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  • Dbd's matchmaking has never been balanced and never will be balanced. I'm at the bottom of Ash rank and when I saw that the survivors were Red, Gold, and Silver rank, it honestly didn't even phase me. If you play Dbd long enough, you learn to just accept it.
  • I'm getting the impression from most of the advice given that the Adepts aren't worth the trouble.
  • I understand that taking on higher skill teams will help you improve. Before I took a hiatus from Dbd I got to rank 4 (barely Red rank) by sucking up the horrendous matchmaking and doing my best. In this specific case, I was able to get several downs, I just couldn't secure hooks.
  • This is actually a helpful response, thank you. In that particular match, I couldn't find a noticeable weak link to tunnel and face camp. I think next time that it's obvious I'm being trolled and farmed, I'll just set down my controller, go do something else for like 10 or 15 minutes, and take the de-pip.
  • I mention that I haven't played killer in a year to explain that I'm rusty and out of the loop with what are common builds. When I last played killer, most people ran Prove Thyself and just tried to rush gens as fast as possible. I'm not expecting to win every time, because that's not how player vs player games work. I…
  • Yeah. 3 of us throw in cakes and only 1 will show up before the loading screen. Then on the score board it shows that only one of us used a cake and the other two will have the same number of cakes as before. When we tried just one person using a cake it seems to work, but multiple seem to be bugged.
  • I'll try that out, thanks
  • Unfortunately I think you're right. If Survivors have fun, they'll recommend the game to their friends so they can play together which results in more game sales and more potential cosmetics purchases. Me and my friends all bought DBD to play survivor together and we each started playing killer after already playing…
  • I've read the changes being made to Xbox One's matchmaking and it seems like the new mmr is going to make the current problem worse. They want to increase the rank variation in each match which is the problem and they said that rank isn't a true indicator of skill, so they won't be using it for matchmaking anymore. I want…
  • Thanks. It feels good to know that others understand.
  • It's been happening for close to a month now, hence why I always play with at least one team mate in swf. Killer matchmaking is just a broken. My friends who are red rank killers get lobbies of grey and yellow ranks while me, a purple rank (was a green rank a few days ago) has been consistently getting games with at least…
  • I know you're kidding, but there's a key factor you're overlooking: the ESRB. If DBD doesn't have sexual content on the label, and they add this without getting the game re-evaluated first, it could get really messy. It happened to Oblivion where they had game files that were inaccessible without third party mods and that…
  • I wouldn't do that otherwise NOED would be too weak IMO. I'd just change NOED where it notifies the survivors they're exposed when the last gen is popped.
  • I'll list the ones my friends and I use (they aren't my original ideas): Wraith: Bing Bong Boi Pig: Rosie O'Donnell (reference to "Only Rosie O'Donnell") Clown: Dr. [High school principal's name] Pyramid Head: Toblerone or Traffic Cone
  • Oh, for that part of the survey I said I'd like to see a cross over with Operation Health from Siege. No new stuff, just fix what you've got.
  • There's more to the post than just the first sentence
  • My guess as to why people are afraid of Clowns is because of what could be hidden behind the happy and goofy appearance. Maybe they see the clown make up is a facade hiding something more scary. If I remember correctly, notorious serial killer John Wayne Gacy dressed up as a clown, so the fear isn't completely unjustified.…
  • Deep wound and the screen turning dark can get irritating when playing against Legion, but that's all I can think of. Honestly, if you're getting salt and aren't hacking or face camping, you're probably doing it right.
  • Based on the community survey from a few days ago, the devs know this is an issue. It's kind of hard to not know matchmaking is busted if you play DBD. However, I doubt they'll fix it anytime soon.
  • The issue I have with NOED, and I can't speak for others, is that it will guarantee 1 kill in combination with face camping. I've had several games where we had to leave someone behind (or I was left behind) because we couldn't get the totem and the killer was face camping. I've had a few games where the killer got…
  • I honestly would move Billy up a tier or 2. Dropping a pallet on him sounds so satisfying.
  • I'm just going to list the things I noticed from watching your videos -There's a lot of zooms and sound effects and some of them don't feel necessary. Overuse can take away the effect the zoom or sound effect is supposed to have. -Your commentary is good. Not excessive and not too silent and it's also interesting to listen…
  • My feel good moments playing survivor is when I successfully rescue someone off the hook when the killer is camping. I don't mind taking the fall, just as long as the survivor I rescued makes it out. When playing killer, it has to be downing and hooking the one Blendette I keep losing track of. I'm the one who's supposed…
  • Survivor: Meg and occasionally Quentin for the jokes Killer: Wraith, but I have played other killers in customs with my friends
  • Shhhhhh, take some new cosmetics
  • As someone who plays Wraith very often, his mori is very underwhelming and not very satisfying, probably the worst alongside Trapper's. My favorite mori has to be either Oni or Demogorgon.
