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  • This has to be bait.
  • to answer the title be aware of your surroundings. I've bumped into objects because I'm looking back and been downed because of it but that's not GF's or any other killers fault, it's mine for running into an object.
  • I'd probs play all the unfinished games I bought on steam sales.
  • The Devs seem to be looking into licensed cosmetics, as shown by Pig getting some soon, so it's definitely already considered by them. As for Left 4 dead stuff on console, probably not happening, unless steam renegotiates and allows it which they have no reason to aside from getting a considerable cut of in store cosmetics.
  • The Devs seem to be looking into licensed cosmetics, as shown by Pig getting some soon, so it's definitely already considered by them. As for Left 4 dead stuff on console, probably not happening, unless steam renegotiates and allows it which they have no reason to aside from getting a considerable cut of in store cosmetics.
  • No mortal forum user can handle the power of the entity
  • The reason the hatch opens after the survivor's been sacrificed and not as soon as they are hooked, is to give the killer a chance to either find you, or find the hatch while removing incentive to just sit at the hatch. Yes, being the last survivor in a game can feel unfair. Yes performing well but losing because of EGC…
  • Based on the wording, I do think it will counter quick and quiet. That's not huge, but it's something noteworthy. I think it will be more useful for mindgames in chases and tracking.
  • It helps stealth and trap based killers as said above, it slightly helps other killers at a distance (very little tho). On the survivor side, it helps survivors be stealthy, especially Claudettes. I rarely see these offering used in my games as they aren't a huge advantage and most people use bloodpoint offerings.
    in Dark Mist Comment by Carpo June 2019
  • Probably because it's not that important Hearing clown music for the clown every time he's near would be cool, but it's not important. Also removes the mystery of certain killers if you can identify by theme every time.
  • Just to add to the chorus here. Imagine survivors and killers able to see each other, And both sides constantly changing things for a whole minute to counter what the opposing side has. It's not gonna make things fair, it's gonna be a lot of people switching things for a minute until the game starts.
  • there is a bug where someone can spectate a public match, I don't recall the details, but it's similar to the multiple killers bug.
  • Change it's name to catcall and make it a perk for a ladies man survivor and you have my support.
  • Taking into account most new players don't have DLC and lack teachables, I'd recommend they use Dwight or Claudette. Aura perks allow seeing other survivors, Dwight's help for groups and gens, Claudette's help with healing. Nea and Jake are good as well for stealth. Meg, David and Bill have good perks, but involve more…
  • I think they couldn't or didn't want to get the licensing for the actors appearance. Props to whomever made those edits, very nice.
  • You inspire plebs like me Hail to the king \o/