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  • It’s definitely not survivor sided. The people playing killer just are rally bad at it lol
  • Killers if anything need to be nerfed 🤣 theyre actually quite overpowered from a 1v4 perspective in regards to how fast they are in relation to the map size and the rate at which they can consistently find targets and knock them down . It’s not hard to find survivors and it’s certainly not hard to down them. The devs have…
  • It’s not entirely the survivors’ fault. I can see why solo is so difficult. The only way you have a chance is if you just rush from gen to gen as fast as you can. It’s not really fun that way and most people want to scope things out and play quiet/sneaky. This game is fast paced for both sides and a lot of people don’t…
  • It’s not hard to be a killer I keep telling people that. Like I said I’m in the red ranks on both sides. I find that killers actually beat the other side way more than the other way around. I think there are a lot of flaws on survivor side that needs to be enhanced. Map size also needs to be increased or decreased in…
  • All they need to tell you is that someone was there. Such entitled thinking that you should just get everything handed to you as a killer. Might as well ask them “BHVR can you just let me see through walls? Can I just look at them and then they’ll just fall over and die?”
  • You’re absolutely wrong. It’s not balanced for solo survivors that’s for sure. Do I have to screen shot every single game and tally up how many games everyone or anyone escapes vs everyone dying for you? Everyone definitely dies way more often I really don’t feel like having this argument with people that are so clearly…
  • People would not DC in the first place had this game been a little more fair for survivors. Not every team of 4 is 100% all the time productive and communicating. Even the best get beat 50% of the time. The ones that aren’t get beat 100% of the time. This game is balanced around communicating teams so the killer has been…
  • people wouldn’t leave in the first place had this game been designed for both sides to have a chance. Survivors get slammed every game 😂 people get tired of losing. This game really does suck on the survivor side. It’s so much more fun and consistent playing killer (although a little stressful having to stay busy all of…
  • The new part is such a waste of a slot. Waste of a ultra rare add on really. the progress gains are not even guaranteed to get or to stay once you get chased off of it. It’s a two time use that doesn’t stick. Killer add ons get used the entire game. That’s broken.
  • When you work together you have an average chance of 50/50 at escaping. When I play killer I can tell when people are working together communicating and I still beat them. Killer is a little bit too overpowered for the game at the moment. The twins need to be changed so they can’t camp exit gates. Gas Heaven exit gates…
  • No because I’ve played this game since it came out I’m red rank on both sides. Although my killer rank slips to purple sometimes because I don’t play it as much so when the rank resets it sets me back a color. But anyways, yes the gens actually don’t get done and even if they do the killer usually gets the last guy with…
  • That’s not gen rushing that’s people cooperating to stall the killer. That’s the killer making bad decisions. 🤣
  • killers are the most OP players in the game get outttaaaaaa here lmao what a joke this post is 🤣
  • as long as you have constant information coming in (audio if you have a headset and visual via perks and add ons) and react to that information constantly, it’s almost too easy. I’d love to find one survivor who can loop me long enough to get 5 gens done. You need to be a super team. And quite honestly that’s not fair the…
  • Killers in this game are actually handed way too much to do their job. It’s gross.
  • A god? It doesn’t take a god. Do you have a headset? Do you have a tv that’s not from the mid 1900s? Do you have some map knowledge? Do you have survivor perk knowledge and know how to counter it? Okay then. You should be fine. It’s quite easy and... well my killer perks work fine for me 100% of the time.
  • It’s actually too easy to play killer (but sometimes a little stressful if you don’t look out for certain survivor perks that can waste your time if you tunnel or get too greedy for kills) .
  • Lol exactly. To all the boo hooing “gen rush” killer players..... get good.
  • You also have to understand how frustrating it is for survivors to see the killer knock down their other 3 teammates within the first 5 minutes of the game too. It goes both ways. But tbh I think because of how small the maps are (which squeezes the gens closely together) that I think this game is more in favor of killers.…
  • hes talking about the killer not the survivors. Killers don’t have to have skill 😂 they get everything handed to them already. Informational Perks, abilities that give them easy downs, add ons that give them easy downs and auras of survivors, moris, undetectable, regression of opponents objectives, etc. survivors do not…
  • The maps are small enough to where spawning anywhere doesn’t really matter. You can’t use the phrase “other end of the map” when someone’s got the killer in their face right as soon as they spawn in. It’s ridiculous how small these maps are.
  • Seriously though you are correct about that one. The maps are already kinda small as it is and the killers have either fast walking speed or can zip across the map with their abilities. Or they can camp the exit gates. So why should they just be able to stand in one spot and look back and forth? That’s terrible.
  • No I’m looking at red/purple rank survivors. Honestly survivor rank doesn’t mean much because you still pip if you don’t escape. You’re not meant to escape in this game and if you do, you’re lucky or the person playing killer is atrociously bad at it lol That’s just how the game is designed.
