiming this? I don't think I've seen a single person say they're weak, and if they did they were definitely trolling.
  • You can gen rush, but you'll almost never see actual gen rushing in your matches unless you were matched against an actual comp team who were sweating it out. If gens are getting done fast, it's because you failed to pressure the survivors and gens, not because survivors resorted to gen rushing and ignoring teammates on…
  • The full Tombstone? It's not even close to being OP. 9% slower movement speed at the beginning with no pwyf and getting all 3 stacks can be a pain, takes an eternity to stalk since you'll be running it with tuft of hair. The gens should be almost done before he even gets CLOSE to tier 3, if you don't that's on you and your…
  • Eh there's no way to buy bloodwebs with real money, so BHVR have no incentive to change it. The battlepass can be bought with money, so there was an incentive to change it to make the Battlepass more appealing to buy and grind for.
  • You need to start taking notes from Sluzzy. You're trying wayyyy too hard. It needs subtlety or a more convincing tone, and you're not quite there yet. I believe in you though, one day you'll get there.
  • Idk why you would change that though. 99ing individual survivors is the one decent advantage GhostFace has over Myers.
  • Welp that's a terrible mindset, but at least you've outed yourself as the weak link on our teams on the forums so we know what to expect in advance.
  • The complaining can go a bit far, but honestly at this point, after 5 years of trying to communicate with BHVR and getting next to nothing in return, I can't blame anyone for being annoyed and going off on rants when the company you so desperately want to support and a game we all love so much is currently barely…
  • You could've said "hatch has collision" or something similar but you just HAD to mention survivors and throw SWF under the bus again for no reason, as though this bug was entirely their doing.
  • People were pointing out your bs, not defending BHVR or anything like that. I'm sorry that we aren't blindly agreeing with your narrative that '3 good loops = killer sucks', but you're wrong about these being infinites and people told you why you were wrong. Don't get pissy now when we've shown you what went wrong with…
  • Have you ever tried trapping better areas where they can't easily see the traps lmao. If you're putting them at corners and in very obvious patches of grass it's not gonna work against any competent player. Trapper has been in the game since release, most people know the main trap locations inside and out, you're not gonna…
  • I can't recall a period of time where it was ever fixed though, only they said they fixed it in patch notes. It's been happening since I've been watching and playing this game which was about 2 and a half years ago now. Weird that this specific sound is the one that refuses to be functional the most.
  • I know what I said. Your title said Billy undetectable, and it only goes undetectable with an add-on, specifically the iridescent brick add-on. But, there is a bug that makes his chainsaw go quiet let during a sprint sometimes. Not undetectable, it's just a sound bug. Can you wrap your head around that now?
  • Only with an add-on, but his chainsaw can go really quiet and not produce the sounds during a sprint. Happens almost 100% of the time with engravings. I honestly prefer this bug tbh, the new chainsaw sounds are terrible anyway.
  • That was back when they didn't have as many players, the grind for bloodwebs was even worse, and they actually sorta gave a #########. Now, they have a ton of new players thanks to RE that they're terrified of losing so quickly, so they believe the grind will help keep them around (because their logic is you don't want to…
  • Only if that hit applied deep wound. It does not reset healing progress if you get hit when you have MoM up.