The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • I'll check that perk out, I forgot about that perk
  • I wouldn't mind what you said for killers from I hate going against swfs as killer
    in Filter Comment by Daniel28 July 2022
  • True enough, or they could do this Let's say everyone picks a different killer, they block them but they can only block the specific killer 1 time a day, and have a 24 hour cooldown before they can block them again
    in Filter Comment by Daniel28 July 2022
  • Yeah they would, I don't mind playing against them all except dredge mainly, and I play in a swift with other players. You have no right to say that until they give it a week and see the results on who does and doesn't get played with in the filter
    in Filter Comment by Daniel28 July 2022
  • You are all misunderstanding me..... I'm meaning the part where you have to stop healing halfway and a loud noise notification happens when you have hemorrhage status. The loud noise notification should be removed
  • What I'm meaning I'd the old one didn't affect skill checks, but now it does and it should be removed from perk, like let's say I'm healing and you know they have nurses, you can't change location to reveal. I understand losing progress, but not revealing your location every time when you have to stop healing for a second…
  • Yeah your idea ain't bad, I wouldn't mind that either
  • That would be good if the used it the correct way... But I only found about 60% to 80% survivors that has it with me, brings killer with them and gets me caught, and they Abused the perk in a bad way The survivors I catch most doing so are Dwight's, and Megs
  • Well yall CANNOT DENY THIS from also anytime in game with last 2 survivors, I'm doing a gen and the other survivor works with killer to live, and they happen to have bond when i die and magically kmew where i was and points at me with killer, then killer kills me and lets the other go, but if yall can't nerf it... At least…
  • You can see there auras if your not being chased, but can't see anyone else's aura if you are the one being chased
  • Personally I think it should get nerfed to 75% blind proof, and it now let's you know of any survivors near you with a flashlight/flashbang/firecracker in hand within 5 meters when near a downed survivor
  • Personally I think it should get nerfed to 75% blind proof, and it now let's you know of any survivors near you with a flashlight in hand when near a downed survivor
    in LIGHTBORN Comment by Daniel28 June 2022
  • I agree, from it should tell the survivors that they have lightborn at least, like thanaphobia dying light and lots other perks, but why not lightborn at least
  • Lightborn getting nerfed is the same thing as calm spirit.. Killer Mains had to cry like a sissy that calm spirit is too powerful towards doctors and infectious fright. Look now it's getting nerfed so why can't lightborn get same treatment
  • Well that might be, because your a killer main or you use it right way, but I see most survivors abuse the perk
  • That's too fast, and currently his cloak speed 6.00 m/s is so fast he can go past me to get to a pallet faster than any exhausted perks. He shouldn't be able to, or just buff the perks. But only cloak speed is too fast. Personally should nerf it down to 5.5 and test out and PTB before releasing and check people reviews…
  • Not always, I believe killers should get the DC penalties for every survivor that dcs, from its bullshit thay I get a penalty for the killers cheating playstyle. Basically what happens is I get hooked and a killer teleports right next to me less than a second I get unhooked and downs me. Tunnel me and camps me insidiously.…
  • I also play killer, but I don't camp and tunnel right off the get go I'm a Pig main and I win about 50-60% of the games, and you know what gets me, when a survivor instant save right when I hook them, but the other gets grabbed off, I don't think I should be allowed to do that, I understand lockers, gens, vault…
  • I play killer also, but I don't camp and tunnel right off the get go. I'm a pig main, and it sucks when they use dead hard right at the exit gate. The only way I would is if they kept me busy for 3 or more gens with 0 hooks, but what I say is GET GOOD at predictions on there looping, I win about 50-60% of matches As a…
  • We won't have this problem if they played the game right, and I understand if only 2 gens are left to camp/tunneling but not when 1-0 gens done and have 4-5 gens to do to escape
  • Not bad, from I'm sick of getting tunneled and camped before a single gen gets done. I'm also tired of being face camped (aka less then a foot from my hook till I die on hook) by a leather face right when the game starts, and that killer should be banned on camping, from he get to down 2 survivors at once, which isn't…
  • I wish on events they would bring back the old offerings like brown and yellow to places from they look cooler than the green ones and on prestige 3 I hardly get a place offering and get more brown and yellow on bloodweb and why not it would be better than the rigged Dead by daylight matchmaking on maps from and day i play…
  • I think they should add ad ons for pig like wraith where she don’t make noise when doing an ambush, and another add onfor more faster crouching speed
    in Pig Buff Comment by Daniel28 July 2021
  • Theres a new code that gives bloodpoints is nice
  • Tapper It's a misspelling that make you think its trapper when they are talking about tapp from its about Survivor not killers
  • There's a new code giving 100,100 bloodpoints and the code is HAPPY1001 I got it from a youtuber and it worked
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