  • Sounds interesting. It would be cool if they added this in the Holiday season.
  • I can see people won't agree with me but I think Meg and Kate are the most attractive. Quentin and Nea are definitely the least attractive. Quentin should honestly sue his parents with that mug. Nea looks like her face was lit on fire and put out with a baseball bat. The fan art versions of Nea look way better than the…
  • I play survivor more than killer since I'm trash at killer, but I think Spirit is the hardest to survive against. Freddy is a close second.
  • A killer face camping is a personal "screw you" message to the survivor on the hook. It's irritating, but it's entirely within the rules and I don't think the game could be re balanced to punish face camping without breaking everything. I just take the de-pip and hope that the next game is better whenever it happens to me.
  • "how does the matchmaking system work in this game??" It doesn't. All I can say is Good Luck with your future killer games.
  • As far as I know with the cages, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, and We're Gonna Farm Forever. I've also noticed that when Adrenaline activates when on a hook, I come off the hook healthy and with a speed boost. When Adrenaline activates when I'm in a cage, I don't gain a health state or speed boost when rescued. Killer…
  • I'm sorry to hear you're upset with the game. Here: have some Zarina cosmetics. Jk, I'm just messing with you. I agree with you about the devs and bugs. They either don't know or don't care about what they're doing. I don't which is worse.
  • Here's an idea: what about the hooked survivor gaining Boldness points while the killer is standing in the radius that would reveal his aura with Kindred. The idea is to make it so the face camped survivor doesn't de-pip. Kinda sucks when the killer decides to face camp from the first hook, tunnel you down, and then you…
  • I'll still wiggle if I'm the last one. The match isn't done for me until I'm up in the clouds. Even if my chance are nil I'll still try and get some Boldness points and chase practice out of it.
  • They should, but I don't think they will.
  • I agree with A and above. In my opinion, I would move Plague, Demo, and Deathslinger up to B; move Legion and Bubba up to C; move Pig down to D; and move Pyramid Head down to C. I don't know how to explain my changes other than my personal encounters with the killers and how easily I can survive and loop them.
  • You've basically explained why I don't experiment with new killers outside of custom games with my friends. I haven't really branched out to new killers since walking into a game not knowing how to fully use the killers abilities is a guaranteed loss for me.
  • Meg Thomas. I can't quite explain why. Maybe I've got a thing for athletic chicks.
  • Successfully saving a teammate at end game and them making it out. It's even more satisfying if they're face camping and we both end up making it out. I hate leaving someone behind if I could've still saved them. If I take the fall for it, that's fine by me.
  • Here's my ideas for amusing, but maybe not practical perks Selfish Bastard - Steal a health state from one of your fellow survivors for 25% / 30% / 35% bonus blood points awarded at the end of the trial. Can be used once in the trial and blood point bonus stacks. Better Them than Me - After performing a rushed action,…
  • I hate it when teammates make super unsafe unhooks, I don't run decisive strike and they don't have borrowed time, yet they unhook me with the killer on their tail and I get downed almost instantly. I think the idea is use me as a distraction so they can escape.
  • When I'm playing killer, I hate Claudette because I can't even see them. If I see a Claudette, I take the opportunity to down them a quickly as possible otherwise she'll disappear only to be seen teabagging at the exit gate. When I play survivor, I still hate Claudette since majority of them I come across do lots of unsafe…
  • I've always been told it's bad manners to smack people on the hook, but from a survivors perspective, it is kinda annoying when you keep hearing smacks and your character screaming while struggling on hook
  • Here's why I play killer: Blood Points and Shorter Queue Times. I'm a rank 13 and have been stomped by high rank survivors many times. Despite all of the survivors escaping, I'll still walk away with at least 15k blood points while getting 15k blood points from survivor is how much I make from a good game against on par…
  • Well, we got to a point where we started purposefully going down so we could get protection hits and unhooks hence why the killer walked away with a lot of points. My friend messaged him and apparently he hadn't played in 5 months and that was his first game back.
  • Any killer and NOED, I mostly play survivor and it's frustrating to be steamrolling a really bad killer only for them to whip out NOED and get a guaranteed 1k. I've seen NOED at least once on every killer.
  • I'm surprised when I see Bitter Murmur and BBQ & Chili on someone's killer build. Seems kind of overkill to me and I always go with BBQ since like the extra blood points.