  • You are Just a troll lol. Why would anyone play killer? Please. Why would anyone play survivor? Hold down a button on your objective waiting to die the entire game? Naaah. That’s not fun. Killers have no cool down in between attacks like they should. Some killers down way too quickly to allow survivors to do their job.…
  • You don’t lose every time, you’re just bad at it. It doesn’t matter what they are on or what kind of communication they have. I’m telling you it’s definitely still easily doable for killer players lol
  • Bone heads in here that still believe survivors have it too good no the hell they don’t 🤣 gens are quite difficult to do in the red ranks against GOOD killers. Get good at being a killer and you’ll see how easy it is. (There is a little stress involved being that, as killer, you have to stay being productive the entire…
  • i play red rank survivor and purple rank killer. I could go higher as killer but I don’t play enough to resist the rank resets. but I’m being completely honest. This game is actually way too easy for the killers. Small map sizes means gens are squeezed together where killers have the ability to move from gen to gen quickly…
  • They spawn on a gen, but killers also spawn on survivors 😂 so yeah that’s being a bit hypocritical. Killers spawn in a small map with 4 slow survivors people need to stop complaining because they are bad at being killer. Killer is so damn easy it’s ridiculous 🤪🤣
  • It’s actually quite the opposite but okay sure. Gens are actually hard to do when you go against good killers. The maps are quite small in comparison to each killers current speed and ability to down quickly. Survivors aren’t hard to find. They’re actually too easy to find. You have it all wrong. I play both sides, more so…
  • People that play survivor get upset because dying = losing. Almost or all Survivors die every game. It’s too easy for killers to be honest. They need to make it harder on the killers. 1) they’re too fast for current map sizes 2) they don’t have any cool downs in between m1 attacks and survivors can only take 2 hits. That’s…
  • Keys are fine the way they are. Keys give the player a chance in a lot of these games. 5 gens don’t get done in a lot of games that I’ve played in I’ve noticed. it’s way too easy for killers to, at least more consistently than survivors, complete their objectives.
  • Tbh most killers need nerfs that just fly or teleport across the ALREADY SMALL maps and hit and down people so quickly. It’s a stale experience playing survivor. 5 gens actually is quite a lot to do because teammates are constantly going down and dying.
  • Dumb post. I don’t even need to read it to know a one time use perk during a chase to give you a chance at dodging the killers m1 hit that killers get to spam over and over without any setback in the chase should be in the game as is if not better than it’s current state. It’s a god damn perk. It should be a benefit to the…
  • It’s definitely not survivor sided lmaooo
  • It’s not that they are terrible it’s just that this game requires a lot of communication now because they keep buffing killers in various ways. I.e smaller maps, more powerful abilities and add ons that are pretty much OP af lmao. When you are Part of any team, teamwork is essential to winning. But this game doesn’t really…
  • You don’t realize that gens are actually not able to get done a lot of the time in most of these matches even when killers are camping and tunneling because most of the time killers proxy camp where they can watch gens and the hooked survivor. Killers should never be able to do that. The only reason why they can so easily…
  • Keys are not too strong. Every survivor deserves a chance to escape you aren’t entitled to all 4 kills every match. Keys are fine as they are an item to bring in that isn’t even guaranteed to be able to use. Mori’s on the other hand is an offering slot and therefore should not be able to impact the outcome of the game in…
  • It’s an offering slot anyways. Offerings should be meant to improve personal score at the end of the match or choose a map maybe. It should not have an effect on the outcome of the game by giving you any sort of advantage. Survivors don’t have one. Why should you?
  • I definitely can tell you that it is not the game it is you. The killer is actually the most overpowered player in the game. Supposed to be due to 1v4 but even for that 5 gens is a lot to do in a small map with fast killers that down quickly and kill quickly. Killers need a nerf or map size needs to increase in size imo
  • Killers are actually quite overpowered at the moment due to small map sizes not matching up with killer speed and strong anti loop abilities and add ons coupled with the information given to them through perks it’s almost excessive. I’ve been playing this game for awhile, killers have the upper hand even in a 1v4.
  • Survivors are the ones that suck man I’m in red ranks in both sides and killers smack survivors almost every single game. Your data sucks lol
  • Clown is already too much as his gas allows one hit downs and has a wide area of effect. He doesn’t need anything 😂 they need to stop empowering killers
  • my personal experience killers are still in the power seat. In almost every single game it’s 3-4K for me. As a survivor I’ll be lucky to live unless I bring a key 😂 survivors get stomped on match after match. It’s already not fun to do gens let alone stare at yourself on a hook. Killers got it so good 😂😂😂😂
  • This has to be the worst post I have ever seen. This game is most definitely killer sided. The maps are too small for killer movement speed. The gens are way slower than they used to be and actually I find that in most games in the red ranks as a survivor I can’t get my objective done because people go down too quickly.…
  • No it’s not actually. It adds up quicker than you think.
  • Survivor sided or killer sided after they shrunk the map sizes and fixed god loops? 😂😂😂 every map is pretty much killer sided. Killers move too fast for the current map size imo. Couple that with the speed which they can down someone and how easy it is to find survivors due to complete lack of hiding in this game/slow walk…
  • This game is still super killer sided. The majority of loops are actually horrendous for survivors. Killers walk around them with ease. They can get you on the other side almost immediately after you’re done vaulting by lunging around the wall/debris. It’s ridiculous.
  • Killers are ridiculously OP as it is because of speed, small map size and abilities and the option to equip Mori’s to kill faster. You’re complaining about a perk that lets the survivor dodge an attack prolonging the chase for only a few seconds longer? 😂 killer perks are the ones that need to be checked. Pop needs to get…
  • Trust me when I say this killers are the power role. You might just be bad at being one.
  • This post is laughable. Killers still have the upper hand in this game. It’s ridiculous how OP they are and people will complain about the already slow gen speed lol put on some perks that slow it down more and gens just don’t get done. I’ve been playing this game for years on both sides. Killer wins way more than…
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