Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Playing a stealthy game is perfectly fine - it's a valid strategy. However, hiding and not doing anything to progress the game is taking the game hostage and should be reported. I've played a lot of games where me and my team have done the objectives, but got caught towards the end and the one random, who we barely saw all…
  • I did have but after a run of cheating, hacking, exploits, laggy episodes and crappy behaviour from off-platform players (killers and survivors) we switched it off. Queue times are still pretty good and the matches have been much better. It's just been today that we kept seeing the same few people - on the plus side, the…
  • I longer time to start with might help but I honestly doubt e en 10 minutes for the first offense would help. DCing has been prevailent this afternoon, with both killer and survivors quitting because they weren't winning/downed early/just didn't like the killer/someone in there SWF quit. I do believe making them play…
  • There's a survivor ritual requiring you to unhook people and unlike the rift challenges, they don't have to be safe unhooks, so they will take risks. Others I swear do it for the hell of it.
  • You might need a boosted router to give you a stronger connection - when I was upgrading my internet to superfast, I explained we spent a lot of time online, gaming and internet use. They gave us a stronger than standard route and it's been great. If that's not an option, you might be better off looking at different…
  • The matchmaking system has been broken for a long time and is the source of many complaints. When we had the very brief match making where it went on skill level not rank number, it worked great but now they've turned it off, as a rank 17 killer, I almost always get much higher ranks - yesterday I got 2 rank 15s, with a…
  • The problem is the 3 minute ban doesn't discourage it - I would prefer to see a different punishment, such as making them play their next game with no perks, add ons and/or items, perhaps scaling this up for successive DCs. Until the punishment is a real deterrant, the DCing will continue.
  • Well played! Loved the bunny ears too! Billy seemed a bit upset with you though, I wonder why....
  • Pay attention to where he is on the map - if he's chasing someone else, get on a gen. Spine chill helps too as as you've got time to get away if he's coming your way. Be sneaky, urban evade the hell out the of the place, don't make it easy for him.
  • Aw, that's a shame. I just used it to run rings round an Oni. However, I also wear a darker costume and make use of the stealthy options, while you actually didn't make much use of the perks. it is a fun build and quite useful, but you do have to be a lot more stealthy then you were. Sorry, should probably have told you I…
  • They can be well hidden on a few maps (such as in locker spaces, close in against trees/bushes and behind debris (crotus pen and yamaoka estate both have a regular spawn point like that). Small game is good but you could also use detecive's hunch or a map to locate them; you get a visual marker this way so it's easier than…
  • I usually run with Self-Care, Iron Will, Spine Chill and Urban Evasion - great for sneaking round camping killers and handy for losing killers in chases.
  • Yes if ranked with people at my skill level, no when I get matches like I just had - I'm rank 17, I got a 16, 12, 7 and 6 who knew they could bully me. I know they weren't all one SWF as people had been dropping in and out of the lobby. This happens most games as killer (I'm on PS4). Yes I could turn cross play back on but…
  • I doubt it will ever happen - killers aren't supposed to know if they have a team or not, the same as survivors don't get to know which killer they are up against - there has to be some surprises afterall. I've had killer rounds where it's been a team out to be toxic or deliberately difficult - had one today actually. Just…
  • There are plenty of toxic players non both sides, but there are also plenty of players who come to have fun, play a great match and have fun. Get a few friends together and go in as a team, see how that changes things for you, or if you can get enough to make it worth playing a custom match, you can get in some practice or…
  • Anyone with a chainsaw - hate the noise of the chainsaws. Freddy - ridiculous hit range. Demogorgan - The noise and speed.
  • Hard to pick as I run with them both on my Claudette. If I really had to just take one, I would take spine chill for the advanced warning and try not to get hit.
  • It's buggy but playable. If you play killer and get the 'can't hook', drop them on the floor then pick them up and try again, usually fixes it. On survivor side, it's okay (I'm playing on PS4 with cross play turned off), I haven't experienced anything bad. Our SWF lobby disconnects now and then but it doesn't take long to…
  • If the perk is available to use then it doesn't matter if you play survivor or killer, those perks are meant to be used and you are at liberty to use whichever you like. We don't all play the same way, some like stealth, some like to be loud, some like certain perks, others hate them. The best thing to do is try to match…
  • Not all Bloendettes hide and do nothing; I run Bkendette mainly as a good way to escape from chases and to sneak up when killers are camping hooks. It has it's uses. For me, I avoid lobbies where you can see SWF all using the same survivor in the same outfit, anyone with 'toxic' in their name and anyone who I recognise…
  • I wish I had recorded it but I didn't think to do a retrospective capture at the end of the match. Maybe I should record all my games in future. I'm well aware there are bugs and lag spikes, I'm well used to those having experienced them over the whole time I've been playing this game but this feels different and I have…
  • Then it's an add on that was used to troll other players.
  • That is the best suggestion I have seen on here in a long time; it would solve so many problems! I've had issues recently and wished I'd remembered to hit record or done a retrospective copy (PS4 lets me do that). A quick and easy solution which I hope comes to the attention of BHVR.
