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  • The spirit. You know why.
  • That and the fact that you're not a telepath and don't automatically know someone's motivation for using a perk.
  • Does douche get censored? How about jerk? Fool, idiot, halfwit, simpleton, blockhead, buffoon, dolt, dunce ignoramus, moron, #########, dullard, cretin, simpleton, clod? (Apparently one of them did. Probably the least rude on one here, funny enough.) * Thought of some more. Donkey, Ding-dong, pinhead, fathead, knob(which…
  • How about you go back and read your initial post (Which is still quoted in my first comment on page 1) AND the edited version and show me where you say anything about killers actually behaving in a toxic way. Also worth a note because it's bugging me now, "Noob" does not mean "Intentionally toxic player". It means new or…
  • You keep saying that, but I'm starting to think YOU aren't reading what you're typing.
  • I never said you call out every no-ed user. I said you don't make any real distinction. You have never mentioned their behavior, only described them in vague, non-specific terms. You said before that this killer or that killer with this build and that build should never use the perk. You said it was okay under these…
  • Correlation is not causation. Because some toxic killers you've met used no-ed doesn't mean the default motivation for using no-ed it to be toxic. They don't have anything to do with each-other.
  • Kind of like how you keep overlooking the fact that you have no real way of 100% guaranteed knowing exactly what motivated a killer to use no-ed? Or how either way, need it or not, there's nothing inherently toxic about using the perk? Your entire argument is based on your assumption and you're using it to slap the toxic…
  • Yeah but the rules posted by the devs say you can't be an absolutely toxic douche to everyone without consequence. Meaning being toxic is breaking the rules, that's why most toxic actions are listed when you click the little thumbsup/down button at the end of the match in the categories. Using a specific perk isn't listed…
  • That's a very spicy roast. Oof.
  • You missed my point entirely in your first sentence. Just because a match you were in went well does not mean every match that killer plays is a 4k. More importantly, you're again encouraging toxicity towards people for doing something you don't like. Something YOU perceive as toxic. Also, your comparison doesn't make any…
  • What is it that makes you so sure they don't need it? I get what you're implying but here's the problem. You may not think a hillybilly or a myers or so on need the perk and that it's overkill, but the killer may not think so. Just because they had a good match and no-ed popped at the end and gave them the last 2 kills…
  • Think you missed my point entirely. I wasn't commenting on wether she's balanced. The part where I used the word balance I was more referring to the wide gap in capability between her and other killers because of her ability to just ignore so many mechanics in the game. I wasn't saying she was op, just that she isn't…
  • Did you read my post by any chance? Because I did read your post all the way through and you didn't comment on mine like you have on quite a few others' responses. It's on the first page, close to the bottom if you missed it. I honestly want to know if you saw it at all. I hope you did since you've commented so many times…
  • Exactly. 100% agree. It doesn't make any sense to not even try to make killers closer to one another in power level. Your choice of killer should be a choice in play-style preference and/or theme if anything, NOT in whether you want to win or lose. I personally prefer Spirit for example and I think she's in a pretty good…
  • Because there's 14 killers in the game and we shouldn't all have to play the same one just to feel remotely powerful in an asymmetrical game. 1v4 only works when the 1 has as much or a bit more power than the 4 and they have to use numbers and coordinate to defeat the 1. As it stands a good killer is usually about as…
  • Which glow, exactly? 
  • I appreciate you don't want to be toxic or further a killer vs survivor main mentality, but I have to say your suggestions have a LOT of nerfs to killers and only a small handful to survivors. I do like the idea of swf increasing gen time and have no problem with something being done to noed, but taking surprise hits or…
  • I love me some Spirit and consider her my main. Myers and huntress are my usual backups, though I also love piggy. I haven't been able to get her since switching to pc yet, though.
  • No killer should be slower than a survivor outside of during an ability charge up. And yes, I include pig in that. I don't think sneak should be as slow as it is. 
  • Doctor is probably the one I hate most, with fresdy in second place and wraith in third. It's not a matter of them being to strong or anything I just really don't enjoy playing against them at all. 
  • No. If you don't want camping to happen don't feed yourselves to the killer who's camping. Also it's not ALWAYS tunneling when a killer knocks down the recently unhooked. Sometimes, sure, but there's been plenty of times that "A" unhooked "B" and then hid while "B" sprint bursts off into the open view expecting the killer…
  • I've only ran into a michael running both once (was around rank 5 at the time I believe) and I survived it. And I'm a killer main, not a survivor main. Maybe you should learn how to lose a killer without taking a hit or not be found in the first place instead of ragequitting out just because you're not steamrolling and…
  • Poor Freddy... I'm sure by the time they buff him the balance will have tipped so far against killers it won't matter if the new prove thyself is anything to go by. :(
  • I'll be honest, after reading the post I don't see the point in having made it. You list the pros and cons and even say killers have every right to use it while you say it makes you garbage and that you should be treated as such. I might be new to the forums, but I'm not new to the toxicity in this community. Maybe we…
  • I go out of my way not to tunnel specifically because I like my game to last a bit. However... No. The problem here is I'd bet money most killers tunnel because they NEED that snowball to start as fast as possible. If they don't get a kill early and the survivors aren't completely braindead there's a big chance every…
  • I completely agree. Honestly I'm still wondering who thought this change was a good idea. Is there NOONE on the dev team who checks numbers when they suggest changes like this? People have been saying for ages that gens get done too fast and you give them one of the most powerful gen speed buffs ever in the form of a perk?…