  • I think we'll have to agree to disagree, especially with your last sentence.
  • That's a good point and easy to forget to include. One forum I used to use had a signature slot, we could include stuff like this which really helped when you were trying to offer advice to other players.
  • I will try that, thank you for the suggestion.
  • I've been playing a while and why I don't play as Billy, my brother does and he looked at the perks and add ons with me - he wasn't running anything that would have allowed him to do what he was doing. I do check before I call cheat. I call BS on your comment about PC players teaming up against console players - I've seen…
  • Not on PS4 - we can only wiggle the control sticks and try to break free but the other player can just grab again unless you can force a bit of distance between you.
  • I'm on PS4 so that wouldn't work for me. All we can do is shake the control sticks to try and move off but it' not always very effective, but they can still keep grabbing and pin you back in place. It took me a few attempts to get some distance to prevent the grab long enough that I could get into cover.
  • I don't blame you, we talked about it but decided to give cross play a go and initially it was great but has got increasingly worse over the last couple of weeks so we're back to PS4 only.
  • Not at all, I'd rather have skilled players and have a good match then potatoes who bring nothing to contribute. But cheaters and hackers ruin the game for everyone and it looks like the only way to avoid playing with them is lose cross play. A shame but necessary.
  • If you mean the duplicate post, that wasn't down to me; it was waiting approval and I don't know if it was a glitch or two people approved it but I've put in a report to have the duplicate removed.
  • Lucky you!
  • I only made it once - it didn't post right away as it had to be approved. if two have gone up then it's down to a glitch in the forum - it's not working right for me at the moment. Thank you for bringing it to my attention though, I've put in a report to have the duplicate removed.
  • No, you're not a try hard - you just tried to complete the game. When you have players DC like that, you have to make the choice to either finish the match quickly or farm with the remaining players. It's your choice, it's not your fault they Dc'd. When it happens to me, I usually go easy on them, even farm with them for a…
  • I just run Spine Chill, gives me time to decide whether I've time to finish the gen or need to sneak off and come back. Terror radius alone is no good, the killer might a lot further away then you think, especialler f they're running somethign that increases the terror radius, and before Spine Chill, I would leave gens…
  • I hate people who come into matches without healing perks or the means to heal themselves then coming running up to other players to demand healing, when the killer is hot on their heels. Those kinds of players get us all killed. Our SWF team has been screwed over by solo/random players so much these last few weeks we…
  • If I know the killer is not coming back - as in they're chasing/hooking someone at the other end of the map, I don't mind letting other's heal, or me healing them if the situation is reversed. In this particular instance, that wasn't the case. As I was playing in a 3 man SWF, we knew exactly what this David had been doing…
  • I believe he used to be able to stalk, to locate survivors only, in tier 3, but that's no longer the case.
  • I managed that one easily - I used the clapper that stops survivors knowing the distance and direction of the noise, combined with an add on that witholds your red stain and terror radius for 6 seconds - just approach from an angle where their viewpoint is blocked (one of mine was hiding outside the killer shack where…
  • If you don't want to use them in a general match, then hang on to them. You will get daily rituals to kill a survivor by your hand and they could be useful in some of the rift challenges. Or just play one now and then if youre in the mood.
  • Been there so many times - trash random players just unhook in front of the killer and I get farmed and destroyed in minutes. Those matches are not fun.
  • I've had something similar intermittantly - after unhook, I would run but it was like I was jumping all over the place, backwards, forwards, either side. I found once I'd healed it returned to normal. Seems to happen mostly (but not all of the time) when you get hooked and slide away from it, some sor tof graphical glitch.…
  • As killer, I have a bad habit of getting locked into chases and have to remind myself sometimes to stop and go back to pressuring gens. As survivor, I have a bad habit of running into walls, trees and other obstacles when being chased - it got worse when the changed the FPS rate, but I'm slowing adapting to it.
  • The long queue time would be a better deterrant than the current timer, though people could still ready up and just chill with the internet until they get a lobby, which runs the risk of players being AFK, which is just as useless to the other players. My suggestion would be to force the DCing player to play the next round…
  • The camping is happening at EVERY level, in fact I messaged a rank 3 to ask why he camped at his level as he should be better than that - I got a BS answer, some lies which I called them out on before blocking them. Camping (and often tunnelling too) is getting much worse; I'm in the UK and we used to find that if we…
  • No, i don't usually camp; it's a bad and boring strategy for both sides and I'd rather go back to putting pressure on the gens. There are a few exceptions. 1 If survivors insist on hanging around near the hook, or following me to the hook, I'll stay there too. Give me time to move out of the area and you get a safe unhook.…
  • 3 minutes is nowhere near enough of a deterrant. I don't think making the disconnect timer bigger would fix it either as it doesn't stop people. There needs to be a much better method of punishing people who DC so they stay in the game rather than quit and screw over their team mates. Maybe make them play the next game…
  • Or put in a decent DC punishment to curb this behaviour.
  • Interesting ideas!
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